Terms of Reference: Provision of Consultancy Services for Conducting a Baseline Survey on Women Empowerment through Socio-Economic Approaches (WETSA) in Wajir County, Islamic Relief Kenya

Activity: Conducting a baseline survey on Women Empowerment Through Socio-Economic Approaches (WETSA) in Wajir County

Project: Women Empowerment Through Socio-Economic Approaches (WETSA)

Location: Wajir County

Duration: 15 days

Reporting to: Programme Manager


January 2022

1. Context

Islamic Relief Kenya (IRK) commenced operations in Kenya in 1993, initially running Orphan Sponsorship Programme in Mandera County implemented through a local partner organization. It opened its full-fledged country office in Nairobi in 2004 and first field office in Mandera in 2006 at the height of drought in the Horn of Africa. Since then, IRK’s operations have expanded to other counties to provide humanitarian and development assistance to the most vulnerable and marginalized communities. In 2007 and 2008, Islamic Relief extended its operations to Wajir and Garissa Counties respectively. In 2017 and 2018, IRK started its operations in Kilifi and Marsabit Counties and in 2020, Islamic Relief Kenya extended its humanitarian operations to Tana-River County. Islamic Relief Kenya is currently focusing on three major goal/themes i.e., Sustainable Community Empowerment (around areas of Health and Nutrition; WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene); Sustainable Livelihoods and Disaster Risk reduction (DRR); Disaster and Humanitarian Response and Education and Child Development. Since 2006 IRK has remarkably changed the lives of the vulnerable and disadvantaged communities.

1.1 About WETSA Project

The project interventions will align with Islamic Relief’s Global Strategy (2017 – 2021), focusing on supporting communities on building resilient livelihoods which reflect Global Objective 2 “empowering communities.” Moreover, this project is designed to align with the Government of Kenya’s Vision 2030, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). IRK is committed to improving the capacity of smallholders, pastoralists, and traders and increasing the value of their produce and products, which corresponds to Vision 2030’s Economic Vision and Strategy (pillar 4) which proposes to increase the value in agriculture through increased yields/ productivity and smallholder specialization in high-value crop; as well as to improve financial services including through the promotion of access to finance.

The project was born out of Islamic Relief’s experience of working in Wajir county since 2010, implementing a variety of projects across the humanitarian and development sector. Lessons learnt from the implementation of the past women empowerment project will inform the project. This gives it a more shaped approach in the implementation with its integral segments that touch on various sectors. Moreover, IRK implements all its programmes in collaboration and partnership with line government ministries, local organizations, beneficiary communities as well as other development agencies relevant to its projects – this has proven to be an effective strategy in mobilizing existing structures and networks instead of layering new structures or institutions on top of existing ones.

The project seeks to address income and food insecurity among women in the most vulnerable communities of Wajir county. As a result of climate change-induced, prolonged and recurrent droughts, and flash floods, communities have experienced a significant degradation in agricultural and rangelands, and losses of livelihoods/ livestock assets. Most notably the 2018/2019 drought, which was declared an emergency by the government of Kenya in February 2019, has left 3.7 million people acutely food insecure, and in need of humanitarian assistance. Previously, in 2016/2017, Kenya and specifically northern Kenya experienced the worst drought in over 60 years due to failed rains for three consecutive seasons. In 2008/2009, communities experienced triple shocks of post-election violence, high food, and fuel prices, and El Niño related flooding, following the 2005/06 drought which had affected 4 million people in the ASALs.

As apparent from the recent locust invasion, agricultural yields are low and the overall food security situation in Wajir county and Kenya at large is precarious as a result of droughts as well as systemic challenges including access to support service and resources. As climatic shocks become more frequent, communities have less time for recovery, eroding traditional livelihoods coping strategies and leaving communities more vulnerable to shocks and stresses. Combined with the use of inadequate, outdated technologies, ineffective integration into key value chains, and a lack of access to markets, financial institutions, and training opportunities this leaves communities vulnerable to food and income insecurity which hamper development.

Women are particularly affected by poverty, food insecurity, and climatic shocks as these exacerbated underlying gender dynamics. Men are the main decision-makers in the household and communities in Wajir and as a result, they manage household assets and resources including livestock. Women’s work is mainly to take care of the family and remains largely uncompensated. A lack of decision-making power and economic resources also implies that women have little say over issues that directly impact them and their children – i.e., related to schooling, health care, or at policy level through engaging local government and community leaders.

