Terms of Reference: Web Development and Communications Strategy, ActionAid International Kenya (AAIK)

1.0 Context: ActionAid and Theory of Change

ActionAid International Kenya (AAIK) is a member of ActionAid Federation. ActionAid works in more than 43 countries all over the world, in the places where we can make the biggest impact. We tackle poverty and denial of human rights at the local level, and we challenge the causes behind them locally, nationally and globally. In Kenya, AA works in solidarity with women and people living in poverty and exclusion; connecting their voices, sharing ideas, spreading inspiration, campaigning, advocating and influencing public policy to eradicate poverty and ensure social justice. ActionAid International Kenya has presence in 18 counties in Kenya, with 12 Local Rights Programmes, programme area in Isiolo, Kitui, Nairobi and Mombasa; and two Global Platforms in Nairobi and Nanyuki.

Since 1972, AAIK has worked through Partnerships to build the capacity of women living in poverty and exclusion and their institutions and solidarity groups, to challenge rights violation but with staff at the forefront.

ActionAid’s believes that social justice can be achieved through purposeful individual and collective action to shift unequal and unjust power, whether it is hidden, visible or invisible, from the household level to local, national and international levels. Active and organized people develop and drive change, which will transform power when led by those who are directly affected, by poverty and injustice. Women, and particularly those living in poverty and exclusion pay the highest price of unjust and patriarchal societies, must play a central role as change agents. Young people critical drivers of change. Collective struggles must be linked through solidarity and common cause between communities, progressive people’s organizations and movements, activists, and self-mobilized groups to strengthen the people power needed to drive structural change.

Change is not linear, and opportunities to drive social change and resist injustice open up at different moments. ActionAid is both a catalyst and a contributor to social change processes. We are prepared to seize key moments for social transformation or resisting backlash, when they arise, guided by our long-term rootedness in communities and by working closely with people living in poverty and exclusion and their organizations and movements. We believe that any fundamental, lasting and transformational change in eradicating poverty and injustices for communities living in poverty and exclusion can only be achieved be facilitating these communities, especially women living in poverty and exclusion their organizations and solidarity groups to lead their development agenda.

Different paradigms have been used to steer development among communities; ActionAid recognizes that only a ‘Shift in Power’ to the communities living in poverty and exclusion, especially women can bring about ‘Political transformation’ in their communities; the communities and especially women living poverty and exclusion must take lead in challenging unequal power relations that cause multiple denial of rights.

1.1 Background: Women Economic Empowerment (WEE) Project

Historically, advocacy efforts in Kenya related to gender have struggled at times to be effective at driving policy change in part due to a lack of cohesive unified calls to action, tied to Kenya’s political priorities, as well as access to clear evidence on what works to drive change. The primary goal for the Women Economic Empowerment (WEE) project is to elevate WEE as a national priority by ensuring evidence which emerges on women’s economic empowerment is translated and packaged into clear policy asks, mobilized through local advocacy organizations, and ultimately driven into policy change to advance women’s economic empowerment. This project in Kenya will also coordinate with other WEE evidence collection/dissemination efforts in Ethiopia and Uganda to ensure evidence dissemination is not done in a silo. In this regard, the ActionAid International Kenya has created a National Women’s Economic Empowerment Coalition whose main role is to translate and package emerging evidence, on What Works for Women’s Economic Empowerment, into clear policy asks and program recommendations for advocates to engage the government.

2.0 Objective of the Consultancy

The National Women’s Economic Empowerment Advocacy Coalition has received a considerable number of requests from various advocates to support their advocacy interventions by making available the translated evidence on What Works. ActionAid International Kenya is therefore inviting proposals from reputable and qualified companies with a track record of success in; designing digital solutions that display content in a more organized and user-friendly manner; and also have a proven ability & reputation in developing a communication strategy and Branding Standards to enhance Coalition’s Image, Influence and Community Awareness.

2.1 Target Audience

Policy Makers, Donors, Scholars, Students, Researchers, Universities, Media, Advocates and the general public interested in gender themes specifically on Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE).

