Short-Term Consultancy on Digital Monitoring & Evaluation and GIS, Support to the Somalia Country Management Unit (CMU)

1. ICT for Operational Effectiveness in FCV contexts and the GEMS Initiative

Fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV) is a central development challenge. Global extreme poverty is increasingly concentrated in fragile and conflict-affected settings, and the global FCV landscape has deteriorated in recent years, with rising levels of conflict, violence and forced displacement. Addressing FCV is therefore critical to making progress towards the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Twin Goals of ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity. In this context, in 2020 the WBG launched its first FCV Strategy to enhance its effectiveness to support countries in addressing the drivers and impacts of FCV and strengthening their resilience, especially for the most vulnerable populations.

As part of the implementation of the FCV Strategy, the FCV Group is providing support to Country Management Units (CMUs) to address specific country-level FCV challenges. In the Somalia CMU, the FCV Group is providing strategic and analytical support, providing implementation and supervision support, and engaging with key partners on the FCV agenda. This is important to address the diverse fragility risks impacting the country, such as high levels of conflict, complex political economy dynamics, and compounding shocks related to climate change and food insecurity.

In order to accountably implement development project in FCV contexts, it is critical to ‘get eyes on the ground where we cannot always have feet on the ground.’ The Geo-Enabling methodology for Monitoring and Supervision (GEMS) has been developed in response to this demand, with the aim to provide project teams, client agencies, and partner organizations with timely access to invaluable field information from areas that cannot be regularly visited.

Development Objective: The GEMS method enables project teams to use simple and low-cost open-source tools for in-field collection of structured digital data that automatically feeds into centralized digital Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) systems. The integrated data can include any kind of indicators, based on tailor-made forms; photos, audio, videos; time and date stamps; and GPS coordinates that allow for automated geo-mapping of the information. Using these tools and visualizing real-time results on dashboards allows operations to enhance the transparency and accuracy of M&E and increase the accountability of third-party monitoring (TPM). Moreover, the GEMS method provides WBG Global Practices (GPs) and Country Management Units (CMUs) with platforms for remote supervision, real-time risk and safeguards monitoring, as well as portfolio mapping for coordination across projects and partners.

2. Background

In recent years, Somalia has been impacted by several overlapping crises that have deepened existing structural drivers of FCV and which threaten hard-won political, economic, and development progress made over the past decade. These challenges include ongoing political tensions, the ongoing threat posed by Al-Shabaab, and climate-related shocks, including recurrent droughts and flooding. Emerging crises have intensified pre-existing vulnerabilities, such as high levels of insecurity, a weak social contract between citizens and the state, nascent government institutions with limited capacity, constrained fiscal space, weak health and education systems, and fragmented safety nets. This poses a serious challenge to the country’s ongoing transition to establish a stable political settlement, foster peace and security, and strengthen the institutions needed to deliver basic services to citizens.

The WBG has scaled-up its engagement in Somalia with sustained financing while adopting a flexible approach that allows the WBG to adapt quickly to rapidly changing dynamics on the ground while managing the risks associated with the WBG’s heightened engagement. As of end-FY22, the WBG portfolio stood at USD 1.84 billion with projects across a range of sectors – including to strengthen governance and core state functions, support service delivery, and improve infrastructure. In response to the ongoing drought in Somalia, the World Bank has availed USD 333.9 million across six projects. To strengthen transparency, results monitoring and accountability, the Country Management Unit collaborates with Project Task Teams and the GEMS team on the development of an information management and data visualization platform showcasing the ongoing and planned response.

The data consolidation is led by the Somalia CMU, based on inputs from task teams and implementing partners. To date, these efforts are led by the UN-World Bank Liaison officer. Efforts have been hindered by a lack of consistent standards for project-level data collection, retention and sharing across the portfolio.

To establish a sustainable data management system, building on existing project-level monitoring and data collection efforts, the CMU requires additional capacity and support by the GEMS team. This information will be consolidated, organized and visualized, alongside relevant data sets (e.g. poverty statistics, humanitarian needs, ACLED data on conflict incidents, etc.) to enable information sharing, analysis and informed decision-making. It should also help strengthen Task Team supervision and PIU implementation by enabling increased, consistent use of available digital tools and platforms for reporting and monitoring. For the CMU, it will enable monitoring of the portfolio-wide footprint and results, while strengthening transparency and accountability.

