Request for Quotation: Photography and Videography for Adolescents 360 – PSI’s Flagship Youth Contraceptive Program


About Population Services International (PSI)

PSI is a non-profit organization working to improve the health of poor and vulnerable people around the world. PSI has an annual budget of $500+ million, offices in 40+ countries. For further information on PSI’s size, scope, structure, and strategy refer to

About A360

Across disciplines and in partnership with young people, A360 supports governments to increase the demand for and voluntary uptake of modern contraceptives among adolescent girls 15-19-years-old across Nigeria, Ethiopia and Kenya. The project is led by PSI and co-funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF).


A360 is in need of an updated photography portfolio and video stories to capture the project’s story and impact in Kenya. These products will be used for online promotion (YouTube, web and social media), in print material and in presentations. We want the video and photography to reflect the project’s bold, fresh, and youthful feel.


We are looking for a high-quality photographer and videographer found in Nairobi Kenya, who can cover our project, Binti Shupavu in Kilifi, Kenya. This is a follow-up to the documentation in Narok, Migori and Homabay.



  • 150 of photos from Migori


1. The consultant is expected to produce one documentary-style film exploring A360’s components of economic strengthening and enabling environment within the county

  • Length: 5 minutes
  • Format: YouTube video format and compatibility

2. 5 short interview videos, capturing adolescent girls lived experience.

3. 3 short interview clips highlighting the role of service providers, guardians and project partners in Kilifi.


Interviews with a number of subjects as listed in the document.

  • In collaboration with the A360 Kenya’s team, develop a script for the documentary.
  • In collaboration with the A360 team, conduct field visits to collect footage. All field-related costs will be covered by A360.
  • Submit the edited documentary through email and Flash Disc in HD MP4 formats.


  1. Adolescent girls
  2. Parents/Guardians
  3. Providers
  4. Mobilizers (health actors who go door to door to motivate girls to attend A360 events)
  5. Community leaders
  6. A360 team members
  7. A360 Youth Innovation champions

Additional Elements

  • Contraceptive methods
  • Clinic interior and exterior
  • Landscape
  • Girls’ homes
  • A360 contraceptive manuals used by providers

Sample Scenes

  • Counseling session
  • Mobilizer engaging girls/couples/families
  • Service delivery
  • Girls selling products from the economic empowerment sessions
  • Girls taking part in learning sessions in a tent (cluster of girls sitting with a female leading)
  • Provider explaining to girls about contraception
  • Girl choosing contraceptive method with provider (NO pills please! Preference for LARCs)
  • Girls with cellphone contacting provider
  • Community leaders discussing/agreeing
  • Girl supported by community + team members
  • Girl interested in what a mobilizer has to say
  • Cluster of girls feeling like power is in their hands
  • Cluster of people – girls/family/team members/community leaders/providers – to show the ecosystem that supports girls


Timeline: October 16 – October 20

Location: Kilifi


– One five-minute documentary style

– Five short interview videos 90-120 seconds each

– Three short interview clips 90 – 120 seconds each

Submission Date: 30 November 2023

  1. The consultant shall commence the work as soon as possible and in consideration of the strict and short timelines.
  2. A detailed timeline, work plan and draft outline should be submitted within 3 days after award.
  3. The rough cut of every phase of the documentary should be provided to A360 for review, comments, and approval.
  4. The final products i.e., the photos, documentary as well as all the raw footage and project files, should be delivered to A360 no later than the agreed date after the completion of the assignment.
QUOTE GUIDELINESWe respect your time, and we prefer brevity. Feel free to provide your quote in a couple of pages in outline format similar to this RFQ, with a clear schedule and budget- including travel, and with five links to your work and other information that might be on your website. Or if you prefer, write more. However, our time is also limited, so for us, less is more.


Quotations are due 5 pm EAT October 13, 2023. Please submit quotes in PDF, WORD, Excel and/or Web Links. Submit by email to


All materials arising out of the consultancy shall remain the property of A360.

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