Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Systematic review of evaluations by H2H Network member organizations (DRC HQ)

RFQ Reference no.: RFQ-DKHQ-EKL-PR_00176152

The H2H Network seeks proposals from consultants to conduct a systematic review of relevant evaluations, reviews and other learning products developed across the membership to date. The consultant will be expected to map out the available evidence base, critically appraise it and synthesize the results. Findings will be synthetized in one report, identifying pattern and themes, systemic issues and making overarching recommendations.
DRC requests your to submit your offer for the consultancy, as further described in Annex A Request for Quotation form, and Annex B Terms of Reference.

RFQ publication date: 25 November 2021

RFQ closure date and time: local CET: 09 December 2021, 23:59 = GMT: 09 December 2021, 22:59

To download the full tender package please visit the official tender site:

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