Terms of Reference – Consultancy for Media Relations and Corporate Communications, AECF

1.  Background

AECF (Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund) is a leading non-profit development organization that supports innovative enterprises in the agribusiness and renewable energy sectors with the aim of reducing rural poverty, promoting resilient communities, and creating jobs.

We catalyze the private sector by surfacing and commercializing innovative ideas, business models and technologies designed to increase agricultural productivity, improve farmer incomes, expand clean energy access, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve resilience to the effects of climate change.

We finance high-risk businesses that struggle to access commercial funding and remain committed to working in frontier markets, fragile contexts, and high-risk economies where few mainstream financing institutions dare to go. We have supported over 375 businesses in 26 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, impacted more than 30 million lives, and created over 27,000 direct jobs.

2.  Objective of the consultancy

The objective of this consultancy is to provide media liaison and corporate communication support to the AECF.

The media liaison support will see the consultant increasing the visibility of AECF through traditional media, while profiling its key spokespeople. The consultant will work to provide coverage in Tier 1 media (across Africa) while identifying and securing panel and speaking opportunities during high-profile industry events at the national and regional levels.

The corporate communication support will see the consultant providing support to implement the AECF communications strategy and in particular, telling the AECF story through videos, highlighting the impact of the organization through human-interest stories and pursuing a multi-channel approach to its storytelling.

3. Scope of work

The consultant will be expected to provide:

a. Media Liaison Support

  1. Implement the media strategy for AECF taking into account an existing media landscape analysis, communications strategy and the AECF strategic plan.
  2. Identify and build relationships with key contacts in Tier 1 media outlets nationally, regionally, and internationally.
  3. Co-create and disseminate media-focused pieces including articles, opinion pieces and press releases.
  4. Secure interviews on radio and TV stations nationally, regionally, and internationally.
  5. Monitor media hits and provide detailed reports to AECF on reach, top outlets, top regions, and messaging/topic momentum.

b. Strategic Communications Support

  1. Support the implementation of the AECF communications strategy.
  2. Communicate the impact of AECF by:
  • Increasing understanding of AECF through immersive storytelling, taking advantage of owned, earned and paid media.
  • Co-creating human-interest stories while pursuing a multi-channel approach to storytelling.

3. Position AECF as a thought leader by:

  • Identifying and organizing speaking opportunities nationally, regionally and internationally for key spokespeople (taking into account AECF’s focus areas).
  • Supporting the dissemination of key knowledge products such as reports, factsheets, and case studies, taking into account the needs/preferences of key audiences.

4. Measure the impact of AECF’s communications activities

5. Deliverable Outputs

The activities and expected outputs are as follows:

  1. Media Liaison support
  • Implement the media strategy for AECF taking into account the media landscape analysis, communications strategy and the AECF strategic plan.
  • Develop media packs, pitching decks and speaking notes for use by the media and AECF staff.
  • Co-create 6 opinion pieces, 6 press releases and 12 news articles.
  • Secure the following media outputs in Tier 1 outlets nationally, regionally and internationally: 6 opinion pieces, 6 TV interviews, 12 radio interviews, 24 newspaper mentions in national outlets and 6 newspaper mentions in regional and international outlets.
  • Develop and share quarterly media monitoring reports.

2. Corporate Communications support

  • Working closely with the AECF writers and copy editor, develop: 12 blogs/website articles showcasing the impact of our work and 4 quarterly external newsletters.
  • Working closely with the AECF communications staff, conceptualize, develop and execute 4 social media campaigns.
  • Position AECF and its spokespeople through 4 high-level speaking opportunities and 2 high-level exhibition/participation opportunities.
  • Working closely with the AECF communications and impact staff, disseminating 4 learning papers, 4 factsheets, 2 research papers and a Wikipedia page.
  • Develop and share monthly communications monitoring reports.

