Request for Proposal (Firms only) – Consultancy to Facilitate Implementation of Global GAP Certification for 5 Producer Groups, Micro-Enterprises Support Programme Trust (MESPT)


Micro-Enterprises Support Programme Trust (MESPT) has since the year 2002 developed a niche in supporting the growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) by providing integrated business solutions for sustainable development. The Trust is a multi-donor entity jointly founded by the Government of Kenya and the European Union who later relinquished their position to the Royal Danish Embassy in Kenya, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (DANIDA). Through its vision of being the leading and preferred provider of resources for the development of enterprises, MESPT is anchored on four (4) pillars namely:

  1. Agri-Enterprise development
  2. Access to Finance
  3. Agricultural productivity and Food Safety and
  4. Green transformation

About AgriFI Programme

AGRIFI programme is an EU-Danida funded Programme whose objective is to support production initiatives for smallholder farmers that are adaptive to the changing climate and market requirements. The 6-year programme runs from 2018 to 2023 where MESPT is an Implementing Partner of results area TWO and THREE of the overall four Results Areas of the programme.

Result area two of the project is aimed at strengthening the capacities of actors along selected value chains through the Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education Training (ATVET) system approach. To ensure compliance of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards (SPS) measures by the country, AgriFI Programme has set up a series of capacity building initiatives to empower and equip the responsible inspectors and certifiers with the proper knowledge and tools to regulate SPS compliance of Horticulture (with special focus on beans, mango and avocado), Aquaculture and Dairy produce. Activities under the result area inter alia include supporting upgrading, development, and upscaling of agricultural value chain-based training curricula under the ATVET Centers.

Under result area three the programme has undertaken several capacity building interventions of the private sector and the selected counties to implement and enforce standards on animal health, food safety and plant health. Activities under the result area three include translation of sanitary and phytosanitary regulations for value-chains supported under result area two into user-friendly sector guidelines tools and practices for use by the sector; and training private and public sector on SPS, food and animal product safety requirements and supporting the development of Food Safety Management Systems.

Through the programme, Counties has also been supported in setting up mechanism for testing, surveillance, and enforcement of SPS regulations. Broadly, the programme is incrementally strengthening the capacities of value chain actors, bolstering commercial farming and improving food security. Through all the above-mentioned initiatives it is expected that the investments demonstrate the existing potential in the enhancement of food safety system as well as the ATVET model in order to trigger investment from both the public (especially the counties) and the private sector.

In numerical terms, the programme seeks to achieve the following results:

i. 4 curricula reviewed and Training and Learning guides developed, addressing food safety, animal health and plant health.

ii. At least 13,000-value chain actors (drawn from 13 counties) in selected value chains trained on Food Safety.

iii. 3,000 trained specifically in SPS.

iv. At least 330 ToTs trained in both broad value chain curriculum as well as on SPS.

v. 13 Counties strengthened with tailored capacity to enable them to establish and operationalize SPS surveillance, testing, and enforcement systems.

vi. 20 producer groups linked to local and international markets.

Ultimately, the above is expected to increase productivity of the selected Value Chains, improve food safety systems, and increase access to export markets.


Food safety is a rising concern in Kenya, especially so in the horticulture sector. Traceability system in food safety is key in reduction of misuse of pesticides by smallholder farmers. Thus, a farm to market tracking of the flow of the product from the production process to the customer table is mandatory to improve on the safety of the food. Global gap is a voluntary market standard that seeks to establish the operations that are geared towards achieving both environmental sustainability and reduction of misuse of harsh pesticides that will otherwise harm food production. As a requirement to assure the export market, exporting group is required to have a GlobalGAP certificate which is renewed annually. In this exercise, the project seeks to support 5 farmer groups with GlobalGAP certification. The five groups: 2 in Makueni County (Kilili and Mukio), 2 in Machakos County (Yatta and Mivandoni) and 1 in Kirinyaga County (Murinduko) who supply export fruits and vegetables respectively to the European market. Each group has 40 members.

Objectives of the Assignment

This assignment has the following main objectives:

(a) Increased awareness among the producers in the five groups on the importance of Global GAP certification in relation to food safety and market access.

(b) Preparation and supporting of the five farmer groups to put in place necessary systems for the success of the certification process based on Global GAP requirements.

(c) Conduct internal audit and oversees external audit.

