SVRI Research Grants

SVRI Research Grants – Action to End Violence Against Women and Violence Against Children. The Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) is inviting applications for innovative research that will contribute to the prevention and response of violence against women (VAW), violence against children (VAC) and other forms of violence driven by gender inequality in low and middle income countries.

Eligibility Criteria
Applications for support under this award should:

  • Preference will be given to proposals submitted and led by organizations based in LMICs.
  • Be affiliated with a recognized, legally constituted research institution or organization with existing research or programming capacity on VAW and VAC. Grants will only be made to institutions and not to individuals.
  • Where appropriate, involve partnerships between multiple organizations, for example, a local NGO, practice based agency and an academic institution, or local government and an NGO or an academic institution. Preference will be given to academic/researcher – practitioner partnerships. The partnership arrangement – including a detailed description of roles and responsibilities of team members – must be clearly outlined and reflected in the proposal and budget allocation.

Other eligibility considerations to note:

  • Organizations or consortiums can submit up to two proposals, but only one proposal will be funded.
  • Previous grantees will not be considered as principal applicants.
  • Institutions who have an active SVRI grant may not apply.
  • Grant applications that are proposing work on behalf of UN Agencies, the World Bank Group or other multi-lateral agencies will not be considered.
  • All projects under this call should focus on VAW and VAC prevention and/or response in LMICs.
  • If the funds are sought for scale up or dissemination activities, the application must provide sufficient information to enable the scientific quality of the original study to be assessed as well as a description of the activities for which funds are requested.

Types of projects eligible for grant

Types of projects that may be supported under this grant include:

  • Research projects that are either standalone projects or a component of a larger project that will guide efforts to effectively address or prevent VAW and VAC.
  • Qualitative studies that explore the effectiveness and process of creating change with innovative VAW and VAC prevention interventions or the acceptability, impact, and process of change created by interventions that support and assist survivors of VAW and VAC.
  • Projects that seek to address VAW and VAC prevention and response together or simultaneously or in one intervention with distinct elements.
  • Projects that work to understand how to integrate VAW and/and or VAC programming into other sectoral work and or large infrastructure development programmes.
  • Those that develop innovative methods and tools for VAW and/or VAC research.
  • Those that evaluate how to effectively expand tested VAW and VAC prevention and response interventions.
  • Secondary analysis of existing data that will provide insights into addressing VAW and VAC more effectively and sustainably.
  • Research on violence across diverse populations in situations of vulnerability, including persons with disabilities, people living with HIV, older persons, indigenous peoples, LGBTQI, refugees, internally displaced persons and migrants.
  • Research on the impact of COVID – 19 on VAW and the VAW/VAC intersections, including: conducting research and programming during times of widespread instability and anxiety; ethical and sage use of remote data collection; support services for survivors under restrictive regulatory environments; Covid-19 recovery plans and inclusion of VAW and VAC considerations.
  • For more guidance on research priorities identified by the field look at the Global Shared Research Agenda. There might be other relevant research themes in different contexts, so the GRSA should be used as a general guidance tool.

Grant value and duration
Applicants can apply for grants between $40,000 to $150,000 no longer than 18 months in length.
The common characteristic of these awards is the provision of limited funding for a short period of time
to research projects with a clear, measurable outcome.

Guiding principles
Projects supported by The SVRI Research Grant should:

  • Apply feminist and women-centered research and partnerships.
  • Be conceptualized within a human rights framework.
  • Adhere to international safety and ethical guidelines.
  • Strive for innovation in ideas, new methodologies and partnerships, while building on evidence.
  • Strive to be collaborative, cross-sectoral and multi-disciplinary.
  • Promote equitable participation and bring to the field diverse voices from low and middle-income countries (researchers, survivors, marginalized groups).
  • Where relevant and appropriate, endeavor to engage the community where the research will take place.

For all details see;

Closing date for applications: 19 July 2022

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