Online Learning & Digital Content Production – Plan International

1. Background Information on Plan International

Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls.

We believe in the power and potential of every child, but this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination, and its girls who are most affected. Working together with children, young people, our supporters and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children.

We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood, and we enable children to prepare for – and respond to – crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge.

We have been building powerful partnerships for children for over 85 years and are now active in more than 75 countries.

Read more about Plan International’s Global Strategy: Girls Standing Strong at

2. Summary of the Requirement

We are calling for interested parties, contractors or individual freelancers, to bid as part of a negotiated tender process for the supply of services relating to Online Learning and Digital Content Creation. This will be on a non-exclusive basis depending on the offers evaluated. We are interested in receiving proposals which include one or more of the requirements below. We strongly advise Bidders to include breakdown options for different elements, should Plan International decide to proceed with only some of these requirements.

Bids will be assessed by a procurement panel against set criteria, including bid eligibility, the extent to which the Requirements have been met and the overall value for money proposition. Bids should include detailed information on the below technical requirements for each category. Please complete the following tables in your submission and feel free to attach additional information on your service offerings.

Successful Tenderers will be expected to enter into a formal contract with Plan International.

Each successful Tenderer is intended to be a Provider, but the contract pertaining to this tender shall not constitute an exclusive contract and Plan International, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to enter into agreement with other suppliers, for the same type of services at any time, whenever it deems it necessary.

Any attempt by the Tenderer to obtain confidential information, enter into unlawful agreements with competitors or influence the evaluation committee or Plan International during the process of examining, clarifying, evaluating and comparing tenders will lead to the rejection of its offers and may result in the termination of a current contract where applicable.

3. ITT Overview and Instructions

3.1 Overview

Plan International currently have Long Term Agreements with a number of Online Learning and Digital Content creation suppliers. This Agreements expire in September 2023.

Due to the evolution and changes in our internal demand and needs as a result of COVID19 and internal changes in our operations we are looking to expand the scope of the services to include a variety of suppliers and/or individual consultants who can offer flexibility, adaptability, innovation and value for money for Plan International.

Successful suppliers or individual contractors/freelancers will be part of Plan’s Online Learning & Digital Content Production roster and will be expected to work on ad hoc assignments of various levels of complexity and led by a diverse group of stakeholders and audience.

Examples of previous assignments involving the design and /or development of learning materials (courses and resources) and individual digital assets include:

  • Procurement Communication animation demonstrating the value and work of the Procurement Team at Plan International Global Hub.
  • DRM (Disaster Risk Management) Technical Mentorship Programme- Video development
  • Preventing Sexual Harassment Exploitation Abuse Online Refresher Training
  • Plan Academy Course Update for Building Better Partnerships
    Purpose to refresh course content for two existing Building Better Partnerships courses for the new ‘Plan Academy’ platform
  • Captivate simulations for PMERL (Programme Monitoring, Evaluation, Research & Learning)- (Y.O.D.A – Your Organisations’ Data Analysis) training
  • Harassment Bullying and Discrimination Policy re-launch and socialisation SCORM package
  • Gender Transformative Education
  • Y.O.D.A Stage 2 Strengthening Training for Project and Funds. – The aim of this stage of Y.O.D.A training is to increase awareness of the Project Cycle and introduce new concepts to the learner that will prepare them for their Stage 3 Training.
  • YODA online modules: Changing the way we think about projects, and Managing the Funding Gap
  • MERL Ethics and Safeguarding Plan Academy Module Development
  • Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Child Protection Minimum Standards e-course
  • Design of Defy Normal training manual
  • Design of the SOYEE (Skills & Opportunities for Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship) Guidance Document
  • Senior Learning Tech Prep inc 15 illustrations
  • Courageous Conversation – French and Spanish edit
  • Values Based Leadership Poster and Information package
  • Business Management Competencies
  • Plan International “Team Focus” animation
  • Voiceovers for all languages
  • LMS consultancy work
  • Early Child Development -Global Parenting Under Pressure Training
  • Early Child Development -Men’s Engagement, self-directed learning course
  • Inclusive Qality Education – Gender Transformative Education E-learning course
  • Design of the SOYEE Guidance Document
  • Instructional design and L&D
  • SOGIESC (sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sexual characteristics) Online Course
  • LEAD Online Course
  • YCSC (Young Citizen Score Card) redesign of course online engagement
  • Development of learning experience on PA
  • “Support on the go” BBP programme
  • Online Safety Training Course
  • PSHEA Online Module Portuguese & Arabic
  • Strategy Launch Video
  • 4 x Storyline course development
  • Grant and Funding – development storyline

