TWAS-UNESCO Associateship Scheme
Applicants must hold a PhD or equivalent degree. Special consideration is given to scientists from isolated institutions in developing countries. Women scientists are especially encouraged to apply.
The Associateship covers the associate’s travel expenses and a monthly contribution of USD300 towards incidental local expenses. The host center covers accommodation and food, and provides the research facilities.
Submitting your application
To submit your application, one must have the following documents:
- scanned copy of the applicant’s passport, even if expired (page with applicant’s name and surname);
- supporting Statement from Head of Home Institution;
- the applicant’s curriculum vitae (no more than 4 pages);
- the applicant’s full list of publications;
- PhD certificate;
- two letters of recommendation by two referees, one of whom should be from an expert from another country;
- a recent invitation letter – on the host institution’s letterhead paper – from one of the Institutions.
For more information and application:
The deadline for submission is 12 December 2022.