Title: Monitoring and Evaluation Officer – SAIC 2 (Safer and Inclusive Cities 2)

Plan International Kenya Strategy statement

PlK’s strategic goal in the next five years is to end teenage pregnancies and end all forms of sexual and gender-based violence against adolescent girls and young women. We aim to help create an enabling environment where girls and young women are safe, valued, equally cared for, and have equal opportunities. PIK will contribute to the global strategy by aiming to reach directly approximately 2.75 million (children, including girls and Young Women over the period of the strategy 2022-2026 and to reach additional beneficiaries through its interventions. The role provides strategic leadership in order to create real change for children, especially girls, against Plan Kenya’s strategic programme priorities.

The safe and inclusive cities 2 programme goal is to ensure that  Adolescents and young people (age 15-24) living in 5 informal settlements in Nairobi and Kisumu, grow up in safe and resilient urban communities that respect their rights and offer equal opportunities for all regardless of gender The programme is funded by DANIDA starting 2022 and will be implemented in partnership with local civil society organizations to  achieve the following outcomes 1) Young people have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to effectively influence governance processes, coordination and decision making 2) Adolescents and young people realize their sexual and reproductive heath and rights, and are safe from SGBV 3) Young people are empowered through skills development and decent income opportunities 4) Civil society has strengthened its leadership, legitimacy, diversity, space, influence and collaboration.

The main purpose of this position is to oversee SAIC-2 MERL activities and specific data requirement for the project as well as tracking and reporting on outcomes and impact of the activities. The MERL Officer will be responsible for sharing and facilitate learnings across the programme including with DNO, other programme countries and with project partners.

Management scope, reporting lines, key relationships.

Reports to: Project Manager – Safer and Inclusive Cities 2

Direct reports – None

Key relationships


  • Project team members to ensure synergy and integration of project interventions.
  • County M&E department
  • Technical advisors
  • DNO programme and MERL focal points
  • Urban program team members as appropriate to ensure synergy and integration of project interventions


  • Implementing partners and Stakeholders.,
  • Youth-led organizations/CBOs,
  • Local authorities.

Level of contact with children

High level: Frequent interaction with adolescents and young people

Physical Environment

Typical field environment with frequent visits to the field sites for project monitoring, outcome harvesting and partner visits for M&E support.

Accountabilities and Main Work Activities

Working closely with the Project Manager, MEL leads from each partner organization, DNO PM and DNO MERL Manager, the MERL Officer will ensure the following tasks are carried out:

  • Implement the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning system of the programme
  • Introduction to and training in M&E tools and methodologies to country team and partners
  • Ensure the management of program data and information through the establishment of a programme database and quality control of data
  • Support the capacity building of the partners in the field of MERL

Output level measurement (What we do): 35%

  • Responsible for setting up the M&E system for quantitatively collecting data on outputs and reach per output. This country-specific M&E system aligns with the overall SP MERL framework for 8 countries, which is presented in a joint online platform for MERL across the SP
  • Responsible for monitoring and quality assurance of partners’ output data collection
  • Responsible for monthly uploading of output results and reach numbers to the MERL platform
  • Responsible for presenting output results and related reach to the country team in quarterly reflection meetings  Contribute to periodic reviews of programme performance and quality by supporting the PM and team in assessing output results and together make concrete recommendations for a possible adjustment of the planned activities in a perspective of greater efficiency
  • Carry out joint field visits to ensure the regular provision of quality information and data.
  • Be responsible for update of program indicators and results into Plan International PMERL platform

Outcome level evaluation (Results: Our contribution to change): 25%

  • Coordinate all MERL activities related to outcome evaluation e.g. baseline, midline, Endline aligned to the overall SP MERL framework for 8 countries
  • Responsible for uploading of outcome level results to the MERL platform
  • Responsible for presenting these to country team in annual reflection meetings
  • Contribute to the periodic production of progress reports by ensuring the documentation of results (output + outcome level)
  • Contribute to the documentation of results (photos and testimonials)

Knowledge management (How we work):20%

  • Ensure the annual planning of the programme’s M&E and learning activities
  • Establish a partner capacity strengthening plan in relation to MEL for the programme
  • Support the process of lessons learned, and capitalizing on best practices/approaches, including case stories, documentaries, etc. (to be uploaded to DNO Impact and Learning Hub

Risk Management (5%)

  • Together with program team develop risk assessments for the project activities and put in place mechanisms to mitigate/manage the risks during the implementation phase.
  • Ensure compliance to Plan International MERL research and evaluation standards including the conduct of MERL risk assessments before undertaking evaluations and researches in the project

Other duties (10%)

  • As may be assigned by the supervisor from time to time.

Safeguarding Children and Young People (Safeguarding) and Gender Equality and Inclusion (GEI) (5%)

  • Understands and puts into practice the responsibilities under Safeguarding and GEI policies and Plan International’s Code of Conduct (CoC), ensuring that concerns are reported and managed in accordance with the appropriate procedures.
  • Ensures that Plan International’s global policies for Safeguarding Children and Young People and Gender Equality and Inclusion are fully embedded in project design, during implementation and as principles applied in day-to-day work of Programme team;
  • Ensures that Plan Kenya contributes to Plan International’s global efforts to ensure safeguarding and GEI, including making sure that relevant reporting and data are submitted.