We are looking to build our pool of preferred suppliers and/or freelancers for the provision of Online Learning and Digital Content Production ad- hoc services at Plan International for the service categories listed in Annex A- Service Categories. Suppliers/individual freelancers may be asked to work with the Performance, Organisational Learning & Leadership department at Plan Global Hub or with other departments across the organisation involved in creating resources to help Plan staff to share knowledge and build skills.

The amount of work and dates required are not currently fixed. Agreements with preferred suppliers enable us to work on a flexible basis, agreeing deliverables and timescales for specific projects without needing to initiate a formal procurement process for each separate piece of work as well as mitigating potential risks and improving the service delivery. Suppliers may be asked to provide immediate support for small pieces of work or for mid-term projects depending on business demands.

It is expected that most services will be required virtually. However, suppliers may be asked to provide face-to-face support in which case expenses shall be agreed on in advance by Plan International.

The successful Tenderers will be expected to enter into a Long-Term Agreement with Plan International for a period of up to three years. The continuation of the Agreement after each contract year, will be subject to a successful annual performance review.

3.2 Instructions to Tenderers

These instructions are designed to ensure that all Bidders are given equal and fair consideration. It is the Bidders responsibility to ensure their offer is complete and that you provide all the necessary information asked for in the format specified, or risk your offer being rejected. Further details can be found in section 9.1 of this ITT document, ‘Submission Checklist.’

Women-owned businesses and companies actively engaged or advancing gender equality and women empowerment in the workplace are especially encouraged to apply.

Documents comprising this tender pack are as follows:

  • ITT FY24 0186 Online Learning & Digital Content Production (Tender Dossier)
  • ANNEX A – Service Categories
  • ANNEX B – Supplier Questionnaire
  • ANNEX D – Non-Staff Code of Conduct

Tenderers are required to submit their proposal, inclusive of all required annexes, via email to Offers must be received by the deadline specified in the section ‘3.3 Key Dates and Timelines.’

The offer and all correspondence and documents related to the tender must be written in English.

Each Tenderer or member of consortium or sub-contractor may submit only one offer.

Unless stated otherwise, all communications from Bidders in relation to this tender, including Clarification Questions, must be directed to and must include the ITT reference number:ITT FY24 0186 Online Learning & Digital Content Production

​​​​​​​3.3 Key Dates and Timelines

The following table outlines the key dates and timelines associated with this tender process. Plan International reserves the right to change these at any time as the tender progresses. To maintain transparency, fairness, and adequate time to prepare your offers, Plan International will inform all interested Parties of any changes to these key dates and timelines simultaneously and in a timely fashion.

Activity: Issue of Invitation to Tender

Date: 1st August 2023

Activity: Deadline for supplier/consultant submission of clarifications questions

Deadline Date: 15th August 2023

Activity: Deadline for Plan to respond to clarification questions

Deadline Date: 18th August 2023

Activity: Deadline for submission of proposals

Deadline Date: 28th August 2023

Activity: Plan Review of Offers

Deadline Date: 29th August to 1st September 2023

Activity: Supplier presentations / interviews

Deadline Date: 6th – 13th September

Activity: Contract Award

Deadline Date: W/C 25th September 2023

3.4 ​​​​​​​Pricing

Bidders are required to provide a detailed breakdown of fees e.g. daily/hourly rate. (1 day= 8 hours)

All prices must be quoted in GBP, and exclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT). Tenderers based or registered outside the UK must quote in USD or EUR as well as in GBP. Please indicate what your preferred invoicing currency is.

It is expected that prices will be fixed for the duration of the contract and quotes valid for a maximum period of 90 calendar days following the Closing Date of this tender. If for any reason you are unable to guarantee fixed pricing for the duration of the contract, any projected price increases should be clearly stated in your tender response.

To ensure a fair and transparent process, Plan International will not be able to divulge budget information relating to this tender or associated Projects. It is expected that Bidders submit their best possible financial offer at the point of submission.

