Project End line Evaluation – Improving Kenya’s Criminal Justice Response to Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) in Targeted Hot Spots, International Justice Mission (IJM)

Ref: IJM/KFO/MERL/02/2022


International Justice Mission is a global organization that protects people in poverty from violence. IJM partners with local authorities in 33 offices across 23 countries to combat slavery, violence against women and children, and other forms of abuse against people who are poor. IJM works to rescue and restore victims, hold perpetrators accountable, and help strengthen public justice systems. Started in 2001, IJM’s office in Kenya works to combat police abuse of power against people who are poor, as well as sexual violence against children. IJM’s focus is to ensure the well-being of the families affected by this crime, the swift conviction of all involved, and strengthening of Kenya’s public justice system to protect people living in poverty from violence (more details available here).

With funding from the US State Dept- Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (JTIP), IJM- Kenya partnered with the Global Fund to End Modern Slavery (GFEMS) to implement a project aimed at strengthening the government of Kenya’s capacity to effectively investigate and prosecute the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) in three Coastal Counties in Kenya- Kilifi, Kwale and Mombasa. The goal of the project is to contribute to the reduction in prevalence of commercial sexual exploitation of children in the three counties of coastal Kenya. The project engages victims and communities to increase confidence in reporting, and strengthening capacities of law enforcement, investigative and justice related agencies through training, mentorship, and technical assistance. The project aims to develop effective and more victim sensitive investigations, prosecutions, and case management of CSEC offences.

Project Objectives and Outcomes

The project aims to influence the following outcomes;

  1. Increased community and victim confidence in the criminal justice system to provide justice and combat CSEC. This further divided into the following sub outcomes;

1.1 Increase in reported and investigated cases

1.2 More victim-sensitive policing and prosecutions

1.3 Increase in prosecutions with victim participation

1.4 Increase in survivors who demonstrate progress towards restoration[1]

2. Increased effectiveness of criminal justice system in enforcing CSEC laws. Outcome 2 is further divided into the following sub outcomes;

2.1 Increase in rescues and arrests related to CSEC cases,

2.2 Increase in prosecutor-led investigations,

2.3 Increase in convictions.

3. Accountability to affected populations. This is divided into the following outcomes.

3.1 Community members report satisfaction with efforts to empower them through information provision

3.2 Community members are engaged and empowered through consultations and opportunities to participate in GFEMS funded projects/programs

3.3 Community members reporting satisfaction with efforts to engage and empower them through CFMs piloted in GFEMS funded projects/programs

Purpose of the End line Evaluation

This is a project end line evaluation that is intended to provide post-intervention status of the key monitoring and evaluation indicators for the CSEC project.


This evaluation should be conducted through a mixed methods study design as was the baseline. The evaluation is expected to collect both quantitative and qualitative data and use appropriate data triangulation methods to arrive at informed, reliable, and evidence-based findings. The data should include stories of victim experiences that pertain to their experiences with respect to the prevalence of the problem, experiences and perceptions on protection as provided by the criminal justice actors, experiences of civil society service providers, among other pertinent issues.

Recommended data collection methods include but not limited to; detailed document reviews pertaining to the intervention themes, in-depth interviews, stories of change, household surveys, Focused Group Discussions and Key Informant Interviews with key project stakeholders that will be identified through appropriate sampling methods.

Scope of Work

The scope of the evaluation includes a review and evaluation of all activities carried out under the project since inception. The evaluation should assess the achievements of the project towards reaching its targets and outcomes as outlined in the result framework. The evaluation should assess project design, implementation, effectiveness, coherence, efficiency, sustainability, lessons learned, and provide recommendations for future implementation of similar interventions. Detailed Terms of Reference will be provided to the successful consultant(s).

