TOR: Safeguarding Support for Small and Medium Enterprises in the Impact SME Development Project, Kenya – Oxfam GB

Background, rationale, and purpose of the assignment


Oxfam in Kenya is interested in ensuring that its partners and project participants are supported to build robust safeguarding systems to ensure safe environments for everyone associated with their programmes and operations. Oxfam has a responsibility to ensure that our partnerships (both humanitarian and development) are safe and that our partners are committed to the same safeguarding high standards as Oxfam in relation to their programmes and operations.

About the Project

The Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Development project in Kenya is funded by Oxfam Novib (Netherlands) / OvO fund (donations from Dutch SMEs that are part of the entrepreneurs’ network of Oxfam Novib) and Dutch Postcode Lottery (NPL). The project is implemented by Oxfam in Kenya, Open Capital Advisors, and other local partners. The core of the project is to provide Business Development Services (BDS) to small businesses in Kenya, with the aim to help them grow, access finance, and increase their (social) impact. The project targets impact-driven SMEs; those that aim to provide social or environmental impact (e.g., jobs, income, or products for low-income groups, with a focus on women and youth through their core business.

Each year 10-20 SMEs are selected to benefit from a series of group trainings (on business and impact topics) and other activities. The project is currently in its second year, with a cohort of at least 10 businesses set to be onboarded.

In the first year, the project worked with a consultant to guide participating SMEs/enterprises to undertake a self-assessment on safeguarding and develop resource kits that can support impact SMEs in Kenya to incorporate safeguarding policies and structures in their enterprises.

Purpose of the Assignment

This year, the project will work with a consultant(s) to undertake a safeguarding assessment of the 10 SMEs in cohort 2 (year 2) while supporting SMEs from both cohort 1and 2 to adopt tools developed last year which are aimed at strengthening institutional systems and structures on safeguarding..

Objectives of the Assignment

The purpose of the undertaking is to help the ISME project to make practical the use of the toolkits and resources developed in year 1 by supporting impact enterprises to incorporate safeguarding policies and structures in their enterprises.

Scope of the Assignment, approach, and methods, establishing the basic methodological requirements (if applicable)

Oxfam Kenya seeks the services of a consultant to undertake the following tasks:

  1. Conduct a safeguarding assessment of 10 SMEs from cohort 2: The consultant will be guided by Oxfam’s, 10 core safeguarding standards to develop an assessment tool and administer to the 10 businesses participating in year 2 (cohort 2). The consultant will thereafter review feedback given by SMEs to identify the existing capacity gaps and develop suitable strategies to mitigate them (including reviewing the tools developed in year 1).
  2. Support SMEs from cohort 1 and 2 to incorporate safeguarding best practices and measures in their enterprises: The consultant should provide direct support to at least 10 businesses on safeguarding (4 from cohort 1 & 6 from cohort 2). This will be done through visits to enterprises and virtual support
  3. Review and update the existing safeguarding capacity strengthening plan: Guided by the identified gaps from cohort 2 assessment the consultant will update the capacity strengthening plan developed in year 1 to address the emerging gaps/needs of the participating enterprises. The plan should include a risk mapping and mitigation matrix, capacity strengthening initiatives and monitoring activities, as means for SMEs to meet the “full capacity level”.


This assignment will take a qualitative approach which will include the review of existing safeguarding resourcekits, and conducting a qualitative assessment of the 10 enterprises from cohort 2.

Deliverables and Timeline.

  1. A written report on the safeguarding assessment of the 10 enterprises in cohort 1 of the ISME project.
  2. Updated safeguarding resource kits guided by those developed in year 1 of the project.
  3. A detailed report on the 10 businesses supported on safeguarding from both cohorts, complete with the kind of assistance provided to the enterprises.
  4. A Capacity Strengthening Plan based on the gaps identified for the second cohort.

Responsibilities and Management Arrangements

The consultant shall work under the management of the ISME project manager. The overall supervisor of this assignment will be by the HECA Safeguarding Advisor with support from the Safeguarding focal points at Oxfam in Kenya. The Final Report is subject to review and authorization by Oxfam in Kenya Country Director and any publication bearing Oxfam’s logo requires explicit approval in writing.

Recommended outline of the report

  1. Cover page clearly identifying the report as Safeguarding support for the Small and Medium Enterprises in the Impact SME development project, Kenya.
  • Assignment title
  • Program/project title /affiliate identification code
  • Geographical coverage
  • Date that the assignment report was finalized
  • Consultant(s) name(s) and logo (if available)
  • Oxfam logo (unless not appropriate)
  • Appropriate recognition of institutional donor support.
  1. Table of contents
  2. Glossary
  3. List of abbreviations.
  4. Executive summary that can be used as a stand-alone document
  5. Introduction, stating objectives of the assignment
  6. The intervention and context
  7. Methodology, including an indication of any perceived limitations of the study
  8. Presentation of the key themes of the analysis and implications
  9. Conclusions
  10. Recommendations including a capacity assessment plan with proposed changes.
  11. Appendices:
  • Terms of reference
  • Support assessment report
  • List of documents and bibliography used.

Tax and VAT arrangements

Oxfam in Kenya will deduct withholding tax from the consultancy fees which will be in conformity with the prevailing government rates and submit the same to the Government of Kenya. The consultant will be entitled to a copy of the tax submission certificate on request.

Consultant Qualification

  • The prospective consultant should have substantial knowledge and experience of concepts, approaches, and application of protection, GBV programming and Prevention Against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) policies and best practices in humanitarian and development contexts. Experience with SME sector is an added advantage.
  • He/she should have familiarity with the latest developments in the private sector strategies and responses to safeguarding concerns.
  • Well conversant with Feminist principles and approach to programming
  • Experience in strategy development, capacity building, good analytical skills, with proven experience of data analysis and impeccable report writing.
  • The consultant should demonstrate a track record of independent working, good coordination & virtual networking skills.


Confidentiality of information

All documents and data collected will be treated as confidential and used solely to facilitate analysis. Please do not quote enterprise names in the reports.

Process of the selection of the consultant and expectations for the proposal

The consultant who meets the above requirements should express their interest by submitting the following:

  • Suitability statement, including a CV and commitment to availability for the entire assignment in the months of September– November 2023.
  • Examples of previous similar work
  • A technical and financial proposal
  • Contacts of three referees that have recently contracted the consultant to carry out similar assignments.

N/B: The entire bid should be a MAXIMUM OF (10) PAGES inclusive of the above.

Consultant is expected to submit their bid by August 23rd 2023, to:

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