Terms Of Reference (TORS) for Short-Term Consultancy to Review and Develop Strategic Plan for Christian Mission Aid (2023-2027)

1.0 Introduction

This is the ToR for the required technical support towards the review and development of new strategic plan for Christian Mission Aid. The developed Strategic plan will provide strategic direction for the organization’s subsequent interventions during next 5 years strategic plan period, 2023-2027. It will be helpful in facilitating the achievement of the organization’s aspirations in respect to the vision, mission and strategic objectives. Additionally, the Plan will serve as a tool for resource mobilization. These ToRs therefore provide information on the overall objectives of the consultancy, the general methodology, tools and approaches, the expected outputs and the required qualification and experiences of consultants to facilitate the development of the proposed 5 years’ strategic plan.

2.0 Background

Christian Mission Aid (CMA) has for over three decades focused on creating sustainable change in Africa by raising local leaders to meet the spiritual and development needs of communities. CMA’s desire to be ‘the bridge between the resources and the needs’ has meant that it is involved in community based programs. CMA’s programs are always expanding and changing in response to need. CMA’s operational approach involves training and imparting key community leaders with the knowledge and practical skills needed to own and lead interventions in their own communities. CMA believes that nationals and local experts are the best people to reach their own people by linking them up with resources.

Over the years, CMA has witnessed remarkable growth in programs located in Kenya, Uganda and South Sudan with interventions cutting across several sectors and addressing spiritual, social and economic development challenges. Over the years of its existence, CMA has managed to implement several and various projects spread across its four key thematic areas of Christian Outreach, Community Development, Children & Youth Ministry as well as Aid and Relief. In terms of sectoral interventions, CMA has over time been active in Health, Food Security and Livelihoods, Nutrition, WASH, Capacity building of Communities and Churches all aimed at promoting sustainable development.


As a consequence of her interventions, CMA envisions Communities which are Developed and free from Spiritual and Socio-Economic Poverty.


In order to achieve her mission, CMA seeks:

To reach out with the love of Christ by training and equipping church and community leaders, mentoring youth, providing emergency relief and development assistance to poor and vulnerable communities.

Organizational Goal:

In its Umbrella goal CMA seeks: “To enhance capacity of communities and Churches to respond effectively to spiritual, social, economic and physical challenges for sustainable development”

Organizational Objectives:

  1. To support churches and communities to meet spiritual needs.
  2. To enhance capacities of targeted communities to conserve environment and realize sustainable livelihood options.
  3. To promote access to basic healthcare and education.
  4. To provide relief to vulnerable communities, survivors of various calamities and harmful traditional practices.
  5. To strengthen programs aimed at mentoring and advancing the participation of children, youth and people with disabilities in community development

2. 1. Objectives of the assignment

The overall objective of this consultancy is to develop a five-year Strategic Plan as a facilitative instrument to ensure that CMA fulfils its mandate.

In this regard, CMA is looking for a consultant, who will work closely with the senior management to lead the process of the review of the previous SP (2020-2025) and the development of a new strategic plan for the period of 2023-2027.

2.2 Specific Objectives:

  1. Define the scope of Strategic Plan Development (SPD) process by meeting with CMA’s management.
  2. Review and analyze CMA’s existing strategic plan for 2016-2020 and key documents with a focus to understanding “Where CMA is?”
  3. Define CMA’s humanitarian proposition, its strategic priorities and action plans to achieve these priorities
  4. Conduct consultative forums with Board of Directors, CMA management and members, key stakeholders, to synthesize CMA’s key learnings and identify strategic opportunities in the current environment with a focus to understanding “Where do we want to be? How will we get there?”
  5. Engage CMA’s Board of Directors, management and key stakeholders meaningfully in the process to review the mission, vision, values, objectives and priorities of the organization.
  6. Draft the Strategic Plan and present it to the Board of Directors and key stakeholders for validation and approval after necessary consultations.

3.0 Methodology

The consultant is at liberty to propose methodology that would adequately result in the expected deliverables outlined in this ToR. A participatory approach together with critical reflection by the Board, management, members, staff and key stakeholders will make the process meaningful. The following steps are highly recommended for the process.

