Research Consultant : GIRL-H Learning & Research – Mercy Corps

About Mercy Corps

Mercy Corps is a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In disaster, in hardship, in more than 40 countries around the world, we partner to put bold solutions into action — helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within. Now, and for the future.

Program Summary

Girls Improving Resilience through Livelihoods and Health (GIRL-H) is a three-year, multi-country program implemented in Kenya, Uganda, Haiti and in 2022 it expanded to Nigeria. The program seeks to improve the well-being of adolescent girls and young women by increasing their access to skills and knowledge, health resources, formal education, and economic opportunities. GIRL also fosters an enabling environment by working with communities to transform unhealthy social norms and create opportunities for girls to access education and economic opportunities.


The GIRL-H program, a three-year initiative active in Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria, with some work also done in Haiti. , has been dedicated to the holistic development of adolescents and young adults aged 10 to 24. Fundamentally, the program focuses on the augmentation of access to essential skills, health resources, formal education, and economic opportunities, with an overarching aim of fostering a supportive societal environment, particularly for young girls. Critical to the assessment and progression of the GIRL-H program is the series of evaluations, encompassing baseline, midline, and end-of-project quantitative surveys, alongside qualitative studies. Such evaluations not only facilitate a deeper understanding of the current profile of the populations being served but also aid in ensuring programmatic effectiveness through adaptive management and continuous learning.

These evaluations have highlighted both challenges and opportunities. For instance, the GIRL-H program in Haiti encountered considerable obstacles, prompting a shift to Nigeria and a significantly reduced target. In contrast, the “pause and reflect” sessions shed light on the program’s progress in alignment with its theory of change, providing a basis for improved strategizing and project phase-out discussions. Furthermore, a learning assessment conducted in Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda revealed key insights into the program’s target populations’ economic and civic engagement dynamics, identifying significant barriers and enablers unique to each region.

Given the evaluations and assessments of the GIRL-H program, there emerges an imperative to distill this valuable knowledge. The primary purpose of the curation is to effectively share insights with stakeholders within the organization. This sharing is pivotal for upscaling the program, ensuring its replication in other settings, and maintaining its efficacy.

This task will primarily focus on two key components for its initial phase: the “Transition” and “Safe Space” components.

  • The “Transition” component aims to bridge the gap between adolescence and adulthood, ensuring that beneficiaries are equipped with the requisite skills and knowledge to navigate this critical life phase.
  • The “Safe Space” initiative is dedicated to creating environments wherein these young individuals can get empowerment, learn, grow, and express themselves without fear of retribution or harm.

Consolidating learnings from both these components will provide a comprehensive understanding of the program’s tangible impact and serve as a guide for shaping future program design.


To better comprehend and capture the multi-faceted learnings from GIRL-H, Mercy Corps seeks a consultant to consolidate the diverse evaluation, assessment, and review reports from its operational sites. This will include copy editing, copywriting, and the design and production of a comprehensive, well-edited, and graphically rich report.

  1. Review and analyze the existing learning reports from different geographies (Kenya, Uganda, Haiti, and Nigeria) and the different themes (Baseline & midline evaluations, Process evaluations, learning assessments, internal program reports, donor program reports and pause and reflect sessions reports).
  2. Consolidate the key learnings, findings, and recommendations from these reports into a comprehensive and coherent document.
  3. Highlight the challenges, best practices, and potential strategies for future implementation of the GIRL-H model based on the analyses.
  4. Develop two learning documents that will focus on safe space implementation for adolescents and youth; and most viable transition pathways for adolescents and youth. These documents are expected to serve as guides and frameworks for other programs intending to implement the GIRL model.


  1. Review and Analyze Reports: Comprehensive review and analysis of all reports, evaluations, and other relevant documentation.
  2. Engage with the GIRL-H team to clarify any queries or doubts.
  3. Desk review: Compile, synthesize, and analyze data across various reports to identify trends, patterns, and key learnings.
  4. Stakeholder Engagement: Engage with program teams and stakeholders for additional insights and validation of findings.
  5. Draft Consolidated Report: Develop a consolidated report outlining findings, learnings, challenges, and recommendations.
  6. Copy Editing and Writing: Conduct copy editing and copywriting to ensure clarity, coherence, and alignment with Mercy Corps’ communication style.
  7. Graphic Design: Create a visually appealing report that aligns with the branding and aesthetic values of Mercy Corps.
  8. Knowledge Management Framework: Develop a framework to facilitate the structured use of learning in future initiatives.
  9. Synthesis and Validation: Present the consolidated report to the GIRL-H team for feedback and finalization.

