The Minor Foundation for Major Challenges Funds

The Minor Foundation for Major Challenges funds communication projects that mitigate climate change. Proposals should focus on influencing public opinions, providing inspiration, changing attitudes, spreading information, etc. The Foundation welcomes applications from all over the world.

MFMC supports projects that support urgent, large-scale transformation, with a focus on changing policies and practices in public or private institutions. The foundation’s priorities for the 2019-2023 period are to

  • encourage and support innovation in climate communication
  • increase the number of voices and narratives in climate advocacy
  • help strengthen social and political movements that open up for radical change
  • concentrate on supporting European proposals

Benefits: The Foundation makes small grants of up to €10 thousand and large grants ranging from €20 thousand to €200 thousand, although larger projects may be considered.

For detailed information on the grants and application process:

The deadline to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) is 20 August 2021

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