Key Deliverables

Key deliverables under this assignment will include the following;

  1. Inception Report detailing the process to be undertaken in conducting the end line evaluation. This should include the complete set of tools to be used for the evaluation as well as stakeholder sampling. The inception report should be submitted within one week from the time of signing the contract.
  2. Draft End line Evaluation Report, to be submitted not later than two weeks since completion of data collection. The report should be not more than 30 pages.
  3. Conduct an internal validation/presentation meeting to IJM staff outlining key findings and implications, and recommendations
  4. Datasets and transcripts based on the type of data collected.
  5. Final Report, to be submitted not later than one week after validation meeting on the findings of the end line evaluation.
  6. An extract analysis of implications for program design and implementation; including any recommendations.
  7. At least 5 well analyzed victim or stakeholder stories of experiences.

Evaluation Timeframe

This evaluation is intended to take place from mid-June 2022 and should be executed within 25 days. The consultant who is bidding for the assignment should give a clear breakdown of how the evaluation will be undertaken within the above specified timeframe.

Qualification and Experience

The prospective consultant/firm is expected to demonstrate fulfillment of the following minimum qualifications;

i) At least a Master’s degree in relevant discipline such as law, public policy, child protection, governance, human rights, or any other relevant field (For lead consultant).

ii) Demonstrable, thorough knowledge of the Kenyan criminal justice system. This should include knowledge of the institutions, policies, challenges, and successes, preferably in Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children or in Child Protection programming. The lead consultant must have worked in this sector for at least 5 years.

iii) Minimum of 5 years of demonstrated experience in conducting end line evaluation. The application should include 2 sample end line studies conducted in the last 5 years.

iv) Excellent study management capacity, including appropriately qualified staff.

v) Strong analytical and report writing skills;

vi) Well versed in the use of appropriate analytical software as will be appropriate for a mixed methods study.

Application Instructions

Interested individual consultants and consultancy firms are encouraged to send their bids. The guidelines to prepare the proposal is as follows. The main proposal should not exceed 15 pages.

  • Executive summary of the proposal including contents and page numbers (within 1 page)
  • Brief Description of the Evaluation Agency (a brief introduction of the organization, location, structure, and previous experience of conducting evaluation studies – the reports of previous works can go as annexure 1. This should not exceed 1 page).
  • Proposed list of Key members on Evaluation team (briefly explain the team members and their Specific Experience with Legal Systems or Law Enforcement, or with dealing with Issues of Trauma
  • Proposed Methodology Plan for the Evaluation (in this section include evaluation methods proposed, suggestions for sampling methods, analysis of data with rationale for suggestions, ethical considerations. This section should be within 8 pages)
  • Quality control mechanisms (explain the quality control measures to ensure the study is delivering what it intended. This should be in half a page)
  • Anticipated constraints and risks in conducting the study and proposed mitigation plans for the same (explain the constraints and risks anticipated while conducting the study and the plans to manage the same in half a page)
  • Proposed budget and breakdown (this section is for overall budget as well as the break-up of the same. It should consist of detailed breakdown of the cost such as manpower with level of effort, travel with per diem, materials and supplies, equipment, and overhead charges if any. This should be in 1 page).
  • Suggested timeline for the study -Tentative date for start of assignment is June 20, 2022 (give a detailed action plan from the start to end of the study with timelines within 1 pages)
  • Up to date Certificate of Tax compliance
  • A copy of curriculum vitae (CV) of the lead consultant and core team members, particularly the lead Subject Matter Expert and Endline Evaluation Subject Matter Expert. The CV should outline their qualifications and relevant experience with respect to this assignment.
  • Two samples of end-line assessment/evaluation/baseline survey reports conducted in the last five years; with three clear referees (names and contacts) from those assignments.

[1] IJM defines restoration to be when a survivor can function in society with low vulnerability to victimization. Within IJM’s aftercare programs, restoration indicates readiness for case closure for survivors and is measured by restored survivors achieving a score of 3 or greater on the Assessment of Survivor Outcomes.

To Apply

Interested candidates/consultancy firms are advised to send their bids via email to:, with the subject line entitled “GFEMS CSEC Project End line Evaluation”. The applications must be received by 14th May 2022. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Any form of canvassing will lead to disqualification from the bid.

All enquires in relation to the TOR should be sent through the same email address by 10th May 2022.

IJM is an equal opportunity employer.

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