IPSA Travel Grants
The 2023 IPSA World Congress participants who live and work in developing countries and have a role in the Congress Program are eligible for travel grants.
Eligibility Requirements
- live, work or study in emerging or developing economies
- be citizens of emerging or developing economies
- have a role in the World Congress program (e.g., author, chair, discussant)
- attend the World Congress in person
IPSA Travel Grants include:
- a monetary grant based on the recipient’s geographical region;
- Latin America: $700 USD
- Africa: $1,000 USD
- Asia: $1,000 USD
- Europe: $1,000 USD
- complimentary registration to the World Congress;
- complimentary one-year IPSA membership.
Please note that grant funds will be issued to recipients at the Congress in Buenos Aires. No payments will be given in advance.
Application deadline: 22 March 2023.
For more information: https://www.ipsa.org/na/news/applications-travel-grants-now-open