Terms of Reference for Documenting Most Significant Change Studies for Gender Responsive Alternative to Climate Change Project- ActionAid International Kenya

1. About ActionAid International Kenya

ActionAid International Kenya is a non-partisan, non-religious development organization that has been working in Kenya since 1972 to end poverty and injustices. ActionAid International Kenya (AAIK) is among the leading anti-poverty agencies in Kenya having presence in 21 counties working directly with over one million people living in poverty and exclusion. We are un-apologetic in advancing Women’s Rights and ensuring that Women Living in Poverty and Exclusion are at the center of our work. AAIK commit to work with Women, Children and Youth living in poverty and exclusion to claim and realize their constitutional rights through working within three main pillars of Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA); empowerment, solidarity and campaigning

2. ActionAid’s Theory of Change

ActionAid International Kenya’s theory of change is that social justice can be achieved through purposeful individual and collective action to shift unequal and unjust power, whether it is hidden, visible or invisible, from the household level to local, national and international levels. Active and organized people develop and drive change; which will transform power when led by those who are directly affected by poverty and injustice. Collective struggles must be linked through solidarity and common cause between communities, progressive people’s organizations and movements, activists, and self-mobilized groups to strengthen the people power needed to drive structural change. Change is not linear, and opportunities to drive social change and resist injustice open up at different moments. AAIK can be both a catalyst and a contributor to social change processes. We are prepared to seize key moments for social transformation or resisting backlash when they arise, guided by our long-term rootedness in communities and by working closely with people’s organizations and movements.

3. Project Background and Overview

AAAustralia works in partnership with several countries to implement ANCP projects. ANCP projects are closely aligned with the three outcomes of AAAustralia strategy of Economic Justice, Climate Justice and Women’s Leadership in Emergencies. They are also aligned with the country strategies of partners. AAAus along with several partners has had a long-term interest in ensuring that the commitments to communities and particularly women in the Sendai Framework (see annex) are implemented along with localization consistent with ActionAid’s HRBA and the Grand Bargain. There is also interest in exploring the intersections between DRR and climate change adaptation. The stories will also allow us to measure the impact of our projects. Action Aid Kenya with funding from Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australian Aid) is implementing a second phase of three year project – Gender Responsive Alternatives to Climate Change (GRACC) that seeks empower community women in Tangulbei, Baringo County Kenya to adapt to climate change, lead and participate meaningfully in decision and policy making. It will also promote cross learning between women and government institutions. We recognize that climate change is a driver of conflicts that affects women and girls disproportionately. Women are involved in all the care activities at home as while as tasks connected to food production and food security. Their efforts are constantly downplayed due to conflicts exacerbated by climate change. They are constantly excluded in decision making spaces.

4. Objective of the Assignment:

To collect good quality and significant change stories for the purpose of measuring and demonstrating impact and advocacy with the public (in Australia and other countries).

Objectives of the Assignment

ActionAid International Kenya seeks proposals from firms/senior consultants and individual consultants in the sector with extensive technical expertise on story-documentation with experience in working on stories on Women in climate action, peace and conflict, livelihoods. Experience in videography, photography, newsletter development to undertake a participatory most significant case-stories documentation is necessary.

The aim of this assignment is to conduct an in-depth case-stories harvesting through short videos, photographs, and written stories to capture the changes and lessons learnt throughout the project in the three counties. The documentation will be conducted with the specific aim of understanding changes related to:

  • Document our strategic processes, project profile and change stories from within Tangulbei/Churo Amaya wards in Baringo county
  • Document ActionAid best practices in resilience building and improvement of livelihoods of people living in poverty and exclusion
  • Facilitate learning and exchange within ActionAid, for County Governments in the ASAL regions and other development agencies in the ASAL region
  • Inspire people/the public to support ActionAid’s work through individual fundraising
  • Share our programmatic progress and gains within our project areas in Baringo County

5. Scope of Work

Under the supervision of the Communications team and the Project Coordinator, the videographer/photographer will be required to;

