Terms of Reference for Development of the Eastern Africa Resource Mobilization Strategy 2023-2025, Terre des Hommes Netherlands (TdH NL)


Terre des Hommes Netherlands (TdH NL) is an international non-governmental organization committed to stopping child exploitation. Our mission is to protect children by preventing and stopping child exploitation, and by empowering children to make their voices count. Our vision is that children can flourish in a world free of all forms of exploitation.

Our vision and mission are inspired and guided by international human rights instruments and standards, in particular, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), the Council of Europe’s Lanzarote Convention, the International Labour Organization Conventions, and support the achievement of the SDGs Goals 5, 8 and 16.

In Africa, Terre des Hommes Netherlands works in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Madagascar. We work with communities, government, private sector, civil society organizations and children themselves, at the center, to address systemic and structural drivers that expose children to exploitation. We work with the consciousness that exploitation is often exacerbated by emergencies. For this reason, we provide humanitarian assistance to reduce the risks that push children into exploitation during emergencies, while working with other stakeholders to protect them. We remain committed to working in other geographical locations across Africa where child exploitation issues may arise.

In 2022, Terre des Hommes Netherlands launched its 2023-2030 Listen up! Strategy with the aim of creating systemic change that addresses the root causes of child exploitation. We will achieve this by empowering children and their communities, connecting them with those who have power to enact change, engaging in lobby & advocacy campaigns, working with partners to build resilience of children, families and communities and utilizing our knowledge and expertise to co-create sustainable, evidence-based solutions.

To realize our strategic ambition, we will work towards achieving four main outcomes outlined in our Theory of Change; 1). Children are empowered, have access to and utilize spaces where they feel safe and their voices are heard, 2). Communities address sociocultural norms and other factors leading to child exploitation, and put in place structures that support children, 3). Duty bearers actively create spaces where children can be heard and contribute to coordinated action that prevents and responds to exploitation of children, 4). Professional bodies, intergovernmental organizations and human rights accountability mechanisms ensure that duty bearers effectively fulfil their commitments and obligations to protect children from exploitation.

Every plan we make and action we take in the next 7 years will uphold our core principles. Guided by our Theory of Change and new strategy, we believe that together, will create a better world where children can thrive and realize their full potential in societies free from all forms of exploitation.

Purpose and justification of the consultancy assignment

Terre des Hommes Netherlands has, for the past one year, developed a strategic direction that defines how TdH NL and partners can address systemic drivers of child exploitation. Building on the accrued successes and lessons learnt, we intend to establish a resilient funding base to support our programme development work and implementation of life-changing programmes. To this end, we are seeking the services of a consultant to undertake the development of our resource mobilization strategy 2023-2025. The strategy is geared towards aligning our resource mobilization efforts to our new strategy, prioritized programmes and the changing donor context and trends. We envisage that these efforts will also promote funding stability for the country projects and operational costs over the next three years.

Objectives of the assignment

i) To complete a donor trends research and analysis to determine TdH NLś East Africa regional resource mobilization direction for the next three years.

ii) To undertake donor mapping for the Eastern African regions focusing on specifically Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Madagascar and present a list of priority target donors (government, trusts and foundations, private sector, other funding channels) for the region.

iii) To write a resource mobilization strategy clearly depicting resource mobilization targets, priority donors and funding streams, strategies for mobilizing resources from each funding stream and a monitoring plan including team responsibilities and actions.

Duration of the assignment

45 days from the date of commencement


The assignment will utilize methodologies that include but are not limited to the following to gather the information needed for development of the resource mobilization strategy:

  1. Secondary Data collection: This will take the form of a literature review drawing from the current resource mobilization strategy document, Current TdH NL country donor maps and funding targets, TdH NL new strategy 2023-2030 and the regional strategic plan, TdH NL country annual plans and programme documents, success stories from what other successful NGOs and INGOs have done, recommendations from robust fundraising literature, donor strategic documents for the Africa region and necessary global links, and plans for eastern Africa among others.
  2. Primary data collection: This will be done through a number of methodologies that will enhance optimal internal and where need be, external consultation. Some of the proposed methodologies will include but are not limited to:
  • A SWOT analysis to understand the resourcing context within and outside of the organization and the opportunities that the Africa region can take advantage of to grow its portfolio.
  • Individual interviews with country managers to understand country project portfolios and ambitions regarding resource mobilizations, the available opportunities, partnerships forged or envisioned and contacts made.
  • Key Informant interviews with selected donor contacts and partners where possible
  • Group discussions with specific programme teams aligned to specific country programmes or if necessary, global programmes.

A workshop to validate all information gathered and confirm missing information.

Expected Deliverables

  • Inception report
  • Country donor research and partner alignment, alignment with country programmes and TdH strategy 2023-2030
  • Country donor maps
  • Draft 1 Regional strategy RM for review
  • Final draft Regional RM strategy


Terre des Hommes Netherlands East Africa regional office will cover all costs related to the activity.

Qualification of the consultant

  • An advanced university degree in Social Sciences, Research & Development, Planning, Business Administration, Communication, or a related field
  • In-depth knowledge and understanding of child rights, child protection policies in the Eastern African region, key development priorities and initiatives preferably in the prioritized countries by TdH NL particularly on Advocacy on policy and practice.
  • Proven experience in the development sector, preferably in fundraising and partnership, particularly in the development of resource mobilization strategies.
  • Excellent knowledge of key donors focused on Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Good research, analytical, coherent, clear documentation/writing skills
  • Good organization, planning, communication and facilitation skills
  • Good communication in English and/or French, Bilingual (French and English) is an added Advantage

How to apply

Prospective consultants or consulting firms may express their interest to carry out this assignment by applying to TdH NL East Africa Regional Office, with the following information and documents:

  • Cover letter expressing interest, include at least 3 referees of similar work done in the last 2 years, provide a statement of availability and commitment to undertake and complete the consultancy (not more than 2 pages).
  • A brief outline (technical proposal) on how the consultant intends to carry out the assignment and achieve the desired results including a 45- day workplan.
  • CVs showing the qualifications and experience of the individual(s) who will undertake the consultancy.
  • MUST attach two samples of similar products developed.

The complete application should be addressed to: TdH NL East Africa Regional Office at: recruitment.africa@tdh.nl copying z.wanaswa@tdh.nl with the subject ”TdH NL EA RESOURCE MOBILIZATION STRATEG” to be received by 9th December 2022.

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