Request for Proposal (RFP) for Consultancy Service, Conduct a Gender Market Analysis for ABLI -Garissa Project

RFP Reference no.: KEN -ABLI-G -2021-004

Area Based Livelihoods Initiative – Garissa (ABLI-G) is a three (3)-year project that commenced in April 2020, funded by the European Union (EU) Trust Fund for Stability and Addressing the Root Causes of Irregular Migration and Displaced Persons in Africa (EUTF). The EUTF’s stated overall objective for the action under this funding modality is to enhance the self-reliance of refugees and host communities in Kenya. This proposed action addresses the third component of the program: ‘pilot initiatives in support of economic self-reliance of refugees and host communities in Garissa County’. This action seeks to ensure a more integrated approach of linking skills to the labor market based on comprehensive market and value chain analyses; and following it up with support and mentorship for business development and entrepreneurship. The project aims to further promote an enabling environment for income generation in terms of access to formal and informal business opportunities and freedom of movement, finance, market linkages, resolution of localized and small-scale disputes that adversely affect economic activities and documentation (in the case of refugees). The action will be implemented in close coordination with the other two complementary and mutually-reinforcing components.

The project is implemented by three partners namely, Danish Refugee Council (DRC) as the lead implementing agency, with Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and International Trade Centre (ITC).

Overall objective of the project

  • To enhance self-reliance for refugees and host communities of Garissa County.

Expected specific outcomes of the project;

  1. Refugee and local individuals have improved and diversified skills and competencies that support opportunities for income generation and saving, resulting in increased absorptive resilience.
  2. Entrepreneurs and enterprises have improved economic opportunities through promotion of entrepreneurship and business development capacity resulting in strengthened adaptive resilience.
  3. Improved business environment that enables economic opportunities for refugee and local communities, resulting in enhanced transformative resilience capacity of market systems.

Expected results of the project: 1. Enhanced employability and self-employment capacity of refugees and local communities; 2. Improved economic opportunities through promotion of entrepreneurship and business development; and 3. Promotion of a business environment that allows access to economic opportunities for refugee and host community.

Target Beneficiaries

Overall, the project targets at least 5,000 direct beneficiaries. The project will work with county and national government, young people, women, men, the private sector and trade institutions in Dadaab. While the action will aim to give equal opportunity to both refugee and host community beneficiaries to participate in the action thus aiming for a 50:50 split in targeted individuals, other factors such as need in the target communities, appropriateness of individual activities to meet the specific needs of beneficiaries, Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD) criteria amongst others will also be considered. Detailed targeting criteria will be further informed by assessment findings and consultations.


The main purpose of this analysis is to identify new opportunities and potential new value chains for women and/or households where they do not participate in but can be supported to do so. The findings of the study will also be used to update existing evidence related to main economic activities led by women and men in targeted refugee and host communities in the implementation area, and to understand how those activities can be supported to boost income generation and household finances.

Through this, gaps, discrimination and key gender issues will be identified and discussions facilitated in light of the multiple dimensions on which gender inequalities and opportunities operate including economic, social, political, legal and at different levels: individual, household, community as well as at systemic levels namely markets and institutions both national & county. Data and information emanating therefrom is expected to inform the implementation process including potential redesign of activities.


The Interested consultants are expected to propose the design and methodology of the study that would ensure delivery of the expected outcomes in response to the ToR. The methodology should demonstrate robustness and rigor in addressing the objectives of the analysis. The analysis will facilitate the collection of sex-disaggregated quantitative and

qualitative data using both a gender and a market chain development perspective, whilst taking into consideration adaptations required to meet COVID-19 control regulations.

The methodology proposed by the successful consultant shall be discussed, finalized and approved by the consortium team heads before commencing the study as part of quality assurance.

Selection and Award Criteria

The criteria for awarding contracts resulting from this Tender is based on ‘best value for money’. For the purpose of all tenders, DRC defines best value for money as:

Best value for money should not be equated with the lowest initial proposal option. It requires an integrated assessment of technical, organizational and pricing factors in light of their relative importance (i.e. reliability, quality, experiences, and reputation, past performance, cost/fee realism, delivery time, reasonableness, need for standardization, and other criteria depending on the item to be procured).

For all proposals deemed technically compliant as per the specification stipulated in Annex A – Terms of Reference, DRC will give a weighted combined technical and financial score. The weighted score will determine the contract award.

 Please note that proposals shall respond to all criteria, or their proposal may be disqualified.

Administrative Evaluation

A proposal shall pass the administrative evaluation stage before being considered for technical and financial evaluation. Proposals that are deemed administratively non-compliant may be rejected.

Technical Evaluation

To be technically acceptable, the proposal shall meet or exceed the stipulated requirements and specifications in the RFP. A Proposal is deemed to meet the criteria if it confirms that it meets the conditions, procedures and specifications in the RFP without substantially departing from or attaching restrictions with them. If a proposal does not technically comply with the RFP, it will be rejected.


All proposals that pass the Technical Evaluation will proceed to the Financial Evaluation. Proposals that are deemed technically non-compliant will not be financially evaluated.

Tender Process

The following processes will be applied to this Tender:

  • Tender Period
  • Tender Closing
  • Tender Opening
  • Administrative Evaluation
  • Technical Evaluation
  • Financial Evaluation
  • Contract Award
  • Notification of Contract Award

Submission of Proposals

Bidders are solely responsible for ensuring that the full proposal is received by DRC in accordance with the RFP requirements, prior to the specified date and time mentioned above. DRC will consider only those portions of the proposals received prior to the closing date and time specified.

The following documents shall be contained with the bid:

Technical Proposal

  • Proof of past experience (Similar assignments undertaken) – Minimum 3 copies.
  • Technical proposal addressing all the technical requirements summarizes understanding of the TOR, methodology and tools to be used.
  • CT Procurement 06_and_37_annex-a_drc-bid-form-for-services (Annex A.1 – DRC TECHNICAL BID FORM FOR SERVICES) – ALL sections dully filled in full, signed, stamped and submitted.
  • A suitability and capacity statement of purposed team including CV of participating consultant with details of qualifications and experience (Minimum 2)
  • Work-plan clearly indicating the activity schedule with clear timeframe
  • Legality documents i.e. Valid trade licenses
  • CT Procurement 02_Supplier Profile and Registration Form (Standard – Template).
  • Tender & Contract Award Acknowledgment Certificate (Annex B)
  • CT Procurement 21_22 General Conditions of Contract (Standard)
  • CT Procurement 23_Supplier Code of Conduct (Standard).

Financial Proposal

CT Procurement 06_and_37_annex-a_drc-bid-form-for-services (Annex A.2 – DRC FINANCIAL BID FORM FOR SERVICES)

Proposals not received before the indicated time and date as set forth on page 1, or delivered to any other email address, or physical address will be disqualified.

Proposals submitted by mail or courier is at the Bidder’s risk and DRC takes no responsibility for the receipt of such proposals.

Bidders are solely responsible for ensuring that the full proposal is received by DRC in accordance with the RFP requirements.


 All applications should be put in one envelope and submitted in hardcopy and addressed to DRC Kenya Office

  •  The Financial Proposal shall only contain the financial details
  • The Technical Proposal shall contain all other documents required by the tender as mentioned in section A. Administrative Evaluation, but excluding any pricing information

Or via DRC Kenya Tender mailbox: tender.ken@drc.ngoThe mails to be clearly marked in subject line with” RFP NO. KEN -ABLI-G -2021-004”.

For full ToR see;

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