  • A comprehensive and captivating 15-minute documentary video and a 3 minute summarized version for high profile international audience
  • Develop a storyboard of the project documentary
  • Prepare a script with key messages and quotes with project beneficiaries
  • Professionally edit, translate, and caption the video with subtitles in English
  • A collection of not less than 100 well captioned photos with selected project beneficiaries
  • 10 written change stories packaged into a well-designed booklet to be submitted as PDF and 2 hard copies

6. Methodology

The methodology of the assignment will be video and written interviews accompanied with photos. In every site we will interview the following:

Interviews for 15 beneficiaries of the project beneficiaries

Short-videos, case-stories scripted, photos

Interview the 10 women leaders 2 women with disability, 2 young people (Activista members) climate champions trained Agroecology 2 short video (3 minutes and 5 minutes for women voices and case – stories for GRACC project beneficiaries Interview with peace committee leaders who have been part of the community outreaches Interview women who have been part of the exchange visits, national/county advocacy meetings Agroecology

Social movements leaders Interview the women in the financial inclusion 3 groups and village agents Video interview with the implementing project officers Interview 3 and 2 members executives of VSLA groups who implement the project at LRP in Tangulbei/Churo

Interview state and non-state actors on policy3 members of the government (national or County officers) on the policy and advocacy 2 persons from the County committees

7. Expected Deliverables

Working with the AAIK team and the communications coordinator, the consultant is expected to produce the following deliverables to be used for advocacy.

  • A comprehensive and captivating 15 minute documentary video and a 3 minute summarized version for high profile international audience
  • Develop a storyboard of the project documentary
  • Prepare a script with key messages and quotes with project beneficiaries
  • Professionally edit, translate and caption the video with subtitles in English
  • A collection of not less than 50 well captioned photos with selected project beneficiaries
  • 15 written change stories packaged into a well-designed booklet

Format of report

  • Introduction to project (paragraph)
  • Selection process for women in the case studies (include details like age, disability status, main livelihood)
  • Case studies
  • Photographs shared in best way (don’t embed in the report share directly as – google link)
  • All photos must have captions and also a credit. Caption must include name of individual, location of photograph and a brief description of their story.
  • Annex the interview questions

8. Management of the Assignment

Overall guidance and supervision of the documentation will be provided by AAIK’s Communications staff and GRACC project Coordinator. The Consultant is to work with the Communications staff, Project Coordinator, women leaders in the project areas in Tangulbei and any other units as advised. Primary leadership on the task shall be provided by the Project Coordinator.

9. Desired Expertise

The lead consultant should have the following:

  • A certification in cinematography, videography, communication or journalism
  • At least 5 years of experience in developing and carrying out similar assignments for not-for-profit organizations
  • Five years progressive experience as a photographer, videographer and story writing
  • Experience taking photographs and videos for development related agencies and projects on climate justice, other related development work.
  • Ability to work in close coordination with other team members and ability to work with women and people with disability in dignity and respect.
  • Ownership or possession of a high-resolution state of the art digital camera and videography equipment is a MUST.
  • Proven cross-regional experience would be preferable.
  • Proficient in English and Swahili.
  • Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply

10. Travel & Accommodation

Official transport shall be from Marigat to Tangulbei and to the assignment venues or travel expenses reimbursed based on actual expenditure. However, the consultant shall seek consent prior to incurring travel expense(s) if not provided with official transport. Accommodation and transportation shall be provided by AAIK at the venue of the assignment.

11. Work Plan

The consultant(s) will be required to make his/her own assessment of time inputs required in the proposal. The total days should not exceed 15 working days

12. Submission of Bids

All applications should include:

  • A brief technical proposal including clear work-plan(4 pages maximum)
  • A separate financial proposal (1 pages maximum)
  • CV of the lead consultant and other team members
  • Examples of previous work and links to works where possible
Applications will be submitted via email to Procurement.Kenya@actionaid.org on or before 30th May, 2022. For any clarifications, please contact the aforementioned.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted

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