Terms of Reference: Marketing Consultant – Lishe Poa, Concern Kenya

1. Background and Context

Under nutrition accounts for two-thirds of all child fatalities under the age of five, with 5.6 million children dying in 2017. The majority of child deaths (40%) occur in Sub-Sahara Africa, with six countries (Nigeria, DRC, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya) accounting for half of all child deaths. In Kenya, acute and chronic malnutrition in children under the age of five continue to be major public health concerns. Malnutrition is linked to 50% of all under-five deaths in Kenya with the most visible and possibly the most serious effect of poverty among children in Nairobi’s urban informal settlements. A SMART survey assessment conducted in Nairobi’s urban informal settlements in January 2020 revealed that 24 percent of children under the age of five are stunted, 3.9 percent are wasted. To address these factors contributing to under nutrition, Concern Worldwide, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Nairobi City County, and other partners is implementing an innovative public-private partnership program called the Lishe Poa project (‘Lishe Poa’ is Swahili for good nutrition). The project aims to address:

a. Limited household food security

b. Poor maternal, infant and young child feeding practices where diets fed do not meet the nutrient density requirements especially iron, zinc, Vitamin A&C and proteins.

c. High disease burden resulting from poor access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene facilities

d. Non-optimal breast-feeding practices; non-optimal complementary feeding; non-optimal care/ poorly managed day care centers.

In order to achieve the project objectives, the project has engaged a private manufacturer (EIL) to manufacture and distribute OFSP based products. Concern through Lishe Poa is supporting improved access of the OSFP based products.

2. Purpose

The purpose therefore is to recruit a consultant to carry out market analysis, which will include determining barriers to product utilization, how best to increase market penetration, cost of customer acquisition, inform best distribution platforms/channels and identify the socio-demographic characteristics of households consuming the product. In addition, the market analysis should also provide marketing options that will optimize the product’s visibility within the target areas.

3. Justification

Adoption of new food products by consumers in a market is always a challenge, hence recruiting and retaining new customers through continuous evidence based marketing analysis and strategies serves as the key to market penetration, ownership and sustainability. Thus a consultant is required to evaluate and develop a marketing plan, marketing messages and a marketing penetration strategy to best promote product adoption.

4. Methodology

The Consultant is expected to apply an appropriate and relevant methodology that will best help achieve the deliverables outlined in this TOR. The tools and methodology will be developed in consultation with Concern Worldwide and EIL. The Consultant is expected to take all appropriate measures to ensure that the security and confidentiality of the respondents participating in the market study is protected while conducting the market study. During the study the consultant will meet with Concern Worldwide relevant staff as well as other important stakeholders. Specific tasks of the consultant include:

a. Design a clear methodology that will help provide adequate information regarding the barriers that limit the update of the new product by intended beneficiaries through looking at pricing, consumer preference, product acceptability, market opportunities, competing products, distribution channels and demographic characteristics among communities purchasing the product of a suitable healthy product in the informal settlements of Nairobi. This will be through both collecting primary data from the target location and reviewing existing information by Concern and EIL

b. Evaluate the current tailor-made promotional materials for marketing the product in relation to the market needs and how these can best be improved.

c. In collaboration with the private processor, develop product price points and suitable product distribution channels that meet both supplier and customer expectations

d. Develop market penetration strategies to be piloted in the targeted informal settlements to test product adoption, measure successes and document lessons

e. Recommend the final market penetration strategies for adoption in different areas for maximum impact guided by results from pilot runs, supplier, and customer expectations.

5. Outputs and Deliverables

a. Inception report detailing the market survey methodology including secondary data review and primary data collection survey design, sampling approach, data collection and data analysis plan.

b. Data collection tools templates

c. Draft Comprehensive report of the market survey addressing the required information listed under the methodology section above.

d. Power point presentation and infographics for report dissemination.

6. Timeline

The consultancy is expected to commence in January 2022 and the activity is projected to cover 10 – 15 days

7. Desired Qualifications/Specialized Knowledge

  • Master’s degree (or preferably PHD) in Marketing/ Business Management, Communication and/or Economics or other relevant field.
  • A firm or individual with experience on conducting market research on introduction of new agricultural/food products to markets.
  • Five years’ experience in market study and experience working with consumers on the bottom of the pyramid in the informal settlements of Nairobi
  • Experience in new product market penetration strategy development and consumer’s insight survey
  • Knowledge and experience of Urban market analysis
  • Excellent research and analytical skills.
  • Excellent writing, presentation and reporting skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to deliver quality work against tight deadlines and targets.
  • Available to start work immediately

8. Working Conditions

Concern will manage the consultant and day-to-day activities including data collection and compilation and regular reporting. Key staff who may present/ interact with the consultant include the Program Director, Health and Nutrition Coordinator, Technical Advisors, and M&E staff.

9. Remuneration

Kindly provide your financial proposal, clearly capturing the Consultant’s cost per day. Note that Concern shall withhold and send directly to KRA, 5% of the Consultant’s fees.

10. Supporting documentation required

  • Certificate of Incorporation (firms) or National ID card (individual)
  • Valid Tax Compliance Certificate
  • PIN Certificate
  • Company / Consultant’s Profile
  • CVs of key staff
  • Certificate/reference information of previous undertakings of similar contracts with NGOs/UN agencies
  • Safeguarding Policy, Code of Conduct etc. or what are the necessary provisions have you put in place to keep everyone safe in the course of your engagement.
  • Attach copy of Certificate of Good Conduct or proof that you have applied for the same
  • Confirm the gender ratio for the team that you will be engaging in this exercise

Safeguarding at Concern: Code of Conduct and its Associated Policies

Concern has an organizational Code of Conduct (CCoC) with three Associated Policies; the Programme Participant Protection Policy (P4), the Child Safeguarding Policy and the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Policy. These have been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants from exploitation, and to clarify the responsibilities of Concern staff, consultants, visitors to the programme and partner organization, and the standards of behavior expected of them. In this context, staff have a responsibility to the organization to strive for, and maintain, the highest standards in the day-to-day conduct in their workplace in accordance with Concern’s core values and mission. Any candidate offered a consultancy opportunity with Concern Worldwide will be expected to sign the Concern Code of Conduct and Associated Policies as an appendix to their consultancy contract. By signing the Concern Code of Conduct, candidates acknowledge that they have understood the content of both the Concern Code of Conduct and the Associated Policies and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of these policies. Additionally, Concern is committed to the safeguarding and protection of vulnerable adults and children in our work. We will do everything possible to ensure that only those who are suitable to do consultancy work or volunteer with vulnerable adults and children are recruited by us for such roles. Subsequently, being hired as a consultant with Concern is subject to a range of vetting checks, including criminal background checking.

Concern’ is the trading name of ‘Concern Worldwide’, a company limited by guarantee, registered number 39647; registered charity number CHY 5745, registered in Ireland, registered address is 52-55 Lower Camden Street, Dublin 2, Ireland.

How to apply

Submission to be made to Consultancies.kenya@concern.net indicating on subject “SR95328 – Marketing Consultant”, by 4:00pm Friday 7th January 2022.

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