EMJMD Scholarships in Tourism Development and Culture 2023

This two-year Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) explores contemporary theoretical and practical issues in tourism development, with a cultural focus, providing critical analytical skills.

The EMJMD programme provides an excellent opportunity for those new to tourism to engage and attain a broad grasp of the subject as well as a deep and analytical insight into aspects of tourism development, culture and related industries.

This is an exciting and innovative programme offered by the University of Glasgow (Dumfries Campus), the University of Malta, Lund University (Sweden) and the University Institute of Lisbon (Portugal). You will graduate with a joint degree awarded by the relevant partners.

Programme Benefits

  • By studying with a combination of these partners, you will be taught by world-class experts in the areas of social science analysis of tourism, heritage, business innovation and sustainability.
  • You will also have the opportunity to attend a 10 day summer school at Wageningen University (Netherlands) with a focus on the environment and tourism.
  • Unique in terms of the subject matter covered, the diverse range and complementarity of the five partner universities involved, and the focus on culture in its broadest sense will greatly enhance your student experience.
  • Courses are both theoretical and practical- Some involve field trips, along with work placement opportunities. This will equip you for the working world in the tourism, heritage, and wider culture-based industries.

Programme Structure

  • The programme is structured around a series of mobility periods across two years where you study at a combination of these partner universities, taking a mix of core and optional courses.
  • Teaching is delivered via mix of lectures and seminars, with guest lectures and opportunities for work placement.
  • The final mobility period will be spent at one of the semester 3 partners (University Institute of Lisbon or Lund University) under the supervision of a team from at least two universities.
  • The programme also includes an optional two-week summer school at Wageningen University (Netherlands) at the end of year 1.

Entry Requirements

  • Undergraduates with a minimum 2:1 Honors degree or equivalent (e.g. a Grade Point Average of 75%) in the following subject areas; social sciences or humanities, or management & business.
  • Students with Postgraduate Degrees will not be accepted for Scholarship places.

Required Documents

  • A copy of your official academic transcripts
  • An official translation of your academic transcripts, if they are not in English
  • A copy of your official degree certificate
  • An official translation of your degree certificate if it is not in English
  • 2 reference letters
  • A copy of your CV
  • Evidence of your English language ability
  • A copy of the photo page of your passport
  • A completed TourDC Personal Statement Form

For more information: https://tourismdevelopment-erasmusmundus.eu/howtoapply

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