Provision of Consultancy Services for External Debriefing and Professional Supervision for Case Workers

Danish Refugee Council [DRC] runs a comprehensive GBV Prevention and Response Program in Dadaab, Nairobi Urban, Mandera, Kakuma and Kalobeyei which provides the survivors and their dependents services such as case management, psychosocial support; alternative care for unaccompanied minors [UAMs] and separated children [SC]. The DRC Case Workers need ongoing debriefing and supervision to help them deal with burnout and vicarious trauma as well as achieve peer support, personal development and professional resilience.

Therefore, DRC Kenya, invites interested bidders to submit proposals bids [s] for the supply of the item consultancy below.

Tender details/notification period.

Tender Reference Number Description Quantity


Provision of Consultancy services for External Debriefing and Professional Supervision for Case Workers. [Na­tional staff] in Dadaab, Nairobi Urban, Mandera, Kakuma and Kalobeyei Lot1

Tender documents to be requested from the email. In the subject line of your e-mail message, indicate “PROVISION OF EXTERNAL DEBRIEFING AND PROFESSIONAL SUPERVISION CONSULTANCY SERVICES”

All documents for expression of your interest should be submitted electronically to:

The deadline for submitting the applications is 21st May 2021 at 5.00pm

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