6. Qualifications/experience required.

The consultant/consultancy firm should possess the following skills and/or credentials:

  • Experience in media liaison, public relations, digital engagement, communications, marketing or similar fields is mandatory.
  • Knowledge of the development sector and in particular the work of NGOs, bilateral and multilateral institutions
  • Experience in knowledge dissemination.
  • Demonstrated ability to create content that is persuasive, clear and concise, while able to convey and engagingly present technical ideas/knowledge for varied audiences.
  • Ability to deliver under tight deadlines.

7. Documents to be included when submitting the proposal.

While submitting the proposal, the applicant shall, ensure to attach the following:

  1. Profile of the lead consultant(s) (max 1 page per consultant) explaining why they are the most suitable for the work.
  2. Relevant Experience (max 4 pages).
  3. A proposed work plan for a maximum period of 1 year.

8. Financial Proposal

The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount (including a breakdown of costs for fee, and number of working days). Payments will be made upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR.

9.  Evaluation criteria

An evaluation committee will be formed by the AECF. The same standards of confidentiality will bind all members of the evaluation committee. The applicant should ensure that they fully respond to all criteria to be comprehensively evaluated.

The AECF may request and receive clarification from any consultant when evaluating a proposal. The evaluation committee may invite some or all of the consultants to appear before the committee to clarify their proposals. In such an event, the evaluation committee may consider clarifications in evaluating proposals.

In deciding the final selection of a qualified bidder, the technical quality of the proposal will be given a weighting of 80% based on the evaluation criteria. Only the financial proposal of those bidders who qualify technically will be opened. The financial proposal will be allocated a weighting of 20%, and the proposals will be ranked in terms of total points scored.

Key Areas of Evaluation/Assessment Weighted Award
Technical Evaluation
Capacity to deliver– Profiles of lead consultants

– Demonstration of similar work undertaken

Experience and expertise– Proven experience in media liaison, public relations, digital engagement, communications, marketing, or similar fields

– Knowledge of the development sector and in particular the work of NGOs, bilateral and multilateral institutions

– Proven experience in knowledge dissemination and thought leadership

Understanding the scope of work– Well-articulated activities and sub-activities

– Workplan detailing execution of activities

Financial Evaluation
Financial proposal– Reality to market/value-for-money based on the assignment 20

10.  Proposal submission:

Interested and qualified consultant(s) and firms are invited to submit their proposal that includes the following:

  1. An understanding of the scope of work.
  2. Workplan detailing execution of key activities.
  3. Detailed reference list indicating the scope and magnitude of similar assignments.
  4. Registration and other relevant statutory documents required.
  5. Financial proposal in USD clearly showing the budgeted cost for the work to be conducted (to be submitted in a separate document from the technical proposal).
  6. The preferred format for the submission is PowerPoint and Word.
  7. Technical and Financial proposals will need to be submitted as separate documents. Financial proposals will not be opened until the conclusion of the technical evaluation and then only for those proposals that are deemed qualified and responsive.

11.  Pricing

The AECF is obliged by the Kenyan tax authorities to withhold taxes on service contract fees as well as ensure VAT is charged where applicable. Applicants are advised to ensure that they have a clear understanding of their tax position regarding provisions of Kenya tax legislation when developing  their proposals.

12.  Application

The AECF is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The AECF considers all interested candidates based on merit without regard to race, sex, color, national origin, religion, age, marital status, disability or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.

  1. Interested firms are requested to submit their technical and financial proposals to aecfprocurement@aecfafrica.org by 5 PM EAT on 13th January 2023.
  2. The Subject of the email should read “Media Relations and Corporate Communication Consultancy 2023”. The AECF shall not be liable for not opening proposals submitted with a different subject.

13.  Disclaimer

AECF reserves the right to determine the structure of the process, the number of short-listed participants, the right to withdraw from the proposal process, the right to change this timetable at any time without notice and reserves the right to withdraw this tender at any time, without prior notice and without  liability to compensate and/or reimburse any party… https://www.aecfafrica.org/careers/terms-of-reference-consultancy-for-media-relations-and-corporate-communications/

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