Invitation to Tender: Supply and Delivery of Assorted IT Consumables

Tender 1 Ref No: FCA/12186/2021/MCF 001

Title: Supply & Delivery of Assorted IT Consumables.

Tender 2: FCA/12186/2021/MCF 002

Title: Uploading Content for subjects to tablets, classroom and learning management systems.


FCA is launching a “Local Open Tender” and invites interested suppliers in supplying of the following Tenders:

Tender 1 – Assorted IT Consumables.

  • Tablets.
  • Bluetooth Speakers.
  • Charging Trolleys
  • Routers

Tender 2 – Uploading content for subjects to tablets, classroom and learning management systems.

  • Uploading Digital CBC content.
  • Installation of digital classroom management system.
  • Installation of digital learning management system Bidding will be conducted through an open tender procedure.

All the goods are for a humanitarian project in implemented by FCA in Kalobeyei/Kakuma.

All goods to be delivered to FCA offices in Nairobi.

113 Muhoho Ave, Nairobi

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