Terms of Reference- Consultancy to Conduct an End Line Survey in Kakuma Refugee Camp

Film Aid Kenya (FAK) is a development and humanitarian communications organization that harnesses the power and influence of media, arts, and technology to increase access to education and engage with communities in the provision of critical information and psychological relief to refugees and other marginalized communities. Guided by its theory of change that encompasses creativity, participation, access, and collaboration, FAK promotes social impact through community-led programming. Key components of the programs involve participatory media content development and dissemination, skills and social development, and Communication, Community Engagement, and Accountability (CCEA).

FilmAid Kenya is looking for an experienced Consultant/ Consultancy firm to carry out a Data Analysis of an Evaluation survey in Kakuma refugee Camp under the project “Tafisiri Education Project’’: Exploring Radio as a Solution to Language Issues in Learning.

About the project:

“Tafisiri Education’’ is a 12-months project ending 31st December 2021, it builds upon a rapid assessment conducted by Film Aid and the project baseline survey conducted in March 2021. The project seeks to enhance access to educational content for primary school-age children. In particular, to provide educational content through radio in languages of instruction that are indigenous to refugee learners in Kakuma Refugee Camp in North-Western Kenya. Educational content is being disseminated on radio as a pilot in languages (i.e., Dinka and Arabic) indigenous to refugee learners in Kakuma Refugee Camp.

It is against this background that this TOR has been developed to outsource the services of a Consultant/ Consulting Firms to collaborate with the M&E Team in the Evaluation survey in Kakuma Refugee camp

The Consultancy shall be guided by the following subsections;


The main goal of the Evaluation Survey is to collect information that will inform on the outputs and outcomes of the project to Grade two learners and further advice on how best the activities can be scaled up to the entire lower primary grades (i.e., Grade 1,2 & 3) while using radio to bridge the gaps in education in Kakuma Refugee camp.


a) Main Objective

To generate a comprehensive assessment report on the use of radio learning in Kadugli Primary School. The information will inform further education programming through radio content in Kakuma Refugee Camp and support FilmAid in monitoring and understanding the progress of its intervention under this grant.

b) Specific Objectives

  • Generate end-term evaluation data that will identify the key milestones of the project and set benchmarks to reveal the current state of inclusive learning, to help partners better monitor and measure progress achieved through the education interventions in Kakuma Refugee Camp.
  • Generate both qualitative and quantitative end line data, that will provide statistical information that will measure the results against baseline values and further the set benchmarks for the project’s second face dubbed Tafsiri 2 Education (T2E) and provide a better understanding of the inclusive educational needs of Grade 2 learners through virtual means (radio learning)
  • Conduct a literature review of past studies and relate them to the planned study and use them in planning and structuring the study process.
  • To prepare a study report with recommendations and a framework for follow-ups
  • Conduct a participatory assessment of the parents and guardians to assess their current capacity and engagement in children’s studies.
  • Conduct KII interviews with Kadugli Primary school teachers and School management on the radio lessons
  • Administer data collection tools for the study.

Scope of Work

FAK M&E team shall develop the data collection tools and conduct the data collection which includes the assessments of the grade two learners and uploading the data on Kobo, Conducting FGDS with Parents/Guardians and KII with teachers and School Management. The consultant(s) will be expected to undertake desk reviews, data analysis, reporting, and presentation.

The Consultancy

The Consultancy process will be carried out in conformity with the principles, standards, and practices of FilmAid Kenya; grounded in the guiding principles of FilmAid Kenya work. i.e., participatory; culturally sensitive; affirming and positive while honest and productively critical and valuing knowledge and approaches from within the context.


The Consultant shall be expected to provide a detailed methodology within the proposal.


The consultant will prepare:

  • Data Analysis Plan and Conduct an Analysis of the data provided by the M&E Team
  • Conduct a data quality assessment to ensure accuracy, completeness, and relevance of the data generated by FAK during the survey
  • A draft consultancy report
  • Prepare a high-level PowerPoint presentation of key findings
  • A final report with practical recommendations and with a keen focus on lessons learned during the grant implementation

These deliverables are to be:

  • Prepared in English only. Approx. 11 to 17 Pages
  • Submitted to FilmAid electronically via email and/or electronic media storage devices with a Summary on a PowerPoint presentation
  • Submitted in spiral-bound hard copy format (3 Copies each)

Consultancy Work plan

Within two days of receiving the organization’s comments on the draft work plan, the consultant will produce a final consultancy work plan.

Draft Consultancy Report

The consultant will submit a draft consultancy report for review by the SMT within one week of completing the assignment.

Final Consultancy Reports

Within one week of receiving the SMT’s comments on the draft reports, the consultant will submit final consultancy reports, including a consultancy executive summary.

Qualifications and Required Competencies

  • Extensive experience in research (experience conducting evaluations on education preferred)
  • Knowledge and experience using participatory approaches in monitoring and evaluation of education within the humanitarian context.
  • Experience conducting data quality assessments
  • Excellent report writing skills in English.
  • Previous work of a similar nature will be an added advantage.
  • High level of data analysis and presentation

Soft Competencies:

  • Honesty and integrity
  • Strict Time frame adherence
  • Respect for people from different cultures and backgrounds.
  • Effective communicator
  • Ability to work under pressure and within tight deadlines


It is anticipated that upon receiving the data, it will take a maximum of 14 working days to provide all the deliverables as above within 14 days.

Accountabilities and Responsibilities

The consultant shall report directly to the MERL Manager based in Nairobi, for coordination purposes. The Consultant shall also work in close consultation with the Acting Field Manager, Audio Producer and Monitoring and Evaluation Officer – all based in Kakuma Office.

FilmAid Kenya shall provide:

  • Approval of all deliverables including final sign-offs to make payments.
  • Timely provision of data to the consultant from the field activities for purposes of validation and analysis

The consultant will be responsible for:

  • Submitting a detailed proposal in conformity with the ToRs specified herein with relevant CV(s) highlighting the relevant qualification of the Consultant(s).
  • Submission of all the required statutory documentation in the case of consultancy firm
  • Production of deliverables per contractual requirements

How to Apply

Interested applicants or consulting firms are encouraged to apply for this assignment by submitting a concise proposal that includes:

  • A portfolio highlighting how you fulfill the consultant profile criteria and your relevant skills and experience related to this assignment.
  • A detailed technical proposal outlining the understanding of the TOR proposed methodology and draft implementation plan.
  • Detailed daily rates budget for the 14 days.
  • References of similar work, or documented evidence for other similar assignments

Interested and qualified persons with the required experience are invited to submit their applications to Email address: procurement @filmaid.org on or before 15th September 2021 at 5.00 pm EAT and clearly indicate on the subject line as ‘Consultancy – End line Survey.’

Only short-listed consultants will be contacted.

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