Figure 1: Theory of Change

Source: Adapted from AGI-K Baseline report 2015

The project Theory of Change posits that girls need a combination of education, social, health, and economic assets to make a safe, healthy, and productive transition from childhood into young adulthood. The project intervention is looking for an avenue of entry into women’s affairs from girls to maturity and women in the society as a pillar for continuity. It is on the premise that issues affecting women were not adequately addressed at the girl stage (mindset norms). Besides, community norms regarding girls’ and women’s values must be strengthened to facilitate the increase in assets for women and the resulting improvements in medium- and longer-term outcomes (see Figure 1). This will be strengthened by the IR economic empowerment Theory of Change that embraces three major domains:

Domain 1: Increased productivity, empowerment, and household level food consumption

Domain 2: Improved Access to resources and services

Domain 3: More conducive and enabling attitudes and institutions for women’s empowerment

The TOC will work best with the assumptions that:

  • women will have more sustainable and secure livelihoods and be more resilient to climatic shocks and stresses
  • Women have relevant knowledge and skills to engage in productive economic activities to sustain and support their families;
  • Women can realize improved yield/productivity through the adoption of sustainable and innovative approaches.
  • They can access innovative technologies; productive assets, markets, and appropriate, gender-sensitive livelihoods support services, and that,
  • Various institutions including county governments, family, and community members are receptive to gender dynamics and commit to addressing women’s specific needs and rights.

The Project Outcome:

The project long-term goal: Improved well-being of women and girls in Wajir County through Social and Economic Empowerment.

The Specific Outcomes are:

Outcome 1: Improved income for women and youth to support their families.

Outcome 2: Improved environment for women’s socio-economic empowerment (Local communities and institutions).

The Project Outputs are:

  • 300 women and youth are trained on relevant business practices and life skills (Weaving, henna application, soap making, bread, and yoghurt production)
  • 300 women and youth are supported with relevant inputs/equipment for their businesses.
  • Local communities and institutions have been sensitized or trained on GBV and other cultural issues affecting Women’s Socio-economic empowerment

Purpose and Objective of the consultancy services

The overall objective of the baseline survey is to serve as a starting point for the women empowerment through socio-economic approaches (WETSA) in Wajir County and provide information and statistical data on socioeconomic key indicators for women before the intervention. The baseline is also needed to critically assess and update indicators, so they measure actual change in response to the objectives/ outcomes.

Specifically, the survey is expected to meet the following specific objectives: –

  • To carry out existing household socio-economic assessment and evaluation of existing livelihood income generating activities.
  • To identify women economic activities and their impact to the livelihood
  • To assess women economic activities that have been successful and/or failed
  • To assess market accessibility for the economic activities being practiced
  • To propose other economic activities with the potential of growth and development
  • To enrich understanding of current status of financial literacy and access to business opportunities in Wajir county.

Delivery Strategy

The consultant conducting the assessment is expected to utilize methodologies well aligned with the tasks at hand. The methodology will involve collection of qualitative and quantitative primary data from local community, relevant government departments, key informants and other key stakeholders including L/INGOs.

Scope of Work

  • Assess the existing household socio-economic and other existing livelihood income generating activities.
  • Assess women economic activities and their impact to the livelihood
  • Establish women economic activities that have been successful and/or failed
  • Assess market accessibility for the economic activities being practiced
  • Identity other economic activities with the potential of growth and development
  • Establish the understanding of current status of women financial literacy and access to business opportunities in Wajir county.


  1. Inception report detailing the baseline survey processes, design, sampling methodology & sample frame, survey tools and agreed work plan
  2. Draft Baseline Report for Review
  3. Summarized power point presentation highlighting the key findings from the baseline survey
  4. Establish baseline indicator values for all indicators defined in the Logical Framework.
  5. Copies of original and cleaned baseline survey dataset
  6. Submission of a detailed final baseline Survey Report

Time Frame

The consultant shall consult and coordinate with the project team to accomplish the assignment successfully. The Consultant is expected to deliver the assignment within given time unless otherwise adjusted by Islamic Relief Kenya (IRK) in writing.

