TOR: Hindi GK Main Prison Hydro-Geosurvey ESIA Drilling Supervision


The Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS), in partnership with ICRC and KPS are in the process of improving the quality of life in the Government of Kenya detention (prison) facilities. This involves the improvement of water and sanitation systems in the prisons as well as reduction of overcrowding.

In a joint assessment conducted by the three partners, it was noted that critical problems affecting part of the prisons, or some section within the prisons are insufficient or substandard water supply and sanitation facilities. Amongst such prisons, Hindi GK Main Prison was found to have acute water problems that caused insufficient/unreliable water supply within the prison complex, with no water supply at all in some instances.
For this reason, KRCS wishes to appoint a Consultant hydro-geologist who will conduct hydro-geo survey within the surroundings of the Hindi GK Main Prison that will inform on the best way to exploit water resource to the benefit of the prison and conduct environmental impact assessment and obtain drilling permits if applicable as per the recommended works.

Project Goal:
The goal of the project is to supply safe drinking water within Hindi GK Main Prison while ensuring that the resource is extracted in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner.

The project is located in Hindi GK Main Prison in Lamu County and the proposed area of research should be within a radius of 1km around the prison.

Purpose of the Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to ensure that the proposed water source drilling point is viable and the related process meet the environmental, legal and social requirements.

Scope of Work
The Consultant is expected to use both secondary and primary data in the exercise, Secondary data will involve
desk study of available information/data on existing boreholes, drill logs, reports and maps while primary data will be obtained by carrying out Hydro-geophysical measurements within the study area using the necessary hydro-geological surveying equipment, the new ABEM Terrameter SAS 1000, which distinguishes between clays and fresh water by use of Induced Polarization (IP) measurements is recommended for this assignment, The specific activities shall include:

  • Review of existing data, topographical maps, satellite images, existing studies and borehole site investigations in the area, geological reports and maps (if available), borehole and surface water records, etc.
  • Hydro-geological fieldwork: Detailed reconnaissance survey of project area. (GPS co-ordinates/P-codes, water level measurements, condition of these boreholes, usage and performance where applicable) inspection of geological, geo-morphological and structural characteristics of the investigated area; verification of existing data and findings
  • Conduct Hydrology, using up to date tools and equipment to ascertain the hydrogeology of the project area, previous ground water development, aquifer parameters, hydraulic conductivity (K) or the ground flux, ground water discharge, as well as estimating the mean annual recharge.
  • Perform Geophysics relating to basic principles, and do more than three Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) within the proposed area.
  • Check on site conditions including the availability of space for a drilling rig and other allied machineries to access the project area.
  • Analyze the data aforementioned (hydrogeological/geophysical data) to assess the ground water potential in the project area.
  • Select the MOST SUITABLE borehole or well site within the project area subject to the above results and taking into account the water quality expected and the requirements of the Water Act, WHO, and other line ministries.
  • Identify ONE SUITABLE site for drilling purposes that will provide portable water to the prison community.
  • Compile and submit to the client a comprehensive report, which shall include all the details of the above investigations and the Consultant’s recommendations on the proposed drilling site. Produce a soft copy and other three hard copies of the geo-survey report, of which one should be colored.
  • Conduct environmental impact assessments and obtain drilling permits from WRA if applicable.
  • Conduct drilling supervision.
  • Compile and submit to the client a comprehensive drilling report which will include all details of a borehole drilling process and challenges encountered during the exercise.
  • Sign the terms of reference with the client.

Borehole/ Well Siting: Geophysical & Hydro-Geological Surveys
The boreholes shall be sited with the aid of combined a hydro-geological and geophysical survey. Prior to the field investigations, a desk study shall be made of the available relevant information on hydrogeology, climate, existing water sources, drilling records and other sources for the proposed area The field investigations MUST be undertaken by a senior hydro-geologist, assisted by highly qualified personnel in groundwater technologies. The senior hydro-geologist will be responsible for planning, execution and interpretation of all geophysical data, reporting and selection of the most suitable site for drilling.

The site for selected development shall be marked with a concrete marker, shown in a picture plate and indicated on a sketch map to be included in the final report.

Presentation of the Hydro-Geological Report
The report will be concise and limited to the significant hydro-geological issues. The main text will focus on background information from literature review, geology, hydrogeology, water quality, geophysics, conclusion and recommended actions. The report will include supporting documents as necessary, e.g. summaries of the data collected and citations for any references used in interpreting those data. Annexed to the report should include a topographical map extract and two addendums, which are well digging or drilling procedures and references with a drilling BOQ.
The report shall be presented in draft and final version to the client.
The outline of the report should preferably follow the format below:

  • Executive summary
  • Introduction/Back ground (review of previous studies and environmental background
  • Terms of reference
  • Geology &Hydrogeology (incl. inventory of boreholes and other water points, methods of investigations, including Geophysical Techniques)
  • Detailed resistivity/IP survey (Wenner & VES) to delineate the productive aquifer
  • Aquifer potential; sustainable yield & Water quality
  • Proposed drilling site
  • Proposed drilling method, and its applicability including the BOQ.
  • Environmental impact and protection
  • Conclusions and Recommendations
  • Appendix
  • Addendum
  • References

Recommendations will be given on the most suitable site for borehole drilling, the required depth, water quality, design and installation details, and other relevant aspects. Based on the available hydro-geological and geophysical data, an assessment of the anticipated chances of success shall be made for each individual site.

The hydro-geological report will give a detailed map delineating the investigated area, geology, aquifer properties (where known), location of measurements, and recommended drilling site. In addition, pictures taken during the actual field activity shall be included in the report.
All geophysical data, including its interpretation will be produced as an appendix to the final report.

Consultant Requirements
The Consultant will be required to provide the following
1. Technical proposal on how the assignment will be conducted
2. Appropriate timelines to perform the assignment
3. Financial proposal indicating the cost rates and other charges applicable.
4. CVs of the lead Consultant and other assisting hydro-geologists.
5. Prove of field technical and field experience of Consultant
6. Consultancies performed in the last 3 years especially in ASAL with reference letters for each hydrogeological surveys consultancy
7. Proof of availability of all the equipment required to perform the survey.
8. Competence in all ground water exploration activities and registered by relevant professional body
9. Registered Hydrologist/Geologist/water resource expert
10. Experience in Ground Water Investigation/Sounding etc.

The Consultant will be fully responsible for recruitment, contracting and payment of costs for all the study team members involved at all levels, except otherwise stated by KRCS. The consultant will be responsible for their own costs such as meals, accommodation, communication (including internet). The consultant is responsible for arranging transportation to/from Hindi GK Main Prison, Lamu County.

Role of KRCS
The KRCS will provide all logistics in the field, relevant program documents and be the link between the consultant and the proposed water project target communities & stakeholders. KRCS will also review all documents and provide feedback in the study process and after. The consultant will be responsible for guiding the entire study process and all other specific responsibilities as stipulated in the TOR.

Time-frame and schedule
The assignment is expected to take a maximum of 14 days which includes desk-review, preparation, implementation and report-writing.

Closing Date: 8th SEPTEMBER 2021 (AT 11:00AM EAT)

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