3.1 Scope of Work

The scope of work for the Consultant will include but not be limited to:

  1. Familiarization with the history, review the vision, mission and goal based on CMA’s mandated objectives
  2. Conduct a participatory rapid assessment of performance (i.e. key results, lessons learnt achievements and emerging issues – challenges and opportunities) in respect to implementation of the previous strategic plan;
  3. Undertake stakeholder mapping and analysis from within and outside the humanitarian sector with specific reference to CMA’s geographical areas of operation as defined above;
  4. Undertake a situation analysis of CMA including: its Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT)
  5. Through a consultative process and application of appropriate tools of analysis, identify focus areas; the thrust areas, long term goals, strategic objectives, key result areas as well as strategies or tasks for achieving the proposed strategic objectives;
  6. Review the institutional capacity, organizational set-up, financial and administrative systems against CMA’s mandated objectives and the identified corporate goals, strategic objectives and key result areas, KPIs and make recommendations, if any;
  7. Develop a Results and Resources Framework for the plan period;
  8. Propose monitoring and evaluation strategies and mechanisms to ensure the effective implementation of the Strategic Plan;
  9. Finalize Strategic Plan and submit final strategic plan to the organization

4.0 Key Deliverables

  1. An inception report outlining the steps and methodology to be used in developing the Strategic Plan.
  2. Agenda and participant list for the consultative three-day process workshop.
  3. Conduct FGD/interviews with key stakeholders to identify key strategic and program priority issues
  4. A comprehensive report of document review and analysis including stakeholder consultations and workshops
  5. Draft Strategic Plan for review and feedback (with clear vision, mission, Theory of Change (TOC), strategic objective, activities/tasks)
  6. Feedback session from CMA Board of Directors, management and staff
  7. A five-year strategic plan including a results and resources framework
  8. Final Strategic Plan document that includes: Executive summary, background (including SP development process), internal and external analysis, vision and mission statement, organizational values and guiding principles, strategic priorities, metrics to assess progress in the attainment of these strategic priorities, budget, PESTEL and SWOT Analysis and Operational plan.

5.0 Institutional Arrangements

The Consultant will report directly to the Chief Executive Officer of Christian Mission Aid. CMA will provide relevant background documents necessary for the assignment. CMA shall be responsible for the coordination of meetings and other activities under the Consultancy.

5.1 Role of CMA

  • Supervision of the consultants;
  • Meet obligations in terms of compensation to the consultants;
  • Provide the necessary information available in respect of the humanitarian sector needs
  • Meet all logistical costs for the consultative and validation workshops;
  • Facilitate communication and other logistics necessary for the assignment as will be agreed.**

5.2 Payments

The consultant will be paid professional fees as compensation for his/her technical/professional expertise and time invested in the delivery of the expected outputs. This will be discussed and agreed amicably for a win-win for both the consultant and CMA. Notable is that the Consultant will be responsible for declaration of the income for income tax purposes and where applicable, CMA will make 5% statutory deductions (from the gross payment) payable to Kenya Revenue Authority as withholding tax in accordance with the income tax regulations of Kenya.

6. Time Span

This assignment is expected to be carried out for a period of 23 days.

7. Expertise

a) Academic Qualifications

At least a master’s degree in a relevant field in the area of planning, public policy, development studies and any other social science discipline.

b) Experience

  • At least six years’ professional experience in strategic planning and management consultancy
  • Prior work experience in the humanitarian organizational and change management is an added advantage;
  • Demonstrated experience in working with humanitarian agencies and other stakeholders in community development programs, especially in the area of capacity building and organizational development.

c) Skills and Competencies:

  • Proven excellent and high level written and oral communications skills in English and Kiswahili;
  • Must be result-oriented, a team player, exhibiting high levels of enthusiasm, tact, diplomacy and integrity;
  • Demonstrate excellent interpersonal and professional skills in interacting with various stakeholders including development partners;
  • Evidence of having undertaken similar assignments;
  • Experience in research, policy development, management and programming-related work.
  • Ability to work with minimal supervision;
  • Application/use of innovative and effective tools for stakeholder’s engagement in the collection of required information and feedback;
  • Excellent analytical, facilitation and communication skills for effective stakeholder engagements/workshops;
  • Ability to work efficiently and deliver on committed outputs under the assignment within agreed timelines and deadlines.

How to apply

The consultant is expected to interpret these ToRs and submit an expression of interest with a technical and financial proposal for delivery of the expected outputs and the cost implications in terms of professional fees, respectively. Therefore, interested and qualified candidates are expected to interpret these Terms of Reference (ToRs) and submit an expression of interest through an application which should include the following:

  1. Technical and financial proposal for delivery of the expected outputs and the cost implications in terms of professional fees
  2. A proposed methodology
  3. An activity time schedule
  4. Detailed Curriculum Vitae

Note that the above features shall form the basis for selection of the consultants, who will be invited to interact with a vetting team at Christian Mission Aid through presentation and discussions.

In the Proposal for implementing the assignment Please quote “Strategic Plan – Christian Mission Aid” on the subject line. Applications should be emailed to nbilogistics@cmaidafrica.org to reach us not later than Tuesday, 12 April 2022 at 4.00 P.M East African Time.

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