The successful Bidder will be required to pay their staff who work on this contract at least the National Living Wage (when applicable)

Please note that retainer fees are not accepted under this invitation to tender.

3.5 Confidentiality

The contents of this document are confidential and have been disclosed to you in strict confidence. Tenderers must not disclose the contents of this document to any third party except to those of your team (including staff members, consultants and advisers) who need to see the information on a need-to-know basis in order to assist you with your submission. Tenderers are responsible for any breaches of confidentiality by your team.

4. Specification and Scope of Requirement

Plan International are looking for suppliers or individual freelancers based in any location to support the development of learning materials (courses and resources) and individual digital assets.

Annex A- Service Categories contains a list of the required services with two options for indicating the context in which you provide those services. One for integrated design and development and the other for ad-hoc services. For example, if you offer the development of graphics or artwork in the context of a wider project (e.g., the design and development of a course) you would mark option 1 for this service. If you offer ad-hoc development of graphics or artwork (e.g., Plan can engage with you to produce individual digital assets) you would tick option 2 for this service.

You may offer either or both options for each individual service. Please note the number of indicated sections will not increase or decrease the likelihood of awarding a contract.

Please refer to ‘Annex A – Service Categories’ for full details of the service requirement.

5. Required Skills and Experience

Bidders must provide evidence that they have the specific skills required to deliver the selected services in Annex A as well as:

  • Have excellent verbal and written communications skills.
  • Be proficient in Microsoft Office – particularly Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook.
  • Have experience using Moodle or Totara as an eLearning platform.
  • Awareness and experience of working with other cultures
  • Ideally evidence of working in the non-profit/development sector

It is also desirable that you are:

  • Are able to develop learning materials in Plan’s core languages (French and Spanish) in addition to English.
  • Are able to develop learning materials in additional languages, particularly Portuguese or Arabic.

6. Selection Criteria

Bids will be assessed against predetermined criteria which has been developed and agreed by the Tender Panel prior to launching this Tender process. The information gathered in your technical and financial proposals will be used to evaluate and score each Bid against this set criteria. Please find further details in the below table:

Criteria: Compliance


Tender Compliance and Completion

•Satisfactory completion of all documentation requested with sufficient information, submitted no later than the Closing Date specified.

• Agreement to our mandatory policies as set out in ‘Annex E- Non Staff Code of Conduct’

Weight: Pass/Fail. Bidders who do not meet these minimum requirements will not have their Bids further assessed.

Technical Proposal: (65%)

Criteria: Relevant experience and Skills in offered services

Weight: 20%

Description: Provided evidence that you have the specific skills required to deliver the selected services in Annex A.

Criteria: Technical and Communication Skills

Description: Meet the required skills and experience:

• Have excellent verbal and written communications skills.

• Be proficient in Microsoft Office – particularly Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook.

• Have experience using Moodle or Totara as an eLearning platform.

Weight: 25%

Criteria: Development of Learning Materials in Plan’s core languages


• Are able to develop learning materials in Plan’s core languages (French and Spanish) in addition to English.

• Are able to develop learning materials in additional languages, particularly Portuguese or Arabic

Weight: 10%

Criteria: Stakeholder management and experience


  • Awareness and experience of working with a diversity of stakeholders from different backgrounds, locations, and levels of expertise
  • Ideally evidence of working in the non-profit sector

Weight: 10%

Financial Proposal: (30%)

Criteria: Proposed fees


  • Fixed pricing
  • Economically advantageous for the organisation

Weight: 30%

Gender Responsive (5%)

Criteria: Gender Sensitive Practices and Policies


Bidders will be allocated 5% of the overall score if they meet one or more of the following:

  • If headed up by a woman
  • If supplier is a women-owned business: A legal entity in any field that is more than 51% owned, managed, and controlled by one or more women.
  • If the % of women in management positions is over 35%
  • If % of women workers is 55% or above
  • If robust gender equality initiatives are in place and active. E.g. WEPs signed, gender equality procurement policy, any additional gender-sensitive program implemented.

Weight: 5%

7. Evaluation of offers

The Tender Panel will review all Bids to ensure they meet the minimum requirements listed under the ‘Compliance’ section in the above table. Following this, each Bid will be assigned a score on the basis of predetermined criteria and their associated weighted scorings.