The data collection, information management and visualization approach will be phased to expand the drought response mapping (Phase I) to include all Recipient Executed projects with service contracts with UN implementing partners (Phase II), and eventually to the World Bank portfolio at large (Phase 3). The first two phases will inform the development of the Country Partnership Framework (CPF), while the last phase will support portfolio wide results reporting and reporting of the new CPF.

The Somalia CMU is looking to hire a short-term consultant (STC) to join the GEMS team. The consultant will be based in Nairobi, Kenya, and fully embedded in the GEMS team, within the World Bank’s Fragility, Conflict and Violence Group. The consultant will work under the guidance of the Senior Operations Manager, the World bank – UN Liaison officer with the Somalia CMU, the FCV Group’s Strategy and Operations Officer, and in close coordination with the task teams implementing the WBG group drought response.

3. Objective and Scope of Work: Leveraging ICT to Enhance M&E and Supervision

The objective of the data analyst consultancy is to provide technical support to the World Bank Somalia CMU as it strengthens and systematizes the sharing, management and visualization of project-level data across the World Bank portfolio in Somalia.

The focus of the consultancy will be to support the CMU and task teams in systematically implementing the GEMS method across the Somalia portfolio, with an initial emphasis on drought response components of relevant projects as well as projects implemented in collaboration with the United Nations, before then scaling-up to systematize the use of GEMS across the broader WBG portfolio in Somalia. Working in close collaboration with the GEMS team and the Somalia Country Management Unit, the consultant will be responsible for the design, implementation, supervision, and daily management of a customized digital dashboard, for the World Bank Group portfolio and the drought response (covering M&E and project management aspects across relevant projects), the delivery of GEMS capacity-building trainings and ongoing hand-on support for project teams, government agencies, safeguards and procurement specialists, and relevant implementing partners, including United Nations Agencies, Funds and Programs. The role also includes reviewing and contributing to project documents, such as progress reports, and regular follow-up engagement and technical assistance to clients. The STC will also be responsible for managing the interlinkages with project-specific Information Management Systems to source relevant information and conducting tailored data analyses, based on demand.

The consultant will provide GIS and cartography support to internal and external clients. An additional role of the consultant will be to support the Somalia portfolio and program team with the creation and administration of geo-enabled dashboards and related data platforms, as well as maps and spatial data analyses. This includes the responsibility to proactively liaise with technical counterparts, gather and process geospatial information, and further develop the existing drought response dashboard for portfolio-wide M&E purposes. The dashboards should feature a variety of data aggregation and visualization options to allow for different types of technical analyses, both relating to portfolio and project M&E.

The consultant should work closely with the CMU and the respective task teams to help define the scope of the portfolio-wide data generation, information management and visualization approach in terms of type of data collected, quantity, frequency, and required resources for data collection, data quality control, among others. Towards this end, the consultant should gain an in-depth understanding of the overall WBG Somalia portfolio and particularly the Drought Response portfolio, through a close interaction with the respective teams.

A complementary focus will be on developing training guidelines, protocols and technical platforms for systematizing and scaling-up the GEMS support for the Somalia portfolio, drought response and UN-WB partnership related clients across the Somalia portfolio. The consultant will support the team in:

  1. rolling out a standard learning package on the GEMS method, with in-person kick off trainings for all PCUs, PIUs, Sub-PIUs, UN and other implementing partners as well as WB staff, and other entities involved in the implementation of the program, and conducting quarterly refreshers and training on request;
  2. Further developing and managing the customized portfolio monitoring dashboard on which project data can be geo-mapped and related to contextual insights;
  3. establishing internal standards and guidelines for the sustainable implementation of the GEMS method, by developing user-friendly guidelines for the users.