3.0 Scope of Work

A. Website development:

3.1. Build a website on a secure CMS (WordPress, BlueHost, or Joomla).

3.2. Optimize the site for low bandwidth users.

3.3. Browser compatibility. The site must be compatible with the current versions of the following browsers (Safari, Chrome, Microsoft, or Firefox), as well as Internet Explorer version 7 onwards.

Key features:

  • Add feed links with integrated social media posting (Coalition plans to have Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts; the website should facilitate streaming of information between these different platforms)
  • Multiple page styles and custom post types
  • Language options feature in resources and guidance templates
  • Search function by the news, type of publication/guidance, type of resource, events, country story, and issue
  • Add a conference registration module that can be managed via the user interface
  • Add comprehensive search functionality to the website by free text
  • An interactive map that can be updated yearly
  • Ability to upload materials (documents, pictures, videos) to the website which will have a secure storage system accessible only by ActionAid International’s staff
  • Signup for the latest news that leads to newsletter signup feature
  • Links to password-protected pages.

Website hosting:

3.2.1. The website should be hosted in a secure server.

3.2.2. The server should support the technologies used which currently include PHP, MySQL.

Website maintenance:

3.3.1. Website content updates: the contracted web development company will assist with the content update when the changes to be made are not possible from the CMS user interface. It should be endeavored that as many changes as possible be made from the CMS user interface, including the website’s current functionality to add/customize and operate online voting modules, etc.

3.3.2. The contracted web development company will maintain a regular backup of the website throughout the duration of the contract. The backups and source code will be delivered in full to ActionAid International Kenya at the closing of the contract. 3.3.3. The contracted web development company will have an automated testing system that checks for broken hyperlinks on the site.

3.3.4. The contracted web development company will verify regularly that the site is up and running and will revert to the backup whenever necessary.

3.3.5. The contracted web development company will give guidance on using the admin interface of the CMS.

3.3.6. Monitor the server logs to see the most popular pages and downloads and generate regular reports.

Website maintenance policy:

3.4.1. Maintenance does not include website redesign or development.

3.4.2. Documents and graphics, such as logos and images, will be provided by ActionAid International Kenya.

3.4.3. The company should have an automated issue management ticket system for customer requests and allow clients to access tickets via the web at any time, including the correspondence log.

B. Development of a Communication Strategy and Branding Standards

i. Carry out a research analysis of the Communication gaps & challenges for both internal & external WEE stakeholders.

ii. Find out the general communication practices with an assessment of the current communication channels of the coalition.

iii. Undertake an Audience Analysis clearly defining the informational needs of the target groups.

iv. Develop a Communication Strategy for the coalition that addresses the identified gaps and challenges.

v. Develop an implementation matrix with strategic responses and communication activities that will be used to address the situation.

vi. Develop brand guidelines to standardize the look and feel of communication including online tools.

4.0 Expected Deliverables

1. The Coalition’s website presents a desirable visual look, and its functionalities are accessible and enhanced to provide a better experience to users.

2. Consultant to develop user manuals and deliver webinars for the Coalition’s members to perform content upload & system maintenance, and implement coalition’s communications strategy & branding guidelines.

3. Enhanced awareness about the National Coalition on Women’s Economic Empowerment

4. Improved image, branding and visibility of the Coalition.

5. Enhanced community engagement and improved stakeholder relations regarding the evidence materials regarding WEE.

6. Source code handover: Full source code including all developed libraries shall be handed over to ActionAid International Kenya.

Deliverables clause: Once a company is selected, the contract may be amended with a time and materials to capture new specific developments on the site upon request of the ActionAid International Kenya.

