IUFRO Short Scientific Visit Grants

IUFRO offers grants for female early career scientists affiliated with IUFRO member organization in Africa, Asia and Latin America to conduct Short Scientific Visits overseas.

Amount provided through the grant: up to EUR 5 000

Target group: female early career scientists affiliated with IUFRO organizations

Early career scientists: scientists who have completed their MSc or higher degree in forestry or related fields, are 35 years old or younger, and who are locally affiliated with an institution of research and higher learning in their respective home country

Aim: To support their scientific visit to a forest research organization overseas

Topic to be addressed: Project proposals should address a topic of significance to IUFRO’s Post-2020 Strategy (https://www.iufro.org/discover/strategy/ ), in particular by addressing one or more of the five thematic areas defined in the strategy.

Required application documents:

  • Completed Short Scientific Grant Application form
  • Work plan outlining the details of the scientific visit, approved by host organization
  • Endorsement letter by applicant’s host organization
  • Endorsement by the applicant’s Head of Department
  • Curriculum vitae of applicant
  • Curriculum vitae of mentor
  • A short (no more than 3 minutes) video explaining the proposed project and expected outcome. The size of the video should be as small as possible.

How to submit the application: send the complete application in one pdf including all required application documents with a filename following the format “SSV_FirstnameLastnameCountry.pdf”
to IUFRO Headquarters (Mr. Daniel Boehnke; boehnke(at)iufro.org).

Application Deadline31 August 2022

For more information: https://www.iufro.org/science/special/spdc/sap/ssvgr22/

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