Terms of Reference: Short Term Information and Communication Curator – ‘’Finalization of Documents, Compilation of Articles and Content on Sustainable Development of Livestock for Livelihoods in Africa – Live2Africa’’

1.0 Background

The African Union InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) is a specialized Technical Office of the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment of the African Union Commission. Its mandate is to support and coordinate the sustainable development and utilization of animal resources to enhance nutrition and food security and contribute to the people’s wellbeing and prosperity in the Member States of the African Union (AU). AU-IBAR accomplishes its mandate through supporting and empowering the AU Member States, the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), and other stakeholders in the livestock sector.

As part of its role in providing leadership and coordination in the continent’s Animal Resources sustainable development, AU-IBAR is implementing a 5-year project on “Sustainable Development of Livestock for Livelihoods in Africa – Live2Africa.” The project pioneers a coherent continental programme approach to building systemic capacity in seven livestock components that include: Animal Production, Productivity, and Ecosystem Management; Resilience Building; Investment in Value Chains, Animal Health; Technology adoption in the Value Chains to inputs, services, and markets; and strengthening institutional capacities.

In line with the mandate and mission of AU-IBAR, it is deemed essential to generate new knowledge and disseminate research outputs to contribute to the continent’s research agenda on sustainable livestock development purposefully.

2.0 Aim of Consultancy

AU-IBAR seeks to engage a short-term consultant to ‘’Finalise Publications, and Compile, Articles and Content on Sustainable Development of Livestock for Livelihoods in Africa Live2Africa’’

3.0 Specific Objectives of the Assignment

The communications consultant will contribute towards strengthening AU-IBAR’s knowledge management agenda, with specific objectives of:

  • Finalizing research outputs for publication on AU-IBAR’s online repository;
  • Ensuring the technical quality standards are adhered to in the publications of the institution’s research outputs;
  • Disseminate new knowledge products and information on the Live2Africa result areas on website, repository and online community platform.

4.0 Scope of Work

Under the general guidance of the Acting Director, AU-IBAR, the consultant is expected to work closely with the Knowledge Management Officer and the Live2Africa project officers to ensure the curation of various research outputs.

The consultant will be expected to provide comprehensive support throughout the curation process, including acquire grey publications for editing and standardization, online storage, and content generation for online information tools.

The support will take the following form:

  1. Input and finalization of publication list to aid in curation process;
  2. Grey literature revision and standardization (grey literature to be obtained from each of the Live2Africa result areas);
  3. Article compilation and content formulation Live2Africa microsite and AU-IBAR website, online community platform;
  4. Compilation and review of metadata for information capture on Live2Africa online community repository and community platform;
  5. Catalogue and upload research outputs on online repository and community platform

4.1 Publication Plan

Assist in developing a publication list from each result area, together with technical leads that will be used as a guide to curate the various research outputs and knowledge products. By outlining a clear set of goals and target publications for storage and dissemination, including access rights.

4.2 Grey Literature Revision

This will entail reviewing and proofreading draft reports to conform with standards to match the submission criteria for online publication in AU-IBAR repository.

4.3 Article and content compilation

Assist in generating content and articles for the microsite, and online community platform. Undertake topic development and literature search of an incomplete or early-stage manuscript to generate a complete literature review.

  • Development of an appropriate methodological design that will stand up to a rigorous peer-review process;
  • Provide analysis based on the initial hypotheses developed by reviewing previously conducted studies to assist in crafting detailed and critical findings;
  • Offer a high-level editing service tailored to meet target journal requirements (s). (This includes undertaking desk reviews, writing and rewriting of content based on manuscript information provided by AU-IBAR; review and revise content for completeness, accuracy, and quality, including spelling, grammar, punctuation, consistency of language and syntax; and provide recommendations on structure and composition.)

5.0 Deliverables

The consultant will be expected to produce:

  1. A publication listing guide to assist with the information curation process agreed outputs; such as such as reports, grey literature, technical reports, manuals, PowerPoint presentations, research reports, policy briefs etc.
  2. An updated subject meta-data guide for the curation of Live2Africa documents in the online repository.
  3. Updated content on key community spaces (e.g. 2A2E-V education establishment profiling; Regional Economic Community Spaces; and Live2Africa spaces)
  4. Final report based on publications listing and curation.

6.0 Competences and Experience


  • A minimum of a Master’s degree in Development Communications/ Science Communications or Information and Knowledge Management. An additional qualification in animal resources management, agribusiness associated degree would be advantageous;

General Experience

  • Fluency in English (the outputs will be produced in English, but will be translated into other AU working languages);
  • Experience working closely with technical and non-technical teams;
  • Excellent copy-editing skills, including professional use of grammar and punctuation; citation; and strong attention to detail; and
  • Planning, organizational skills, and ability to manage multiple activities and consistently meet deadlines;

Specific Experience

  • Minimum of 7 years of experience in writing and editing, preferably for agricultural development or working in the animal resources sector-related initiatives in Africa would be beneficial;
  • Understanding of the research-to-publication process and publication of open access publications;
  • Attentive to detail with knowledge of scientific editing and adherence to other style guidelines and formatting requirements;
  • Experience working with technical content, preferably in livestock, bioscience, agriculture, and natural resource research;
  • Demonstrate ability to translate technical content through utilization of research reports, frameworks, and procedures in design of audience targeted outputs and articles;
  • Demonstrate the following skills: analytical and critical thinking, innovation and creativity; knowledge management; strategic thinking & decision making and programme & project management;
  • Excellent information management skills and knowledge of collaborative technology for knowledge sharing and dissemination.

7.0 Criteria for Scores

Criteria Scores
Qualifications 15
General Experience 25
Specific Experience 50
Other Skills 10

8.0 Remuneration and Duration

Selected consultants will be awarded a contract for 90 working days.

The total amount for a 90-day consultancy is 9000 USD. 3000 USD per working-month, based on publication list updates. No other payment will be made in respect of this consultancy.

Expenses for approved missions (where necessary) will be covered separately in accordance with the applicable African Union Commission rules and regulations.

9.0 Supervision

The consultant will work under the overall guidance and supervision of the Senior Knowledge Management Officer, with support from the Live2Africa Project Officers.

10.0 Timeline and Budget

Interested consultants are required to provide a detailed CV illustrating background work listed under competencies and experience. Interested consultants should also provide links to similar work undertaken.

The deadline for submission of documents is by 8th August, 2022.

11.0 Submission of Application

The email address for submission of the Applications is procurement-20220725-1@au-ibar.org with email reference: ” Information and Communication Curator – Live2Africa’’or by post addressed to the following address:

The Procurement Officer
African Union InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources
Kenindia Business Park, Museum Hill, Westlands Road
P.O. Box 30786 00100, Nairobi, Kenya

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AU-IBAR Declaration Form

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