Women Deliver Conference Scholarships

The Women Deliver 2023 Conference (WD2023) will be Women Deliver’s most inclusive, diverse, and accessible convening to date. Together with partners, we are committed to ensuring that people of all ages, spanning all geographies and backgrounds, can attend WD2023.

Our scholarship program, available both to those who wish to attend WD2023 in-person or online, provides financial assistance to individuals who would otherwise be unable to cover the cost of attending the Conference. Applications for on-site and virtual scholarships will be open through 1 October 2022, and will be accepted in English, French, and Spanish.

Applications for on-site and virtual sessions will be open through 1 October 2022, and will be accepted in English, French, and Spanish.


Scholarships are open to individuals of any age and background. Preference will be given to applicants from low- and middle-income countries and/or from populations disproportionally affected by discrimination, who are working to advance gender equality and the health, rights, and wellbeing of girls and women. Preference will be given to those who have not previously been awarded scholarship to attend a Women Deliver Conference.

Key dates

  • 19 July 2022: Scholarship applications open
  • 1 October 2022: Scholarship applications close
  • January 2023: Applicants are notified of outcomes

Scholarships include:


  • All registration fees
  • Hotel accommodation (17-20 July 2023)
  • Economy airfare
  • Visa and related costs
  • Per diem for ground transportation and daily meals
  • Health insurance

*For persons with disabilities who travel with an assistant or minors under the age of 18 traveling with a chaperone, the scholarship will cover the needs of one additional person.


  • All registration fees
  • A technology/data stipend

How to apply

Please carefully read the questions below before filling out the WD2023 Scholarship application form.

  • What skills, knowledge, or experiences do you hope to gain by attending WD2023? (max. 150 words)
  • Can you provide 2-3 specific examples of the activities you have/ are currently carrying out to make a difference on issues affecting girls and women? (e.g., professional, academic, or volunteer projects) (max. 150 words)
  • How do you plan to meaningfully engage with your community and/or government after attending the Conference? How will you apply what you gain from attending WD2023 to your work? (max. 150 words)

Applications will be reviewed by the WD2023 Advisory Group and Women Deliver Staff. Women Deliver will notify selected scholarship recipients by January 2023.

Upon acceptance, scholarship recipients must commit to the following:

  • Actively participate during the full duration of the Conference.
  • Adhere to the Conference Code of Conduct.
  • Share knowledge gained at WD2023 and Global Dialogue with community members through a mechanism of choice (e.g., hosting an event, writing a blog, sharing social media posts, creating a video, etc.) and report back to Women Deliver by the end of 2023.

For more details and application: https://www.wd2023.org/scholarships-application-women-deliver-2023-conference/

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