The consultant will directly support ministries and government agencies in Somalia as well as United Nations and other implementing partners, subject to interest, in setting up systems to source data from existing MIS systems generate additional data where needed. To leverage the GEMS system as an inter-agency coordination tool, the consultant will also build capacity with stakeholders outside of the World Bank. To this end, the consultant will closely work with government agencies, UN agencies and other partners to leverage the GEMS tools and method for supervision and coordination. In this regard, the consultant will oversee the technical cooperation in terms of leveraging the GEMS systems, develop strategies for joint data analysis, and create data collection questionnaires upon agreement with the partners.

The consultant will also support the wider remote supervisionagenda of the drought response and UN-World Bank portfolio. The consultant will work with the GEMS team, the CMU, task teams and country partners to explore and apply complementary field-appropriate ICT tools and procedures to improve remote supervision as well as effectiveness and accountability of operational engagement. In this regard, the STC will closely cooperate with the WB Information and Technology Solutions (ITS) department and their ‘Project360’ (P360) project implementation platform and support team. Supervision solutions that will be explored through the use of P360 will include inter alia (a) earth observation, remote sensing, and aerial imagery through satellite/drones/etc.; (b) data analytics, including social media data for complementary monitoring tasks; (c) mobile-phone/SMS-based survey systems for citizen engagement, beneficiary feedback, and grievance redress mechanisms, and; d) interoperability of the projects data collection platform (KoBoToolbox) with existing clients MIS. The above list is not exhaustive and may be extended during implementation of the Program.

4. Objectives

The selected STC will be responsible for the following:

  1. Learning package and implementation support to clients.
    • Support the sustainable application of the GEMS method across the WBG Somalia portfolio, and in particular the projects that are part of the Somalia drought response and UN-WB partnership and ensure that gradually all projects are integrated in the system.
    • Deliver GEMS capacity-building trainings to project task teams, client Project Implementation Units (PIUs), and select partners (train-the-trainers approach) to ensure sustainability in the use of the methodology.
    • Set up a helpdesk via WhatsApp/MS Teams/e-mail to assist PIUs on the daily collection of data, technical troubleshooting, or any needs regarding the M&E systems.
    • Establish internal standards and guidelines for the sustainable implementation of the GEMS method by developing user-friendly guidelines for the users.
    • Provide follow-up support to clients to ensure that the system is leveraged sustainably.
    • Provide GIS and cartography support to the clients, as needed, to ensure that collected data is leveraged appropriately for the customized program dashboard.
  2. Develop and manage data collection tools.
    • Conduct mapping of relevant project-related results monitoring information to establish a baseline of available information and relevant gaps.
    • In consultation with the Somalia CMU, Task Teams, and PIUs, establish minimum standards of data to be collected across relevant projects on (i) operational presence, types of activity, (ii) output indicators to allow results tracking (project ambition vs. reach).
    • In consultation with the WB CMU, TTs and the client, the consultant will develop a data sourcing mechanism, building on existing MIS and other data generation systems for the drought response components as well as the UN-implemented World Bank portfolio in Somalia.
    • Ensure the data collection tools are harmonized across projects, designed, tested, and validated to feed the customized dashboard for the portfolio and to avoid invalid data, errors, bugs, or system breakdowns.
    • Develop protocols for data collection and quality control.
    • When requested by any given project or partners for any specific purpose, the consultant will develop customized templates to capture additional aspects of the individual projects.
    • Have an organized library of relevant project datasets, sector datasets, development datasets, and geospatial datasets and shapefiles, as provided by both the WB and the clients, for all the projects involved in the portfolio.
    • Review and/or support the digitization of data collection questionnaires and methods for specific clients and projects.
    • Explore options for collaboration on data exchange and analysis with partners.
    • Explore the use of complementary technology and processes for remote supervision of operational engagements, support project teams with the implementation, and produce practical guidance material.
  3. Establish and Manage the Program’s Customized Dashboard
    • Further design, develop, operate, maintain, and administer a customized digital dashboard for both UN-WB and drought response portfolios including M&E and operational presence features, using a combination of tools such as KoBoToolbox, Power BI, ArcGIS Online, and other potentially complementary tools, and in close coordination with the Somalia CMU, task teams, country clients, the GEMS team.
    • Ensure that all data collection tools, software, and processes follow a robust and well-designed “flow” of data – from project/program onsite collection, through data storage, data validation, data integration, and finally into the various dashboard screens, charts, and visuals.
    • Follow up with client parties and implementation agencies to ensure that data is regularly collected and shared from all project/program site locations on the correct pre-defined data collection schedules (e.g. initial site registration, quarterly site reporting, ad-hoc site visit records, etc.). Ensure that collected and updated data is automatically synchronized with the program’s central data storage repositories and into the ‘live’ customized dashboard.
    • Manage the process of cleaning and validating data after it is input, and before it is integrated into the customized dashboard.
    • In coordination with the Somalia CMU and the GEMS team, ensure the access to, the maintenance of, and the proper operation of the data and software systems and tools, and promptly troubleshoot and fix issues as they arise.
    • With the guidance of the Somalia CMU team, facilitate the periodic review of the program’s customized dashboard and the data collection / analysis processes in order to ensure that they remain relevant and productive to the evolving drought response and UN-WB portfolio as well as the project needs for M&E in Somalia. As needed, manage the processes of adapting and revising the tools to meet the changing needs.
    • Prepare brief but detailed descriptions of how the dashboard and custom platforms work, and how data is to be entered and updated as well as how it can feed into decision making processes. This documentation will be used to share technical information with team and will also be used for training and teaching system users.
  4. Other Tasks
    • Support the preparation of a monthly briefing note in PowerPoint format on the GEMS implementation throughout the Portfolio.
    • Regularly record statistical data on training participants and trained/supported projects as well as project-specific use cases in a centrally provided database. Recordings are expected immediately after any trainings and provided project support.

