Consultancy Name: On-site Data Verification and Ad-hoc Audits Kenya

Background and Context

Triggerise is an organization that uses its digital platform called Tiko to motivate users – primarily young women and adolescent girls – to make positive choices. We use nudges like reminders, discounts, in person and digital follow-ups, and reward points to encourage our users to access and use healthy products and services. We also support them in becoming entrepreneurs and adding value to their economies. Triggerise’s reward points can be used to redeem products and services at local shops, or as subsidies to cover the cost of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services, removing the cost to access for the users, who are primarily 15–24-year-old adolescent girls and young women (AGYW).

Triggerise has operations in the following countries either by having offices or by working through local partners in Kenya. Triggerise is looking to source a firm(s) to support data verification in Kenya. The firm shall assist in carrying out data verification checks at clinics, pharmacies and potentially technical training and vocational education institutes.

The relevant counties for this scope are:

  • Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Machakos, Nakuru, Migori, Kilifi, Homabay, Bungoma, Nyamira, Kisii, Busia and Kakamega.

Scope of Work

The firm will offer routine data verification checks for a list of facilities in each market which Triggerise shall provide to the successful firm/firms. The audits shall be include the following:

Routine Monthly Verification

The routine monthly verification audits will be on various family planning methods and other additional sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services within the program as offered by the providers in these areas. The family planning methods of interest for data which include:

  • Oral Contraceptives (OC)
  • Injections (INJ) which includes depo-provera (DMPA-IM) and self-injection (DMPA-SC)
  • Implants (IMP) which includes both the 3 year and 5 year implant including removals
  • Intrauterine device (IUD) including removals
  • Emergency contraceptives – for pharmacies only
  • HIV self-testing kits
  • HIV testing services
  • Counseling services

The key documents required to be reviewed at the health providers level are:

  1. Family planning daily services register at the facility.
  2. Monthly aggregated data reported to the local Ministry of Health
  3. HIV testing data and reports
  4. All stock data at the facilities provided for the above family planning methods and HIV testing. This data is recorded in bin cards or the facility inventory management system at the facilities.

Triggerise will share all relevant templates for data collection with the successful consultant or firm.

The data collected shall then be provided to Triggerise within stipulated formats and timelines. The formats shall include but not limited to daily and monthly summaries of service uptake by age.

Further, in Ethiopia the auditor shall also be involved in verification of training records carried out in various institutions or organizations for Triggerise users (beneficiaries). The records may include;

  • Daily attendance registers.
  • Performance and/or examination records.

All audits should be concluded, with reports submitted by Triggerise within 5 days from the date of request. The routine audit facility list shall be provided by Triggerise every 1st day of the month by 10 am with a turnaround time for submission of reports to Triggerise by day 5, 5pm.

Ad hoc Audits and Checks

The firm shall also be able to carry out other ad-hoc checks to support risk and compliance management activities in the market of operation. All ad hoc risk audits will be concluded within 48 hours. Some of the checks required at the providers shall include;

  • Random data checks
  • Footfall checks through stakeouts (at the vicinity of the facility to tally the estimated number of clients visiting the facility)
  • Footfall checks through sit-ins at the facility to validate the number of clients enrolled on Tiko taking up services in specific days at the facility
  • Tiko facility branding compliance
  • Health records and data quality compliance of the facility

Reports from both exercises shall also contain insights noted in the field during the audits.


The qualified firm should exhibit the following:

  • Demonstration of experience and expertise of similar assignment with non-governmental organizations;
  • Providing an activity plan (project plan) of actions to achieve the objectives of the assignment, specifying budgeted hours, timelines and sequence for its consultancy procedure and level of staff to be assigned;
  • Incorporating CV’s of the proposed professional staff of the core management team proposed for the engagement and the authorized representative submitting the proposal. CVs should demonstrate relevant experience of dealing with Tax matters within organizations similar to Triggerise;
  • List of current and past clients where the bidder has conducted mystery client/shopper experience along with the name of the organization, contact person, designation, and a contact number, nature of services and length of the appointment for at least three (3) International non-governmental organizations.


Proposals will be evaluated in two parts. The experience, technical proposal and financial quotation shall bear 70% of the total marks while the references and financial capacity shall bear 30% of the total marks.

  • Proposals should make clear about the relevant skills, experience and capacity of the participant, in respect of this particular SOW.
  • Proposals must contain the details of the proposed approach to be adopted in order to deliver the service in accordance with the SOW.
  • Proposals should clearly indicate whether or not bid participants have the capacity to meet the requirements of the SOW.
  • Proposal should clearly indicate compliance with the appropriate data protection, privacy, legal, social, tax and ethical issues applicable to the country
  • Must be a registered firm in the country where they seek to provide the services.

Functionality Evaluation Criteria

Experience, Skills and Ability of Service Provider

  • Past experience in similar work of this nature.
  • Team member experience (accompanied by brief CV’s).
  • Ability of the bidder to fulfill Triggerise’s requirements.

Weight: 30

Technical Approach and Execution Plan

  • Proposals must contain the details of the proposed approach to be adopted in order to deliver the service in accordance with the SOW.

Weight: 30

Financial Quotation

  • Proposals should clearly indicate whether or not bid participants have the financial capacity to meet the requirements of the TOR based on the previous value of similar works done e.g. by sharing copies of recent audited financial statements.

Weight: 10


  • Did the bidder submit at least three relevant and contactable clients that were serviced in the past 36 months.



  • Proposals should clearly indicate whether or not bid participants have the capacity to meet the requirements of the SOW.

Weight: 20

Total Weight:100

Proposal Submission Guidelines

Firms and individuals are invited to submit proposals for this engagement. Proposals should include the contents below and not exceed a maximum length of 15 pages, excluding annexures (budget and summary profiles of proposed personnel).

  • Cover page: Summary with basic information such as names, address, contact information, proposed budget, etc.
  • Capacity statement: A brief capacity statement as to why your firm and the team you are proposing is well positioned to undertake the engagement
  • Qualification to the scope of work: Any qualifications that you may have regarding the scope of work
  • Proposed approach: Your proposed approach to delivering on the scope of work requirements
  • Proposed personnel: The qualifications of the proposed qualifications and their experience.
  • Work plan: proposed work plan with tasks, responsible person/s and timeline
  • Budget: Total budget envelope required to deliver the work (in Euros), and line-item breakdown of direct costs and overheads. (Preference to costing per facility or any other unit that allows for variations in the period of performance).
  • References of similar engagements undertaken by the firm in the last 5 years

The submission must be clear, concise, and complete. Applicants should submit only such information as is necessary to respond effectively to this request for proposals. Unless specifically requested, extraneous presentation materials are neither necessary nor desired.

Applications/submissions are requested to submit their tender/application documents (technical & financial) proposals to Triggerise via mail by 21st November 2023 with the Subject name – Proposal Submission Onsite Data Verification Kenya

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