The Global gap certification process is ensuring all aspects of food safety are adhered to through an elaborate tracking system that guarantees consumers of their health in the first objective, hence it is imperative that it is well articulated and developed with the participants well trained on how to establish a proper record keeping system as per the Global gap food safety standard version 5.2 for Fruits and vegetables.


The scope of work will include, but not necessarily limited to, the following activities:

  1. Development of a proper food traceability system in line with Global Gap version 5 Option 2 for fruits and vegetables.
  2. Pre-screening and training of up to 5 farmer groups based in Machakos, Makueni and Kirinyaga Counties on Global gap version 5, Option 2, (all farmer groups finally going through certification).
  3. Undertake all the key mandatory required trainings as per Global gap version 5 Fruits and vegetables Option 2 for the 5 groups of farmers based in the Machakos, Makueni and Kirinyaga counties.
  4. Build the capacity of the selected farmers to carry on with proper record keeping even after external certification.
  5. Train the selected farmers on Risk assessments, sampling of water, soil and MRL testing as prerequisite to undertake Global gap certification.
  6. Liaise with relevant approved/accredited service providers to conduct first aid training, soil, and water sample analysis and MRL analysis under the consultants cost and provide relevant invoices as evidence before payment. The costs shall be separated from the professional fees
  7. Ensure that the selected farmers have in place structures that meet Global gap food safety standard.
  8. Undertake the role of doing internal audits.
  9. Undertake the role of external audits, which shall be paid by the consultants. The consultants shall provide relevant invoices as evidence before payment
  10. Close off all non-conformities as may arise from external audits and hand over the final certification report accompanied with certificates from Global gap.


The following will be outputs expected during the assignment:

a. Detailed training program

b. Detailed report on the gaps identified during evaluation and screening of the selected farmers.

c. Internal audits report and closure of all non-conformities identified.

d. Undertake the external audits and hand over of the final certificate of certification from a selected External auditor and Global gap House.


The consultant is expected to produce the following deliverables: –

  1. An inception report before the commencement of the assignment detailing the approach, methodology and general concept to the entire process.
  2. Detailed report of the gaps identified and recommendations for closure of the gaps.
  3. Copies of the certificates
  4. Final assignment report


The proposal, to be submitted in English, shall include:

A. A technical proposal incorporating:

i. Short but conclusive profile of the firm

ii. A short description of deliverables, clear work plan (days and activities) with the proposed methodology and which shall include full justification for implementation approach to be used.

iii. Detailed CV or company profile of the team to be involved, including experience relevant to this assignment.

iv. References of companies/producer groups previously certified against Global G.A.P version 5.2 Proof of valid Global G.A.P. Version 5.2 Fruits and Vegetables accreditation

v. The UN general conditions of contract signed.

B. A financial proposal indicating fees for the consultancy, including all costs to conduct this assignment (this should indicate man-days and fees including taxes).


The assignment will commence immediately after signing the contract with MESPT. The assignment will be carried out in 60 days. During implementation of this assignment, periodic updates to AgriFI programme manager and officer in charge will be required.


MESPT is looking for firm with substantial experience performing assessments in similar development interventions in a developing country setting. More specifically, the lead consultant should have a proven track record in conducting such activities and experience with country situations similar to that of Kenya.

Key Experts’ qualifications and competence for the Assignment

  • The team leader should have a minimum of Bachelor’s degree in agriculture, Horticulture, Crop Protection, Agriculture Education and Extension, agronomy, environmental science or related and relevant field.
  • The technical lead should have relevant professional/academic qualification in Farm Standards/Farm assurer, Food Safety, Quality Management Systems or related and relevant field
  • The internal auditor should have relevant and up to date license(s) to conduct Global GAP audit – attach the license(s) in the application
  • Relevant professional training in Global gap implementation from a recognized institution is mandatory.
  • At least 5 years’ working experience in Global gap implementation especially in the small and medium scale farmers’ context.
  • Good knowledge in undertaking of global gap of export peas and mango.
  • Demonstrated experience in having undertaken similar exercises elsewhere.
  • Excellent interpersonal and adult training skills.
  • Excellent communication skills, including fluency in English & Kiswahili.

9.0 Payment

The payment plan to the Consulting Firm will be as follows: –

a) 30% Upon presentation of an acceptable inception report and implementation plan of the assignment

b) 30% Upon facilitation & completion of trainings, presentation of acceptable pre-audit reports

c) 40% Upon presentation of acceptable final reports and Global GAP certificates for all the groups


Download the full tender document on will be via email before 9th May 2022 at 12:00 pm East Africa Time.

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