Leadership Competencies

  • Courageous in taking a lead, focused on Plan International’s purpose and making the most effective contribution within their own work context.
  • Behaves in line with Plan International values and safeguarding practices, inside and outside work.
  • Challenges own attitudes, unconscious bias and behaviour and speaks up when they see wrong doing, especially by those who use their power over others to create fear or abuse.
  • Understand and adhere to the policies, processes, practices and standards relevant to own work and keeps their knowledge and skills up to date.
  • Honest and efficient in use of resources, including own time.
  • Takes responsibility for own performance and development: reflecting; seeking and listening to feedback; learning from mistakes; finding people or resources to help them learn.
  • Constructive and optimistic in facing setbacks, challenges and change, using own initiative to analyse issues and improve things.
  • Good team player, communicating effectively and being open and supportive towards those around them.

Business Management competencies

  • Understands Plan International in context, including its purpose, values and country strategy, and can communicate these to varied audiences, including how Plan International will deliver on its objectives.
  • Managing activities and resources including skills in project design, planning, monitoring and reporting
  • Managing people and information including skills in capacity assessment and coaching, communication skills, both speaking and writing, and digital working, including personal digital skills

Technical expertise, skills, and knowledge

Qualifications/ experience essential:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Arts, Social Sciences, Economics, statistics, Development Studies or any other related field from a recognized university.
  • At least 3 years of demonstrated successful coordination of M&E functions and experience
  • A grounded understanding of qualitative and quantitative methodologies in research and evaluation. Experience with Evaluations/research logistics, administration, and/or project or research management.
  • Experience with database design and management including advanced use of Excel and data analysis and entry packages including at minimum SPSS, STATA, Atlas-TI, CSpro, and the use of ODK platforms for data collection.
  • Ability to write clear and engaging reports.
  • Strong demonstrable level of knowledge and experience with gender-sensitive research design, performance, monitoring, impact evaluation, and/or social and environmental research methodologies.

Qualifications/ experience desirable:

  • Evidence of experience in the development of longitudinal real-time data base including online applications for the management of data.
  • Experience in coaching teams/organizations in M&E system design, research methodologies, and research design.
  • Previous experience with mobile data collection (KOBO, ODK, CsPro) and GIS mapping an asset.
  • Experience in the application of MER systems and frameworks including the theory of change and logical frameworks.

Languages required

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Kiswahili and English.



  • Knowledge and experience of working with children and youths.
  • Strong Knowledge of community development.
  • Knowledge of the management of partners including capacity assessment and strengthening.
  • Understanding of the implications of working with a rights-based approach to development and is able to analyze the situation of children’s and particularly girls’ rights in his/her working context.


  • Ability to design, implement and monitor evidence-based solutions for programmes focusing on urban violence, Youth economic empowerment and SRHR.
  • Excellent relationship building skills – networking, influencing and stakeholder management skills.
  • Shapes work programmes with relevant leaders and stakeholders, aligned with relevant strategies, and balancing global and local priorities with opportunities
  • Designs projects with clear objectives and measurable results contributing to overall outcomes
  • Coaches partners as part of daily work by explaining key concepts, standards, and resources; and working alongside others to apply effective evidence-based practice.
  • Identifies assesses and nurtures mutually beneficial relationships with appropriate partners. [supporting partnership relationships]
  • Embeds capability building of relevant stakeholders into programme and project design
  • Ability to identify, analyze and monitor diverse, relevant external actors to work with and understand the purpose and implications of working with them.
  • Experience in capacity building through knowledge sharing, networking, and coaching.
  • Hands-on experience and skill in result-based MERL systems.


  • Role model Plan International values and behaviors both internally and externally.
  • Engages sensitively with community members on issues of gender equality and inclusion, demonstrating an understanding of the local culture and context.
  • Promotes equality, including gender equality, inclusion, and girls’ empowerment in Plan’s work and in its work with partners
  • Apply participatory influencing methodologies both internally and externally
  • Has the ability to build collaborative working relationships
  • Communicates effectively at a high level and with a range of appropriate styles for different audiences
  • Mainstreams gender and inclusion into programming and influencing work by applying strategies for gender transformative change.
  • Uses participatory approaches and the engagement of our Primary Impact Groups and other key actors and stakeholders throughout the programme and project cycle, including monitoring and evaluation.
  • Works politically to engage with and influence key actors and stakeholders in their own field(s), including government, inter-governmental organizations and the private sector

Plan International’s Values in Practice

We are open and accountable

We create a climate of trust inside and outside the organization by being open, honest, and transparent. We hold ourselves and others to account for the decisions we make and for our impact on others while doing what we say we will do.

We strive for lasting impact

We strive to achieve a significant and lasting impact on the lives of children and young people and to secure equality for girls. We challenge ourselves to be bold, courageous, responsive, focused and innovative.

We work well together

We succeed by working effectively with others, inside and outside the organization, including our sponsors and donors. We actively support our colleagues, helping them to achieve their goals. We come together to create and implement solutions in our teams, across Plan International, with children, girls, young people, communities, and our partners.

We are inclusive and empowering

We respect all people, appreciate differences, and challenge inequality in our programmes and our workplace. We support children, girls, and young people to increase their confidence and change their own lives. We empower our staff to give their best and develop their potential.

For all details and application: https://career5.successfactors.eu/sfcareer/jobreqcareerpvt?jobId=43549&company=PlanInt&st=0815260217463355A190233FD73B1140DC8F9DDC

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