The duration of the assignment shall be a maximum of 15 calendar days after signing of the contract, expected to start in the month of December 2021 and/or January 2022


The Consulting Firm hired must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Must be a registered legal entity with a valid registration certificate, with certificate of incorporation.
  • Minimum 8 years of relevant experience with a demonstrable ability in assessment on women empowerment through socio-economic approaches.
  • Academic qualifications: The consultant team should have experience in the field of Economics, Business Development, Development studies, Community Development, gender and development and working understanding of Wajir County context including Somali language. The consultant/s should have monitoring and evaluation as well as results-based reporting skills, strong writing skills, and have at least over 8 years of experience in conducting market assessment and baseline surveys. For gender sensitivity issues, a female members of the team will be regarded an asset
  • Detailed technical proposal that incorporates the KPIs, methodologies articulations should also be included
  • Resumes i.e., CVs for key staffs participating the consultancy exercise should also be captured here.
  • Team compositions should also be captured here.
  • Financial proposal detailing breakdown of costs should also be incorporated here
  • Detailed activity work plan with the stipulated 15 calendar days’ time frames should also be incorporated here.
  • Copies of past reports of the same for other partners to serve as a proof of experience should also be indicated here
  • Active Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) PIN should be incorporated here
  • Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) TAX compliance should be incorporated here

Selection Criteria.

The selection of the consultant will be made through collecting individual proposals from eligible consultants. The quality of proposals, relevant working experience, qualification/background, relevant documents, and competitive budget will be considered for review and evaluation. The standard procurement rules of Islamic Relief Kenya will be followed strictly during selection.

Application Process

The applicant shall submit an expression of interest detailing how he/she will carry out the task. The following are required to be submitted by the applicant:

  • Suitability statement showing commitment and required skills to carry out the assignment.
  • Financial proposal on the cost production of the materials.
  • Technical proposal and work plan showing timelines of the assignment.

Bid Document Comprises.

The bid document prepared by the bidder shall comprise of the following:

  • Fully completed IRK Dossier – Questionnaire
  • The summary of the Consultant’s Profile with contact address and their updated CVs.
  • Valid Certificate of Incorporation.
  • Detailed Technical Proposal/Methodology
  • Detailed Financial proposal i.e., Bill of Quantities with unit prices and total.
  • Any documents on previous similar service done in the past three years.
  • ID/Passport firm directors
  • KRA PIN Certificate
  • Tax Compliance Certificate

NB: – Bidders to ensure conformance to the requirement.

Bid Currencies

The bids prices shall be quoted in Kenya Shillings (KES).

Total bid cost shall be inclusive of the following.

  • Professional fees
  • Data collection
  • Report writing, presentation and submission.
  • Transport and all other related expenditures
  • Applicable GOK taxes
  • Hotel/accommodation costs
  • Printing service cost
  • Stationeries costs
  • Airtime costs

N/B- overall costs for this exercise is inclusive to the quoted amount.

IRK’s right to accept any bid and/or reject any or all bids.

IRK reserves the right to accept any bid and to annul the bidding processes and reject all bids at any time prior to award of consultancy contract, without, thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders or any obligation to inform the affected bidder or bidders on the grounds of its action.


  • Islamic Relief Kenya will examine the prequalification documents to determine completeness, general orderliness, sufficiency in responsiveness and bid.
  • The potential consultant shall not contact Islamic Relief Kenya on matters relating to their bid from the time of opening to completion and official communication sent to them. Any effort by the potential supplier to influence Islamic Relief Kenya in the evaluation shall result in disqualification.
  • Prequalification will be based on meeting the minimum criteria regarding the applicant’s legal status, general and experience, personnel, and responsiveness.
  • Due diligence will be undertaken, and any bidder found to be in breach and has provided false information will be disqualified.

Employment of Minors

The consultant shall not employ children in executing the contract. The consultant shall observe international conventions relating to child labor namely the United Nations Convention No.182 on worst forms of child labor and convention No. 138 on the minimum age for admission to employment.

Criminal Act

The consultant undertakes to comply with all applicable laws and to ensure that it does not engage in any kind of criminal activity including but not limited to bribery, fraud, corruption, terrorism and to maintain ethical business practices as well as not to commit any Prohibited Acts defined as: –

  • To offer, promise or give any person a financial or other advantage.
  • To request, agree to receive or accept any financial or other advantage not expressly provided for as an inducement or a reward for the performance of any function or activity in connection with this Agreement.


Provided for as an inducement or a reward for the performance of any function or activity in connection with this Agreement.

Budget and payment modality

The payment on the awarded contract will be made against outputs and on submission of assessment report. Upon approval of the stated deliverables Islamic Relief Kenya shall process payments for the service provider.

