Orange Knowledge Programme

About this scholarship

The Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) offers scholarships funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs available for a selection of:

  • short courses (duration 2 weeks to 12 months);
  • master’s programmes (duration 12 to 24 months).


You may be eligible for an OKP scholarship if you are a national of and working in:

Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Colombia, Congo (DRC), Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Suriname, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Vietnam, Yemen and Zambia.

Priority themes per country

The main priority areas of the Orange Knowledge Programme are;

  • sexual and reproductive health and rights
  • security and rule of law
  • food and nutrition security
  • water management

There are focus areas for each country. Please note that these focus areas, as well as the list of countries is subject to change. Only applications that fall within the focus area of your country of employment are eligible.


A limited number of scholarships is awarded to female and male professionals who are:

  • motivated;
  • living and working in an OKP country;
  • proficient in English or French;
  • working in one of the priority areas for their country;
  • can motivate using and transferring their knowledge and experience in their employing organization after their studies;

General Eligibility Criteria

The criteria for scholarship applicant are as follows:
• The scholarship applicant works for one of the following types of national and/or local organizations: ministries, secondary or higher vocational or academic education institutions, universities, private sector, commissions or NGOs.
• The scholarship applicant is a professional who, in light of his/her (1) role, (2) multiple years of relevant work experience and (3) networks within a theme relevant to local development, is in a position or through his/her employer could be put in a position to apply what he/she has learned in practice.
• The scholarship applicant holds the nationality of and is resident and working in one of the countries on the OKP Country list
• The scholarship applicant holds a valid identity document.
• The scholarship applicant has been admitted to the course or programme for which he/she wishes an OKP scholarship.
• The scholarship applicant has provided a government statement with the scholarship application, if this is required by the local government
• The scholarship applicant demonstrates that the requested co-funding percentage is available to fund the study.
• The employer of the scholarship applicant supports the scholarship application through a positive reference, declares that it will continue to pay the salary of the scholarship recipient during the programme and after his/her return will give the scholarship recipient an opportunity to apply what he/she has learned in practice


You need English or French language skills to follow classes in the Netherlands. Demands for certificates showing language skills differ per education institution.

For more information and application on the program visit:

Deadline for application (Round 3- for short courses) – Accepting applications between 31 August – 11 October 16.00 CET.

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