Proposals: Knowledge Management Strategy Workshop

SOS Children’s Villages International is a federation of over 130 SOS Children’s Villages associations worldwide. We build families for neglected, abandoned or orphaned children, we help them shape their own futures and we share in the development of their communities under our childcare programs.


The purpose of the workshop is to establish a knowledge sharing-network for the adoption of knowledge management (KM) practices in SOS Children’s Villages Eastern and Southern Africa (IOR-ESAF), including how to develop a strong KM strategy, and communicate an understanding of the value of effective KM across the organization. The workshop is part of the ongoing effort of shaping IOR-ESAF as a learning Organization.

First the KM strategy will be drafted, through a series of strategic discussions/interviews with relevant staffers and consultant (s) and thorough review of documents. Then a three-day workshop on knowledge management methods, tools and implementation modalities will be conducted in Nairobi – Kenya in September 2021. The workshop will ideally be informed by the results of the KM assessment and benchmarking exercises, and by input from management on parallel initiatives. The strategy document will be presented to, and discussed with participants of the workshop. Based on comments from all stakeholders the KM strategy revised and shared along with relevant tools, implementation guidelines and result framework.

Results and Deliverables

The Consultant(s) will provide:

  •  An inception report which details the methodology/approaches and timelines associated with this consultancy and outlines a draft agenda for the workshop. To be submitted within two weeks after signature of contract (DELIVERABLE 1).
  • The final agreed agenda for the training and the full complement of workshop materials. To be submitted five weeks prior to convening the workshop.
  • Develop the draft KM strategy and share two weeks before the workshop of contract – (DELIVERABLE 2).
  • Facilitation of the KM strategy workshop (DELIVERABLE 3)
  • The final report on the workshop including a thorough evaluation of the workshop a final SOSCV KM log frame. To be submitted within two weeks of the completion of the workshop (DELIVERABLE 4).
  • Share revised KM strategy after addressing comments collected in the workshop or through email (DELIVERABLE 5).

Level of Effort

Activity Days:

  • Desk review: get familiar with existing documents, process and structure; Benchmark with other similar organizations – 3 days
  • Kick-off meeting to present preliminary findings and propose first outline & further roadmap – Design of workshop and preparation of agenda and workshop materials (DELIVERABLE 1) – 5 days
  • Briefings at IOR/IO level – Semi-structured interviews with MAs/IOR/IO colleagues – 3 days
  • Develop the draft KM strategy – (DELIVERABLE 2) – 6 days
  • Facilitation of the KM strategy workshop (DELIVERABLE 3) – 3 days
  • Preparation of final workshop report including materials used (DELIVERABLE 4) – 2 days
  • Share revised KM strategy after addressing comments collected in the workshop or through email (DELIVERABLE 5) – 5 days

Note: Total number of expert days is 27 (within service agreement period from 01 July 2021 to 15 September 2021). All other expenses such as communications, travel, accommodation costs for consultant (s) (if applicable) are to be included in the financial proposal.

Inputs from SOS CVI

SOS will provide:

  • The relevant SOS CV literature;
  • Technical comments and feedback on the outputs of the Consultancy;
  • Logistical support for convening the training workshop, including;
  • invitations to participants and travel arrangements;
  • General oversight in the roll out of the consultancy.


Zerihun Endale ( and Ssentuuwa Ronald ( will be the contact persons for this assignment.

Minimum Requirements:

  • The ideal candidate will have bachelor or master degree from a recognized university in Development studies, KM or any other relevant specialism.
  • Understanding of and interest in knowledge management, with at least 10 years of work experience in KM with INGOs.
  • Experience in design and facilitation of face-to-face and virtual workshops for senior practitioners, KM studies and designing booklets for publication.
  • Practical experience in enabling and facilitating knowledge sharing communities and networks.
  • Must be result-oriented and be able to deliver on time as per the stipulated timelines.
  • Testimonies of workshop materials and facilitation methodologies previously developed
  • Excellent knowledge of international humanitarian standards (especially in relation to child protection, education and gender) and in humanitarian systems and context.
  • Work experience in SOS CV and knowledge of the organization’s processes, procedures and programs is a plus.
  • Should have an excellent command of spoken and written English.

How to apply

Interested experts should submit documents electronically to and copy to and, latest by 18 June 2021.

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