The total budget for this assignment includes expert’s fee, material development cost, draft and final design, review facilitation, printing, and binding.

Responsibilities of Islamic Relief Project team

The project team shall organize, monitor, supervise the work, review progress of the work, provide regular technical support and feedback and provide support for engaging stakeholders and constituents as when required. They will provide necessary technical assistance for planning and implementation process. The project team will also establish linkages with the ministry of cooperative trade and enterprise development and other partners to help provide assistance as required.

Submission of Bid

You are requested to submit your tender documents to Islamic Relief Kenya Nairobi Office, Kirichwa road, next to Kirichwa Heights Apartment, Tel: 0727 531220 on or before 14th January 2022 at 11.30am


Tender Ref: IRK/CONST/WETSA/WJ/006/01/2022


A: Organization and Contact Details

  • Full Name of Organization
  • Date of Registration
  • Registration Certificate Number
  • Street
  • Road
  • Address
  • Code
  • Town
  • Email
  • Telephone No.
  • PIN No.
  • Name of Parent Company

Type of Organization

  • A Public Limited Company
  • A Limited Company
  • A Limited Liability Partnership
  • Other Partnership
  • Sole Trader

Other (Please Specify)

  • Name of Owners
  • Name
  • ID/Passport No.
  • Nationality

Details for Contact Person

  • Contact details for enquiries about this PQQ/Business Issues
  • Name of Staff
  • Address
  • Post Code
  • Town
  • Phone
  • Mobile
  • Email

B  Grounds for Mandatory Rejection

Important Notice:

In some circumstances IRK is required by law to exclude you from participating further in a procurement. If you cannot answer ‘no’ to every question in this section it is very unlikely that your application will be accepted, and you should contact us for advice before completing this form.

Please state ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to each question.

Has your organization or any directors or partner or any other person who has powers of representation, decision or control been convicted of any of the following offences?


(a) A crime

(b) Corruption

(c) The offence of bribery;

(d) Fraud within the meaning of:

(e) Money laundering

(f) Any other offence

Has your organization fulfilled obligations related to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal. Answer with a “Yes” or “No”

C  Grounds for Discretionary Rejection

Important Notice:

IRK is entitled to exclude you from consideration if any of the following apply but may decide to allow you to proceed further. If you cannot answer ‘no’ to every question it is possible that your application might not be accepted. In the event that any of the following do apply, please set out (in a separate Annex) full details of the relevant incident and any remedial action taken subsequently. The information provided will be taken into account by IRK in considering whether or not you will be able to proceed any further in respect of this procurement exercise. Please state ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to each question.

Is any of the following true of your organization?

(a) Is bankrupt or under receivership or bankruptcy restrictions order made against the organization

(b) Is insolvent,

(c) Is the subject of an order by the court winding up otherwise than for the purpose of bona fide reconstruction or amalgamation, or had a receiver, manager or administrator on behalf of a creditor appointed in respect of the company’s business or any part thereof or is the subject of similar procedures under the law of any other state?

Has your organization;

(a) been convicted of a criminal offence relating to the conduct of your business or profession;

(b) committed an act of grave misconduct in the course of your business or profession;

(c) failed to fulfil obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions

(d) failed to fulfil obligations relating to the payment of taxes under the

(e) been guilty of serious misrepresentation in providing any information required

D– Bid Value & Duration of Supply

Bid Value for the Work

KSHS. ___

Payment Terms

Duration of Delivery


E  Financial


1.1 Bank, Branch, Account Name, Account Number, Swift Code and Letter from Bank Confirming Account & Credit Facility

F Declaration

2. I declare that to the best of my knowledge the answers submitted in this bid document are correct. I understand that the information will be used in the process to assess my organization’s suitability to be invited to tender for Islamic Relief’s requirement and I am signing on behalf of my organization. I understand that the Contracting Authority may reject this bid if there is a failure to answer all relevant questions fully or if I provide false/misleading information. By signing the bid document, I certify that all the above statements are accurate and factual.


2.1 Name:

2.2 Position:

2.3 Signature:

2.4 Date:

2.5 Stamp:

Submission of Bid

You are requested to submit your tender documents to Islamic Relief Kenya Nairobi Office, Kirichwa road, next to Kirichwa Heights Apartment, Tel: 0727 531220 on or before 14th January 2022 at 11.30am

Tender Ref: IRK/CONST/WETSA/WJ/006/01/2022


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