World Foods Day 2021

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World Food Day is a worldwide event celebrated by governments, NGOs, businesses and the general public to promote awareness and importance of healthy diets and also review sustainable approaches to reduce hunger among a population that experiences constant hunger.

Generally,the world needs a sustainable agri-food system, that is, a system in which a variety of sufficient, nutritious and safe foods is available at an affordable price to all. In other words, a sustainable agri-food systems deliver food security and nutrition for all, without compromising the economic, social and environmental base.

Through Agri-food systems, many citizens acquire employment. Currently, many persons are unable to afford healthy diets due to economic restraints and environmental degradation. In most cases, the environmental degradation is caused by human activities that see to poor production, consumption and wastage of food. Most of the agri-food systems are inefficient and cause more harm rather than good. There is need for sustainable agri-food systems that can yield plenty productions to cater for the growing population.

Governments need to adopt new policies that foster the sustainable production of affordable nutritious foods and promote farmer participation.

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