Work Plan:

Deliverables and Deadline

Submission of an inception report demonstrating methodology, understanding of the assignment and timetable including Stakeholder list with communication needs and implementation matrix. Mid June 2022

The Coalition’s website presents a desirable visual look and its functionalities are enhanced to provide a better and simpler experience to users. End of July 2022

Develop a user manuals and deliver a webinar for the coalition members to perform content upload &system maintenance, and implement coalition’s communications strategy & branding guidelines. July- August 2022

Present the draft progress report to the Coalition’s Steering Committee. September 2022

Support and maintenance: Administrative and technical support, quality control for a period of 12 months. April 2023

Source code handover: Full source code including all developed libraries shall be handed over to ActionAid International Kenya. April 2023

5.0 Management of the Consultancy

The consultant will be supervised by ActionAid’s Programme Coordinator- Advocacy and Campaigns and supported by the Coalition’s Steering Committee who will regularly communicate with the consultant and provide feedback and guidance on their performance and all other necessary support to achieve objectives of the assignment and remain aware of any upcoming issues related to consultant’s performance and quality of work.

5.1 Required Qualifications

The Firm/Leads should have the following:

  1. Proven experience with at least 8 years of experience in communications strategy development, web design and support towards gender advocacy.
  2. Excellent knowledge of recent trends in graphic design, institutional branding, logo development, and websites including social media networking- A good social media following, traffic, and engagement, especially with women and girls.
  3. A demonstrated strong knowledge of and strong interest in Gender, Governance, and Public policy in Kenya. Knowledge of public budgets and related governance practices such as and public participation is an added advantage.
  4. Proven excellence, enthusiasm, and creative/journalistic writing skills, and approach to communications on gender themes that spur active public debates.
  5. Demonstrated ability to conceptualize and develop visual media content is an advantage.
  6. Solid experience in participatory approaches to conducting communication assessments.
  7. Excellent oral communication and writing skills in English.
  8. Understanding of End Users needs to match with adequate technical solutions.
  9. Strong track record in website design; security and administration; Google Analytics; Search Engine Optimization.

Key professional staff qualifications and competence needed for the assignment:

Communications Lead: The Communications lead must have degree in Communications or Public Relations. The lead will support the production of initial media content to raise awareness, create active public debates among general public and offer communication support to the Coalitions’ activities. Specifically, the media will include infographics designs and short explainer videos, blog posts, and tweets that help connect unique social and economic challenges facing women such as unemployment and other limited economic opportunities to planning, budgeting, and policies as well as participatory governance, transparency, and accountability. The lead must be able to present ideas in a concise and logical format including proven ability to summarize lengthy and complex information into short and simple language/messages for the diverse audience. The Lead will collaborate with the Coalition’s Steering Committee to manage new social media and communication platforms mainly – Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Website, Newsletters. He/she will also be charged with the design communication and branding for the Coalition’s webinars and TV/radio talk-shows programs that help contextualize conversations among the general public.

Lead Web Developer: The lead developer must have degree in Information and Technology from a reputable University. The Lead is responsible for the overall development process and assures that all code contributed is in line with coding standards. The lead developer has extensive experience (at least 8 years years) in programming and CMS development, including versioning of which at least two years are specific to Word Press CMS. The lead developer is an expert in the below scripting and coding languages and standards: PHP, AJAX, Java Script, HTML (including version 5), CSS (including version 3). The lead developer is an expert in the use and configuration of the below applications: Word Press CMS, MySQL Database, Apache web server, Experience with other related applications is an advantage. The lead developer is an expert in the use and configuration of the below products and techniques: Search engine optimization, Google Webmaster tools, Google developer tools, Mobile device adaptation.

Graphical Integrator: The graphical integrator supports the development team with the integration of graphic design and CSS elements. The graphical integrator has at least five years of experience with the CMS integration of responsive CSS and graphic design of which at least two years is specific to Word Press CMS. The graphical integrator is an expert in the below scripting and coding languages and standards: HTML (including version 5), CSS (including version 3), PHP, Java Script (including JQuery).

5.2 Duration of the consultancy

The duration of this consultancy is expected to take a maximum of 12 months including source code hand over.

6.0 Mode of Application

If you have the required qualifications and are interested in this contract, please submit:

  1. A proposal describing the previous work done in this area.
  2. A portfolio of previous work in web design and development of communications strategy.
  3. CVs of the team in charge of this project.
  4. A financial proposal indicative of the breakdown of all costs.
Applications will be submitted via email to Procurement.Kenya@actionaid.org on or before 15th June 2022. For any clarifications, please contact the aforementioned.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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