The contract(s) will be awarded to the Bidder(s) who represent the best overall value for Plan International in terms of the evaluation criteria set out above. By participating in this tender, you acknowledge and understand that Plan reserves the right to:

  • Decide not to award to any supplier
  • Decide to award to one or more suppliers
  • Decide to readvertise the opportunity
  • Not necessarily accept the lowest cost offer

Notification of award of contract will be issued via e-mail.

8. Terms & Conditions

By submitting a Bid as part of this Tender process, you also acknowledge and understand that:

  • Plan International will not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred in the preparation of your offer
  • You or your company will undergo vetting checks against an Anti-Terrorism and Sanctions Database as part of due diligence protocols
  • Plan International reserves the right to keep confidential the circumstances that have been considered for the selection of the offers
  • Part of the evaluation process may include a presentation from the Bidder and a site visit by Plan International staff, where applicable and necessary
  • Plan International reserves the right to alter the schedule of tender and contract awarding
  • Plan International reserves the right to cancel this tender process at any time and not to award any contract
  • Plan International reserves the right not to enter into or award a contract as a result of this invitation to tender
  • Plan International does not bind itself to accept the lowest, or any offer
  • Any attempt by the Bidder to obtain confidential information, enter into unlawful agreements with competitors or influence the evaluation committee or Plan International during the process of examining, clarifying, evaluating and comparing tenders will lead to the rejection of its offers and may result in the termination of a current contract where applicable
  • You accept in full and without restriction the conditions governing this tender as the sole basis of this competition, whatever its own conditions of sale may be, which you hereby waive
  • You have examined carefully, understood and comply with all conditions, instructions, forms, provisions and specifications contained in this tender dossier. You are aware that failure to submit a tender containing all the information and documentation expressly required, within the deadline specified, may lead to the rejection of the tender at Plan International’s discretion
  • You are not aware of any corruption practice in relation to this competition. Should such a situation arise, we shall immediately inform Plan International in writing
  • You declare that you are affected by no potential conflict of interest, and that you and our staff have no particular link with other Bidders or parties involved in this competition. Should such a situation arise during performance of the contract, you shall immediately inform Plan International in writing
  • You accept Plan International’s standard terms of payment which are 30 days after the end of the month of receipt by Plan of a proper invoice or, if later, after acceptance of the Goods or Services in question by Plan International Ltd

9. Plan International’s Ethical & Environmental Statement

  • The organisation should establish environmental standards and good practices that follow the principles of ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems, and in particular to ensure compliance with environmental legislation (as applicable)
  • The organisation should seek to set reduction targets in areas where the organisation’s activities lead to significant environmental impacts

10. Submission Checklist

** Please note Plan International are unable to accept submissions which are accessible by an online link, for example SharePoint, Dropbox etc. Please submit the documents as email attachments.

Document: Technical Proposal

PDF- 10 pages max)


Please include:

• Cover Sheet indicating the service categories you are bidding for (list)

• Company name and profile (for suppliers)

• CV (for individual consultants)

*Please include your business details, registered address and location where the service will be provided from and contact details.

• Details and evidence of how you meet the service requirements

• Details of your skills and experience

• Brief example of previous work

• Contact details of 2 client references, ideally in the development sector

Document: Financial Proposal

(PDF- 3 pages max)


Please include:

• Detailed breakdown of fees per services offered

• Fees per day/hour

• If your proposal offers any discounts, please clearly indicate it in the proposal

• All prices must be quoted in GBP, and exclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT). Tenderers based outside the UK must quote in USD or EUR as well as in GBP. Please indicate what is your preferred invoicing currency

Document: Annex A – Service Categories (please email to request this document)


Please complete with your selected options and relevant information

Document: Annex B – Supplier Questionnaire (please email to request this document)


Please complete with all requested information and return in Word or PDF format.

Note: For questions not applicable to your business please write N/A and explain why.

Document: Annex C – Non-Staff Code of Conduct (please email to request this document)


Please complete with all requested information and return in Word or PDF format

How to apply

Tenderers are required to submit their proposal, inclusive of all required annexes, via email to with the tender reference ITT FY24 0186 Online Learning & Digital Content Production on the subject line.

Deadline to submit proposals is 28th August 2023 23:59 (BST)

All communications from Bidders in relation to this tender, including Clarification Questions, must be directed to and must include the ITT reference number:ITT FY24 0186 Online Learning & Digital Content Production

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