WAAW Foundation 2022/2023 Scholarship
WAAW Foundation Scholarship offers $500 for need-based undergraduate female African students admitted to a University, College or institute of higher learning in Africa.
Please read the eligibility criteria before you apply. All non-qualifying applications will be automatically deleted! Criteria for eligibility include:
- Female students of African origin, living and studying in Africa.
- Currently enrolled in an undergraduate B.S. degree program.
- Studying STEM-related courses in a University or college in Africa.
- Demonstrable financial need
- Excellent Academic Record.
- Proven leadership, volunteering and community service
- Below the age of 32 years.
- Only students in their first and second year are eligible to apply. And also students in their third year if studying a five-year course.
Please note that we do not fund graduate (masters, MBA or PhD) programs, second or subsequent degrees, students older than 32 years, non-STEM focused courses or Diploma degrees. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to these requirements.
WAAW Foundation awards annual scholarships to students who demonstrate need and prove their status as full-time students in a STEM-related course in an African University. Recipients will be required to start a STEM Outreach Chapter at their university.
List of accepted and not accepted courses. Note that there are NO EXCEPTIONS to the courses listed.
Accepted Courses:
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)-related courses at any African university;
a. All fields of Engineering
b. All computer science
c. Science & Mathematics related fields; Industrial chemistry, environmental sciences
d. Medical courses; Pharmacy / Biomedical, Biochemistry, Zoology
e. Agriculture, Geography, and Statistics etc.
Not Accepted Courses:
a. Core medical courses like Medicine and Surgery, Nursing etc
b. Social Science courses
c. Art courses.
Your application will include the following:
- The application form filled out completely.
- Personal and Contact Information.
- Educational background and Family Information.
- Statement of need should describe why scholarship funds are needed and what the funds will be used for if received.
- In 500 words or less, please write an essay on your future career goals and how you expect the WAAW foundation scholarship will assist in fulfilling those goals.
- In 300 words or less, please describe what you believe about female education in Africa and its impact on research, development or advancement in African economies.
- In 500 words or less, what is your proudest achievement to date
- Describe in ten or less sentences why you need a scholarship.
- Two academic/professional references.
For more information: https://waawfoundation.org/scholarships/
Application for the WAAW Foundation 2022/2023 Scholarship closes November 12, 2022