TSL 2022 Sustainability Challenge Video Competition

TSL is partnering with ZooLab for our 2022 International Sustainability Challenge Video competition ‘My Local Sustainability Challenges’

We are inviting you to become global news reporters and share with us the local challenges being faced where you live!

Sustainability is a global issue, but many problems (and their solutions!) are locally focused. We want you to connect with your local environment to investigate a sustainability challenge in your area or region, tell us the impacts it is having and if there are any solutions being actioned to address the problem, or what your suggested solutions might be!

In no more than 3 minutes, your video should:

  1. Introduce yourself and your location/area
  2. Identify the sustainability challenge being faced
  3. Explore the impacts
  4. Investigate solutions being actioned or suggest your own!

The video should focus on ‘My local sustainability challenges’ and should address the 4 key points above, however the style and presentation of the video and information can be determined by the participant, we welcome both film and animated entries.

We have purposely left the topic as broad as possible to allow the exploration of a variety of local issues and solutions across the globe, however you may wish to consider some of the topics below as a starting point.

 Possible Topics: 

  • Local wildlife loss
  • Pollution (air, water or land)
  • Climate change (e.g. drought, flooding etc.)
  • Lack of sustainable shopping choices
  • Loss or lack of green community space
  • Recycling
  • Sustainability education

For more details and application: https://trustforsustainableliving.org/take-part/schools-sustainability-challenge

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