5. Selection Criteria

The ideal candidate will have a primary expertise in M&E, GIS and ICT, as well as an in-depth understanding of World Bank operations, policies and procedures. S/he will be familiar with ways in which technology can be applied to monitor projects and other dynamics on the ground and will meet the following selection criteria:

    • Master’s degree in either engineering, geography, environmental science or in computer science. In any case, specific experience in using ICT to boost development effectiveness will be crucial.
    • At least 5 years of experience in issues related to M&E, ICT, geospatial analysis, with demonstrated ability to apply technologies to solve challenges related to development/humanitarian interventions.
    • Knowledge of M&E systems, especially as they apply to fragile contexts, demonstrated through field experience.
    • Advanced GIS skills and proven experience with geospatial data and analysis (through ArcMap, QGIS, R, and/or Python) and ability to manage databases and suites of large datasets.
    • Proven experience using mobile data collection tools, such as KoBoToolbox, ONA, SurveyCTO, Survey Solutions, etc. as well as experience with advanced data analysis tools, such as ArcGIS online, Power BI or Tableau. Experience with Microsoft Power Query and other data ETL tools is a strong plus.
    • Knowledge of World Bank operational policies and business practices is a plus.
    • Background and proven experience in the private sector are a plus.
    • Demonstrated initiative, leadership skills, innovation and drive for results including ability to undertake a diversity of tasks within a rapidly changing and demanding environment on short deadlines.
    • Excellent communication skills, with an ability to adapt to an audience that is technical/operational, but not necessarily knowledgeable of ICT issues.
    • Fluency in English, enabling the consultant to conduct interactive technical trainings with clients and to produce high-quality written outputs.
    • Fluency in Somali is a plus.
    • Advanced skills in MS office applications, in particular Excel and PowerPoint.
    • Excellent workflow management skills and a proactive attitude.
The selected consultant will be contracted by the FCV Group for a period of 60 days, subject to extension upon performance. The contract will comprise the Fiscal Year 2023 (until June 30, 2023). The consultant will be based in Nairobi, Kenya. The consultant will report to the FCV Group Strategy and Operations Officer based in Nairobi. S/he will closely collaborate with the Somalia CMU, task teams of respective projects implementing the WBG drought response, the World Bank’s GEMS team (FCV Group), and with other relevant teams, as needed.

To apply

Interested candidates should send their resumes and a one-page motivation letter to, & The subject line of the email should be “Application for GEMS position in Nairobi”. Only successful candidates will be contacted.

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