Request for Expressions of Interest: Consultancy Services for Development of Business Plans for Water Service Providers for the Kenyan Towns Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Programme – Rift Valley Cluster



The Government of Kenya has received financing from the African Development Bank towards the cost of the Kenya Towns Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Programme and intends to apply part of the agreed amount to payments under the contract for Con­sultancy Services for Development of Business Plans for Water Service Providers for The Kenya Towns Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Programme – Rift Valley Cluster in Three Packages.

a)Consultancy Services for Development of Business Plans for Water Service Providers for The Kenya Towns Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Programme, CRVWWDA/AfDB/KTSWSSP/BP/C/2021-22

Scope of Works

Geographically, each of the business plans will cover the operational area of respective beneficiary WSP in the entire cluster of CRVW- WDA as follows ;

  1. Homa Bay Water and Sanitation Company.
  2. Kapsabet- Nandi Water and Sanitation Company Ltd.
  3. Narok Water and Sewerage Company Ltd.
  4. Kapenguria Water and Sewerage Company Ltd.
  5. Nzoia Water and Sanitation Company
  6. Siaya – Bondo (SIBO) Water and Sanitation Company.
  7. OlKalou Water and Sanitation Company.
  8. Eldoret Water and Sewerage Company
  9. Gusii Water and Sanitation Company
  10. Kakamega County Water and Sanitation Company
  11. Migori Water and Sanitation Company
  12. Kirandich Water Company Ltd.
  13. Busia Water and Sanitation Company
  14. Amatsi Water Company
  15. Bomet Water Company Ltd.

The consultancy services include:

  • Review key documents pertaining to the assignment in order to determine baselines on relevant parametric sector indicators for each of the 15 WSPs. These will include rules and regulations for water services provision in Kenya among other relevant literature.
  • Produce a project inception report outlining details of activities, delivery dates and a range of methodologies to be used in accomplishing the task.
  • Determine, collect and analyze data for determination of:
  • Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) Service level Indicators. These indicators shall include but not limited to:
  1. Water supply and sanitation coverage.
  2. Drinking water quality.
  3. Number of hours of continuous service availability.
  4. number of connections (active and dormant).
  5. Operations and maintenance cost recovery.
  6. Staff productivity.
  7. Micro level and macro level metering ratios.
  8. Non-revenue water – physical and commercial losses.
  9. Billing and revenue collection efficiency.
  10. WSP capacity to honor development loan obligations.
  11. Personnel expenditure as a percentage of O&M cost.
  12. Service production efficiency.
  13. Customer satisfaction among others.
  • WSS services gaps (Supply – Demand) for all the 15 WSPs.
  • WSS services level targets on the determined parametric service level Indicators.
  • Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT Analysis) and the Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environ­mental and Legal (PESTEL) factors affecting the operations of each of the 15 WSPs.
  • Opportunities for improvement of the management of Water Supply and Sanitation Services for each of the 15 WSPs.
  • Linkages between each of the WSPs’ operations with plans, projects, programmes and policies of other sector players including CIDP, WWDA strategic plans, National Water Supply and Sanitation Strategy, Water Fund County Engagement Strategy and regulatory guidelines among others.
  • Measures to be undertaken by each of the 15 WSPs to comply with Water and Sanitation Services regulatory framework.
  • Stakeholders for each of the 15 WSPs.
  • Organizing and facilitating appropriate fora for business strategy formulation for each of the 15 WSPs – Internal and external stakeholder fora.
  • Produce business plan documents for each of the 15 WSPs in line with WASREBs guideline for development of WSP business plans. – Complete with a financing model, monitoring and evaluation plan, risk mitigation plan and implementation plan.

The consultancy services will be carried out over a period of Twelve (12) months.

The Central Rift Valley Water Works Development Agency now invites eligible Consultancy firms to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested consultants must provide information demonstrating that they are qualified to perform the services.

The short-listing criteria for the consultants are;

  • At least five (5) years of experience in development and undertaking business plans
  • The Consultant will demonstrate that the proposed team comprises sound technical competence and experience related to planning and business analysis.
  • Leading role in development of at least one (1) business plan for a Public institution in the water sector within the last 3 years;
  • Leading role position in development of business plans in other areas within last 3 years
  • Have all necessary equipment to undertake the assignment

Eligibility criteria, establishment of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance with the African Development Bank’s Procurement Policy Framework dated October 2015, which is available on the Bank’s website at Borrowers are under no obligation to shortlist any consultant who expresses interest. .

Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below by 14th February 2022 at 12.00 p.m. local (Kenyan) time and be dearly marked and well specified in terms of the package ‘Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services for Development of Business Plans for Water Service Providers for Kenya Towns Sustainable Water and Sanitation Services – Rift Valley Cluster’.

The address referred to above is:

Chief Executive Officer

Central Rift Valley Water Works Development Agency

Maji Plaza, Prisons Rd off Nakuru – Eldama Ravine Highway

P.O. Box 2451 – 20100 Nakuru, Kenya

Mobile No. 0718-313557

E-mail :

CC :

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