Expected Deliverables:

The expected outcomes of consolidating learnings of GIRL program are as follows:

  1. A preliminary summary of insights from the two learning briefs.
  2. A comprehensive consolidated report, inclusive of key lessons, recommendations, and areas of improvement for future programs.
  3. A presentation summarizing the consolidated findings suitable for stakeholder meetings.
  4. A learning document that highlights the components of safe spaces that are necessary for adolescents’ and youth well-being.
  5. A learning document that highlights the viable transition pathways – and description of the supporting program activities and materials – for adolescents and youth.

Key Relationships

The consultant will work under the direction and supervision of the Research & Evidence Lead who will be the consultant’s focal point-person, overseeing the consultant’s work over the period of engagement. The consultant will collaborate with the TSU Advisor (Adolescent Girls and Youth) who will provide technical guidance on the framing of products.

Reporting Lines

Guidance on this assignment will be collaborative and carried out under the overall guidance of the Research and Evidence Lead, in close consultation with the TSU Advisor (Adolescent Girls and Youth) and the Program Director. Progress meetings will be held between the consultant and Research and evidence Lead (weekly) to ensure that activities are on track, that objectives are being met, and are in line with overall Mercy Corps requirements.

Desirable Experience

  • Advanced degree in agriculture, economics, social sciences, demography, public health, or relevant field with 7-10 years of experience in conducting mixed-method research.
  • Experience and knowledge in resilience, livelihoods, market systems, and programs in the global south is preferred.
  • Fluency in speaking and writing in English will be considered an advantage.
  • Experience conducting research, and interviewing beneficiaries and stakeholders working in resilience and humanitarian contexts, are desirable.
  • Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills. Specifically, the ability to communicate clearly in English.
  • Superior organizational skills and the ability to adhere to the scope procedures.


  • 21-30 LOE days from the date of contract signing.

Workplan (Illustrative):

  • Week 1: Stakeholder consultations with the relevant teams
  • Week 2: Initiation and review of provided documents.
  • Week 3-4: Extraction & Consolidation of findings.
  • Week 5: Drafting of the consolidated report.
  • Week 6: Presentation to GIRL-H team and feedback collection.
  • Week 7: Finalization and submission of the learning briefs and the final report.

NOTE -The duration of the assignment begins when the consultant signs onto the consultancy.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Achieving our mission begins with how we build our team and work together. Through our commitment to enriching our organization with people of different origins, beliefs, backgrounds, and ways of thinking, we can better leverage the collective power of our teams and solve the world’s most complex challenges. We strive for a culture of trust and respect, where everyone contributes their perspectives and authentic selves, reaches their potential as individuals and teams, and collaborates to do the best work of their lives.

We recognize that diversity and inclusion is a journey, and we are committed to learning, listening, and evolving to become more diverse, equitable, and inclusive than we are today.

Equal Employment Opportunity

We are committed to providing an environment of respect and psychological safety where equal employment opportunities are available to all. We do not engage in or tolerate discrimination based on race, color, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, disability (including HIV/AIDS status), marital status, military veteran status, or any other protected group in the locations where we work.

Safeguarding & Ethics

Mercy Corps team members and other stakeholders such as consultants, service providers, vendors etc. are expected to support all efforts toward accountability, specifically to our stakeholders and international standards guiding international relief and development work, while actively engaging communities as equal partners in designing, monitoring, and evaluating our field projects. Team members are expected to conduct themselves professionally and respect local laws, customs, and MC’s policies, procedures, and values at all times and in all in-country venues.

Application Deadline:

Please submit your detailed proposal to by close of business on Wednesday 8th November 2023.

Technical Areas

Relevant Experience in qualitative research, document reviews, data collection, and learning product delivery (score 30)

Strong capacity and technical know-how to provide expertise in the approach and development of deliverables per the requirements presented herein (score 30)

Innovation and Strong Technical details to develop knowledge products, summaries, learning briefs, and reports as per the SOW (score 20)

Reasonable Cost of carrying out the stated activities that will reflect ‘value for money’. Lowest technically acceptable to get full marks 10; other to be ranked relative using reverse scoring. Formula: [(Lowest Cost of All Bids / Cost of Bid for This Firm) * 10 (score 20)

Total 100 points

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