Request For Proposals for Expressions of Interest-Consulting Services-REACT SSA Independent Evaluation- AECF

AECF is currently implementing the REACT SSA programme, a multi-country initiative funded by Sida to increase energy access across sub-Saharan Africa. More information on the SSA programme can be found at our website

In order to better understand how the programme has performed, the key challenges faced and how energy access, clean energy and allied issues such as climate change and biodiversity can be addressed in future, Sida and AECF are planning an independent evaluation to be implemented in the first half of 2023. The work builds on a mid-term evaluation completed in 2022 and will feed into the design process for a potential future programme to support the sector.

The services included in this project are:

  1. A desk-based review of project documents, including progress reports, site visit reports, annual reports and impact reports.
  2. Interviews and other data collection with key stakeholders including AECF staff, Sida staff in headquarters and country missions, investees and peer organizations in the energy access sector.
  3. Drafting and presenting an evaluation report.

Whilst AECF will contract the evaluation partner, the assignment will be undertaken in close collaboration with Sida.  AECF intends to shortlist three companies/consortia for this assignment.  Companies are expected to be invited before the end of 2022 with an offer submission deadline of end January 2023 and an expected mobilization by end of February 2023.  The evaluation is expected to take no more than three months.

AECF now invites eligible consultancy companies to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested consultancy companies must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.)

Applicants should be able to demonstrate core competencies in:

  • Undertaking evaluations of international assistance in sub–Saharan Africa using rigorous methodological approaches;
  • Good understanding of energy access technologies, business models and investment strategies for private sector enterprises targeting low-income households in sub–Saharan Africa

The criteria against which proposals will be evaluated are identified in the table below.


Key Areas for Evaluation/ Assessment Weighted Award 
(A)  Expression of Interest   80
i) An understanding of the consultancy requirements; 20
iii) Relevant services are undertaken by the bidder in past engagements with evidence of LPO/LSO, letter of engagement, completion certificate 20
iv) Detailed reference list indicating the scope and magnitude of similar assignments and at least 2 signed letters of reference from past customers or associates to the consultant 10
v) Qualification and experience of the consultant/team and evidence of relevant certification 20
Vi)All the required registration and certification documents 10


Interested consultants may obtain further information through the procurement email during office hours 8.00am to 5.00pm EAT.

Expressions of interest must be submitted by email on 30th November 2022 at 5pm EAT and titled “REACT SSA Independent Evaluation”

Attn: AECF – Procurement Department

Procurement Manager

P.O Box 1996, West End Towers, Ground floor

00606, Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: Kenya +254 111 035 000


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