Invitation to Tender: Evaluation of Boresha Mama Pilot: 2021 – 2022, FSD Kenya

The Trade facilitation Project (TFP) is a three-year project whose aim is to create market capacity and incentives to innovate trade solutions which deliver real value for the economy, enterprises and households. Transformation of the trade system in Kenya demands innovation. The type of innovation called for here seeks to create open systems capable of integrating the widest range of producers, suppliers, intermediaries, retailers and exporters. This type of innovation is not easy given the multiple dependencies and requires new approaches together with supporting infrastructure, expertise and regulation. The TFP has 5 components; Trade facilitation platform solutions, financial solutions for facilitating trade, inclusion of women and youth in trade, Inclusive export promotion solutions & Blue economy – LREB aquaculture value chain component

Within the inclusion of women and youth in trade component, is the Boresha Mama Pilot, jointly implemented by FSD Kenya, and TradeMark East Africa (TMEA). The pilot is an emergency response cash transfer project designed in 2021 to support vulnerable cross-border women traders in Busia County whose businesses were affected by COVID-19. Through this initiative, interventions targeting the most vulnerable cross border women traders were implemented in phases encompassing cash injections and patient capital offerings that were aimed at increasing their resilience and business continuity during and post COVID-19.

The pilot is currently in exit phase. FSD, therefore, seeks the services of a consultant(s) to evaluate the impact of Boresha Mama cash transfer pilot against Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Women Economic Empowerment Framework (Figure. 1) & to determine the potential relevance/importance of exogenous cash injections & patient capital offerings to MSEs during economic shocks, in this case COVID-19, when financial frictions were high.

Therefore, the Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSD Kenya) invites you to submit a tender for the above contract in accordance with the attached terms of reference and other supporting documents.

Bidders are expected to provide valid registration documents and documentation for tax compliance in their country of jurisdiction alongside their proposals. Failure to attach the above-mentioned documents will make the bidder unresponsive and will not be considered for evaluation.

FSD Kenya will undertake a due diligence assessment and screening of the preferred Bidder as part of background check and share a screening questionnaire to process screening. FSD Kenya reserves the right to proceed or reject Bidder(s) depending on the outcome of this assessment and consider the next ranked bidder. The findings of
this assessment will be kept confidential and used internally for the purposes of this evaluation.

FSD Kenya reserves the right to accept any tender (s) or to reject all tenders at any time. FSD Kenya also reserves the right to cancel this procurement at any point in time prior to award of the contract.

If you would like to lodge a complaint in regard to this procurement process, please write to referencing the title of this procurement. FSD Kenya procurement team will acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing within three (3) working days.

If you come across any issues of bribery, corruption or wrong doing on the part of FSD Kenya part during this procurement, please feel free to contact Ulla Balle, FSD Kenya Chief Operating Officer at or or


All information contained in this letter and attachments is provided on a strictly confidential basis solely for the use of bidders in connection with a competition for the supply of services for the above contract. It is a condition of this competition that bidders (and any sub-contractors) shall:

▪ take all reasonable measures to protect this confidentiality and avoid the unauthorized use, disclosure, publication, or dissemination of confidential information.
▪ not use this information other than for the purposes of preparation of a tender, and shall disclose it only to officers, directors, or employees on a specific need to know basis; and
▪ not disclose, publish or otherwise reveal any of the information contained herein except with the specific prior written authorization of FSD Kenya.

If you intend to submit a tender, you should send an acknowledgement as soon as possible via e-mail confirming (i) your intention to tender and (ii) agreement to the confidentiality condition set out above.

Deadline for receipt of tenders

Your tender must be received by17:00HRS, (East Africa Time), on 31st August 2022 and be valid for 6 months. Tenders received after the due time and date will not be accepted. Tenders should be submitted by e-mail using the addresses provided. If requested, an acknowledgement of safe receipt of tenders will be provided. You are
requested to submit your tender comprising of technical proposal and financial proposal separately. The proposals shall be submitted separately to the following addresses:

Technical Proposal:
With the following subject title: TECHNICAL PROPOSAL- EVALUATION OF BORESHA MAMA PILOT: 2021 – 2022

Financial Proposal:
With the following subject title: FINANCIAL PROPOSAL- EVALUATION OF BORESHA MAMA PILOT: 2021 – 2022

Under no circumstance are bidders to submit both technical and financial proposals as a single document, doing so will lead to disqualification.

If you have any clarification questions, please email us at no later than 22nd August 2022. Responses to clarification questions shall be sent on 24th August 2022. .

Read the full terms of reference at:

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