Les Margaret Awards for Women Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs

JFD is calling on women from Europe and Africa, engaged in bold technological bets that create disruptive innovations to change the world, to apply for les Margaret Awards, open to 3 categories: Entrepreneur, Intrapreneur and Junior.

JFD will reward women from Europe and Africa for their creativity, audacity and innovation through 3 award categories: Entrepreneur, Intrapreneur and Junior, each of which will include a European and African winner.


Les Margaret Awards is dedicated to women citizens of a European or African country who place innovation at the heart of their action and who have thus developed a digital project, in all sectors, that responds to one or several societal and environmental issues: a disruptive innovation that creates jobs and value for our economies.

Candidates can apply in 3 categories:

  • Entrepreneur: for female founders or co-founders of tech start-ups;
  • Intrapreneur: for women working for companies who have developed an innovative project in agreement with their employer while remaining employed;
  • Junior: for girls aged between 7 and 18 who have an idea, a concept, a start-up project that responds to a problem through the application of a technology or those who have developed a prototype (robot, game, app…) using one or several technologies.


The Margarets in the Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur categories will benefit from the JFD Acceleration Programme: media exposure worth €1 million for one year, speaking opportunities at major international events, digital equipment, coaching/mentoring sessions with JFD partners and funding.

The Margaret Juniors will receive tailored support for the development of their projects, digital equipment and a €1000 scholarship. They will also be mentored and coached by the JFD partners and will benefit from high media exposure.

For more information: https://www.joinjfd.com/en/jfd-opens-the-call-for-applications-for-les-margaret-awards-2023/

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