Terms of Reference – Community Gender and inclusiveness review of Green Climate Fund Investments

1. Background

ActionAid Kenya (AAK) is a non-partisan, non-religious development organization that has been working in Kenya since 1972 to end poverty and injustices. ActionAid Kenya is among the leading anti-poverty agencies in Kenya having presence in 16 counties working directly with over one million people living in poverty and exclusion. We are un-apologetic in advancing Women’s Rights and ensuring that Women Living in Poverty and Exclusion are at the center of our work. AAK commits to working with women, children and youth living in poverty and exclusion to claim and realize their constitutional rights through three main pillars of Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA); empowerment, solidarity and campaigning. ActionAid Kenya in partnership with ActionAid Australia has been implementing the Gender Responsive Alternatives for Adaptation to Climate Change project since 2017. Research was undertaken by Monash University and a gender responsive adaptation to climate change framework was established and informed the design of phase II of the project. The project in Kenya is being implemented in Baringo County. ActionAid is implementing a project on Gender Responsive Alternatives for Adaptation to Climate Change funded by the DFAT Gender Action Platform and ANCP. The project is being implemented in Kenya, Vanuatu and Cambodia and include ActionAid in all these countries, AA International, Huairou Commission and Monash University Gender Peace and Security Unit. The project has three objectives, which include;

  • Women and institutions have enhanced capacity and systems for sustainable livelihoods and climate change adaptation including the recognition and documentation of their own knowledge.
  • Women and their organizations obtain resources, make decisions and claim spaces by transforming institutions including protection plans
  • Women take collective action to influence policy and planning at local, national and global levels

2. Introduction

The Green Climate Fund was established in 2010 under the Cancún Agreements in 2010 as a dedicated financing vehicle for low-income countries within the global climate architecture, serving the Financial Mechanism of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement. There have been over 100 projects in its portfolio since 2015. The Governing Instrument for the GCF vests GCF with a clear mandate to enhance a gender-sensitive approach in its processes and operations. The requirements are set-out in a “Gender Action Plan”.

3. Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to determine the real extent to Kenya’s GCF projects have impacted on women and people with disabilities.

The specific objectives will be;

  • Determine the process by which projects are being put forward and who the accredited agencies. To what is extent is gender and disability inclusion prioritized in that process
  • Determine the extent to which the gender assessments and action plans for the GCF projects reflect the gender responsive frameworks and relevant parts of the charter of demands.
  • Determine the extent to which women participated in the design and implementation of the projects through interviews and focus group discussions for selected project locations (include women from Baringo in the participatory analysis)
  • Determine the extent to which reports for on-going and completed projects include gender analysis and reflect the gender responsive frameworks and relevant parts of the charter of demands. Is there any reporting on disability inclusion?
  • Determine the extent of the impact of the projects on women through interviews on the ground in selected projects in target locations
  • Determine as far as possible the extent to which the GCF projects in Kenya are funded through grants and through loans.

4. Process

  • Undertake document review of GRACC project documents including research, framework, evaluation. (2 days)
  • Undertake document review of AAK strategy and relevant documents
  • Undertake document review of GCF proposals, reports, action plans and assessment plans for GCF investments in Kenya. Determine the types of gender actions they propose and what the assessments find. Determine the achievements around gender in investment reports (2 days)
  • Select 1-3 projects from the approved projects and discuss with women participating in GRACC (3 days)
  • Set-up some key questions that women (and consultant) may want to ask of implementers, of women groups in the project implementation area (if applicable) and of women-led civil society organizations at the national and county level to determine and verify the impacts (negative and positive) for women. (3 days)
  • Set-up and conduct interviews with the women in the project implementation area, with women-led CSOs and with Government to determine the impact and verify the consultation processes that have been followed. (8 days)
  • Generate draft report and circulate for comment. (7 days)
  • Revise and finalize report (2 days)

5. Timeframe

28 days upon signing the contract 10th February, 2022 – 16th March, 2022

6. Reporting Requirements

Structure of report

  • Executive Summary
  • Background including description of GCF projects
  • Method including ethical considerations and who and gender of interviewees
  • Findings
  • Document analysis (gender assessments and action plans)
  • FGDs
  • KIIs
  • Recommendations
  • Annexes including guiding questions

7. Expected Outputs

7.1 Pre-research deliverables

Within one week of contract signing, the selected consultant is expected to provide an inception report showing the methodology, hypothesis/conceptual framework against which policy analysis/review will be conducted based on the objectives, sampling design and field visit schedules, fully developed questionnaires and report structure for consideration by AAIK programme staff.

7.2 Mid-research deliverables

Submission of draft report covering desk review for consideration and incorporation of feedback and comments by AAIK programme staff.

7.3 Post-research deliverables

Presentation of the final detailed report for validation at County level and participate in the planned stakeholder forums for the dissemination of research findings and consequent development of a position paper and policy briefs.

8. Management

ActionAid International Kenya will directly supervise the consultant with inputs and support provided by the Project Coordinator, the Programme Coordinator – Land and Resilient Livelihoods and the Programme Manager – Resilient Livelihoods and Emergencies.

9. Qualification and experience

Given the highly technical nature of the assignment, the lead consultant should provide the following expertise:

  • An advanced degree in Climate Change Studies, Environmental Studies, Development Studies, Public Policy and Analysis, Statistics or any relevant field to climate change and research.
  • Experience, strong skills and proven track record in conducting quantitative and qualitative data analysis.
  • Demonstrated experience and familiarity with issues related to Safeguarding and Child Protection.
  • Excellent report writing skills and ability to present data and graphics in a user-friendly manner.
  • Ability to synthesize technical information into simple, understandable manner.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Applicants should provide:
  • A technical proposal with an elaborate design and methodology, sample design; clear work plan on how the research will be conducted; including the tools to be used in the research and proposed time schedules.
  • A sample of 4 similar works undertaken within the past 3 years.
  • An itemized budget for consultancy fees and administrative costs.
  • Curriculum vitae for the consultants and proposed team members. • List of related work undertaken since 2019 including full names, email address, telephone and physical address of the clients.

Other requirements

  • Consent forms, must have written consent from all interviewees
  • Child Protection and PSEAH Code of Conduct, this must be signed by the consultant and guidance provided for taking photos. Follow COVID protocols
  • Feminist Research Guidelines read and follow
  • AAK research guidance
Submission of bidsThe expression of interest and accompanying documents should be submitted via email to

Procurement.Kenya@actionaid.org on or before 10th February, 2022. For any clarifications, please contact the aforementioned.

Female candidates as the lead consultants are highly encouraged to apply and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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