TORs: Donor Mapping-Updating the AATF Resource Mobilization Strategy, African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF)

1.0 Background Information

The African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF) is a not-for-profit organization that embraces a mission of making available, to smallholder farmers, agricultural technologies that were previously not accessible to them. AATF facilitates public-private partnerships and works in 24 African countries with governments, private and public technology owners and developers, seed companies, other value chain players, and African farmers to identify, access, adapt and commercialize technologies that address farmers’ key problems and empower them to generate wealth and health for their families and communities. AATF also works to address some of the obstacles to technology access and transfer across the food value chain from research, production, and processing through to market linkages. More information about AATF is available at

AATF is in the process of developing a new organizational strategy for the period 2023-2027. The current strategy is coming to an end this year – 2022. The operating environment for AATF and partners has also changed necessitating a review of the organization’s contribution towards the attainment of the overall goal of ensuring food security for SSA. This new strategy is to ensure that AATF maintains its relevance and effectiveness in this competitive environment to avoid overlap of goals and objectives with other players.

AATF is embarking on aggressive fundraising efforts in order to effectively implement its new strategy and diversify its donor base. In connection with this, there is a need to update the current resource mobilization (RM) strategy that was developed in 2018. The new RM strategy will be instrumental in focusing these efforts in the direction where the largest opportunities lie.

2.0 Purpose of the assignment

AATF is therefore seeking the services of a consultant to assist the Resource Mobilization Directorate to conduct a donor mapping to feed into the updating of the RM Strategy. The last donor mapping was done in 2018.

In addition to the traditional donors in the sector-specific attention should be looked into emerging opportunities in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa and case studies of successful sourcing of funds from financial institutions like the International Finance Corporation, World Bank, the Islamic Development Bank and the African Development Bank (AfDB) for example through African governments. Opportunities would also include potential funding opportunities for Agriculture Biotechnology projects as well as one-off grants to make targeted improvements to AATF’s operational capabilities

Most of the work will be done through desk research however interviews may also be conducted together with the Resource Mobilization Director. In addition, some sections of the RM Strategy may be drafted by the consultant.

3.0 Required skills and competencies

  • Minimum of a bachelor’s degree in for example Business Administration, Management, Agricultural field, political science, social science
  • The prospective consultant should have a proven track record in fundraising/resource mobilization for a Non-for Profit of at least 5 years
  • Experience in accessing funds from African (including African governments), Asian, and Middle Eastern sources will be an asset.
  • Experience in conducting and facilitating similar assignments. Over 5 years
  • Good knowledge of global agriculture sector trends especially in Africa in line with AATF’s area of work.
  • Strong analytical and report-writing skills.
  • Excellent communication skills and fluency in English.
  • Strong understanding of agricultural development issues and needs of farmers in Africa.

4.0 Tasks and Estimated Time

The consultancy is scheduled to begin mid November 2022 for a period of approximately 5 weeks. The draft schedule and time required are shown in the table below:

Suggested Actions Date for Completion Estimated time
Induction to AATF and the assignment and commence planning Nov 15 4 hours
Work plan completed by consultant and report format agreed with RM Director Nov 18 4 hours
Donor mapping: Review of existing data, data gathering and analysis, calls, or meeting updates with the RM Director Dec 9 Max 15 days
Report writing, submission of the draft report Dec 15th 2 days
Review and feedback and revisions and 2nd draft Week Dec 19 3 hours
Presentation of the draft report Jan 9 1 day
Second presentation as needed In Jan 3 hours
Support in completing selected sections of the RM Strategy Document In Jan 1-2 days
TOTAL Approx. 22 Days

5.0 Deliverables

  1. Agreed work plan and report format
  2. Donor mapping report
  3. Agreed section of the RM strategy document drafted

6.0 Application and Submission Requirements

  1. The consultant is expected to present a brief but concise Technical and Financial proposal detailing-
    1. The understanding of the consultancy objectives and tasks.
    2. Suggested process of carrying out the assignment, including any tools to be deployed.
    3. Anticipated cost of the consultancy inclusive of applicable taxes
    4. Any other information to support your proposal

    The following information should be submitted together with the proposal:

    • Consultant’s profile including CVs of key persons proposed for the assignment
    • list of past and present clients for which the consultant has already conducted similar assignments). Recommendation letters from the clients will be an added advantage.
    • Description of experience with Asian, Middle Eastern, and African donors if available.
    • At least two Sample donor mapping report formats that have been used in previous assignments.

7.0 Evaluation and Award of the Consultancy

AATF shall evaluate the proposals and award the assignment based on technical and financial feasibility. AATF reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or the highest bidder.

8.0 Application Submission

Applications should be submitted to AATF Procurement Officer by email at: by COB 4th November 2022 with the subject head “Donor Mapping – AATF ‘’

9.0 Terms and Conditions of the Proposal

AATF reserves the right to request new or additional information regarding each service provider and any individual or other persons associated with its project proposal. AATF reserves the right not to make any appointment from the proposals submitted. Service providers shall not make available or disclose details pertaining to their Project proposal with anyone not specifically involved unless authorized to do so by AATF. Service providers shall not issue any press release or other public announcement pertaining to details of their project proposal without prior written approval.

AATF Service providers are required to declare any conflict of interest they may have in the transaction for which the tender is submitted or any potential conflict of interest. AATF reserves the right not to consider further any proposal where such a conflict of interest exists or where such a potential conflict of interest may arise.

10.0 Confidentiality Statement

All data and information received from AATF for the purpose of this assignment are to be treated confidentially and are only to be used in connection with the execution of these Terms of Reference. All intellectual property rights arising from the execution of these Terms of Reference are assigned to AATF…

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