Request for Proposals: Communication and Documentation Support (Short Term)

Background – Habitat for Humanity in Africa

A world where everyone has a decent place to live

The need for adequate housing solutions in the African region is immense. The housing deficit in Africa is large and growing. With 238m people live in slums, the affordability gap is larger than any other region, whilst land rights tenure and governance remain stubbornly subpar globally. UN Habitat projects that 50% of Sub-Saharan Africa will be living in towns and cities by 2030. There is a huge shortage of housing, in terms of both quantity and quality, contributing to a proliferation of slums and informal dwellings.

Through shelter, we empower

Driven by the vision that everyone deserves a decent place to live, Habitat for Humanity began in 1976 as a grassroots effort, growing to become a leading nonprofit housing organization working in more than 70 countries. In Sub-Saharan Africa, Habitat for Humanity has supported millions of people to build or improve a place they can call home. We are present in Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Tanzania, South Africa, Uganda and Zambia.

Across the region, we partner with governments, corporations, non-profit organizations, and civil society organizations to increase families’ access to housing solutions. We help families gain access to housing microfinance services, clean water and safe sanitation, and secure land tenure. We enable families to recover from catastrophes by rebuilding homes and lives and to strengthen communities’ resilience to future disasters. While continuing to work in rural areas, Habitat for Humanity is also committed to a new urban approach to ensure that cities are inclusive, safe and sustainable.

Our key initiatives in Africa include:

  • Building sustainably with appropriate construction technologies
  • Increasing resilience through disaster risk reduction and response
  • Developing inclusive housing market systems, including access to financing, training, products & services
  • Creating sustainable communities through advocacy and our urban approach
  • Improving health and self-reliance through water, sanitation and hygiene initiatives
  • Volunteer & youth engagement

Brief on the assignment


Habitat for Humanity Africa Area office will be hosting the FY23 end of year review meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 17 – 22 July 2023. The meeting is an opportunity for National Organizations (NOs) and Area Office (AO) to assess our progress and performance over the past year FY23 and make plans for FY24. The previous mid-year review that took place from 28th November – 2nd December 2022, discussed the organization’s progress towards achieving its objectives and identified key areas for improvement. The mid-year review conclusions will serve as a segway to the End of Year Review meeting – thus presenting an opportunity to discuss the progress made in the identified areas and outlining a plan for the upcoming fiscal year.

The assignment – Consultancy summary (Note that the meeting location is Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)

In support of the above meeting, Habitat for Humanity Africa Area Office is seeking the services of a photographer and rapporteur:

  • Support preparatory information packages for the convening including briefing documents, logistics briefs, programs brochures etc
  • The consultant photographer will be responsible for taking photos during the meeting and other any audio-visual content as necessary and guided by the Africa Area Office communications team.
  • The consultant rapporteur will be responsible for capturing the complete notes of the proceedings and producing a report on the proceedings of the meeting. The report shall include all the presentations made during the meeting, a narrative summary of the proceedings and discussions and the professional observations from the processes and outcomes of the meeting. Advance research and knowledge of the housing sector and HFHI ‘s work will be recommended for accurate reporting. This may include interviews with internal HFHI team members.


  1. Packaged photos and any additional audio-visual content from the meeting.
  2. Consolidated report of maximum 20 pages highlighting the main content of the discussions throughout the meeting. The report to include:
    1. Main proceedings and summaries of each session
    2. Short summary of the engagement
    3. Inputs and recommendations from the participants
    4. Compile presentations and photographs, annex them to the main report
    5. Develop declarations and recommendations.


  • Habitat for Humanity will issue a Professional Service Agreement for a maximum of 15 working days. The 15 workdays include a brief preparatory meeting with Habitat for Humanity Africa Area Office; 5 days for the meeting; and the additional days for development of the report including sharing the draft and finalization of the report with comments from Habitat for Humanity.
  • On the photography, the consultant will be expected to share photos and any additional audio-visual content gathered on a rolling basis and eventually submit a folder with all content.

Key competencies of the consultant

  • Be highly qualified and proficient in spoken and written English.
  • Sound experience as rapporteur of technical workshops for at least 3 years.
  • Excellent report writing skills.
  • Have a fair understanding of development sector issues.
  • Use neat, concise and clear style in writing.
  • Experience in writing reports for NGOs and UN agencies will be advantageous.
  • Able to travel for this assignment.

Procedures and deadline for submission of proposals

The proposal must include a technical and a financial section.

The technical section must include:

  • Experience in both photography and rapporteuring – this should include links for reference.
  • Proposed approach to engage in the assignment and scope of services.
  • Brief background of the personnel who are going to manage this assignment.

The financial section must include:

  • The approximate total fee charged for the assignment and how it has been calculated according to the scope of work, including a breakdown of the expected hours and the charge rate.
  • The proposed fee shall be in USD.

Basis of proposal evaluation

The criteria and weightings that will be used during the selection process are:

  • Technical proposal including overall capabilities and experience of the company to deliver on the assignment 80%.
  • Price in USD, including how it has been calculated 20%.

How to apply

The proposal should be sent via email to with a copy to and and specify ‘FY23 END OF YEAR REVIEW MEETING – PHOTOGRAPHY & RAPPORTEURING SERVICES’ on or before 31st May 2023. (Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis)

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