Terms of Reference for the Audit of NI, Kenya and Africa Regional Office


Nutrition International, formerly the Micronutrient Initiative, is an international not-for-profit organization that works to ensure the poor – especially women and children – in developing countries get the vitamins and minerals they need to survive and lead productive lives. Passionate about developing and implementing solutions for hidden hunger, we work in partnership with governments, the private sector and civil society organizations to address this serious problem that affects one third of the world’s population. Governed by an international Board of Directors, NI works in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East and reaches people in over 70 countries. With headquarters in Ottawa, Canada, NI maintains regional offices in New Delhi, India and Nairobi, Kenya which manage our country offices in Asia and Africa.


The objective of the audit is to express an opinion on the financial statements and report that all statutory compliances are carried out in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Standards in Kenya.

The specific objectives are as follows: –

a. Giving a judgment of the financial performance and position particularly whether correct and reliable reflection is given of the receipts and expenditure in these financial statements.

b. Analyzing and evaluating the financial management and internal control system.

c. Making observation to assess whether NI Kenya and NI Africa Regional Office (ARO) have complied with all conditions of the existing rules and regulations.



  • Carry out an audit in accordance with appropriate professional standards of auditing as applicable in Kenya and express an independent professional opinion on the financial statements of

a. Nutrition International Kenya-Registered NGO, for the financial year period from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

b. Africa Regional Office-Nutrition International-Company Limited by Guarantee for the financial year period from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

  • Produce a report on the evaluation of the financial management of NI Kenya and NI ARO indicating the strengths and weaknesses, as well as corrective measures needed to ensure proper financial management;

Give particular attention to:

  • The accounting system in place for the management of the NI, simplified data entry system, manual or computerized based on the cash accounting system and ease of access to accounting documentation, etc.
  • The management procedures of the funds (Bank account, advances supported by forecasts and in conformity with NI policy, bank reconciliation, control of receipts, etc.).
  • The financial aspects of personnel management of NI employees (personnel contracts, remuneration of salaries, allowances and other benefits).
  • The financial aspects of goods procurement (purchase orders, appropriate certification that the goods have been delivered in satisfactory condition before a payment is made).
  • The procedures on the control of expenses (complete documentation, certification that the goods have been received or services rendered, issuance of cheque in the name of the supplier stipulated in the contract/purchase order, proper signatories, bank accounts, etc.).
  • The reporting mechanisms to the NI (monthly financial reports, explanation of variances, etc.).


  • Meet with the Country/Finance Director, to gain an appreciation of any specific concerns or risks with the financial management of the NI accounts.
  • Perform the audit at the NI office in Nairobi or remotely as may be stipulated by Government and/or NI guidelines.
  • At the end of the audit, debrief the Country Director and Africa Regional Finance Director.


The completion of the mandate previously described, should produce the following:

  • Signed Financials and Audit reports.
  • Management Letters on operating and internal control procedures. Suggest corrective measures in order to improve the financial management system and procedures, as required.
  • The audit work should tentatively be completed as per the following time frame:
  • Start of Audit Work: May 9th, 2022
  • Submission of Draft Report: May 23rd, 2022
  • Discussion Meeting on Draft Report May 26th, 2022
  • Submission of Final Report: May 31st, 2022

How to apply

Technical, financial proposals & below certificates should be sent on or before March 30, 2022- 5pm to bidsAfrica@NUTRITIONINTL.ORG

  • Certificate of Incorporation / Registration
  • Tax PIN registration certificate
  • Tax compliance certificate
  • ICPAK practicing license for the firm
  • ICPAK practicing certificates for the partners.
  • At least 3 letters of recommendation from INGO clients

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