Concept and Proposal Development Facilitation – HIHEA

Reference Number: HIHEA/022-2023/EXEC

Task: Proposal Development

Type of Contract: Consultancy

Type of Selection: Individual / Lead consultant

Duration of the Contract: 20 days

Proposals submission close on: 17th October 2023

About Hand in Hand Eastern Africa (HIH EA)

Hand in Hand Eastern Africa (HIH EA) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) registered in Kenya. HiH EA is part of the Hand in Hand global network that has the shared goal of poverty alleviation through facilitating poorer communities to create sustainable enterprises and jobs. The organization works with vulnerable women, youth and men using a self-help model, enabling them to uplift themselves out of poverty through entrepreneurship.

HiH EA started operations in Kenya in October 2010 and is currently operating with 25 Field offices serving 34 Counties in Kenya. HIH EA has so far mobilized, trained, and is training over 350,000 members (80% women, 40% youth) who have created over 334,000 enterprises and over 450,000 jobs. Starting the year 2020 to date, at least 30% of the enterprises are being accelerated as individual enterprises or through value chain development. The strategic focus for 2023 -27 is to facilitate income change from below $2 a day to $8 a day.

HIH EA utilizes a 4-step enterprise model that entails seven training modules that starts with mobilizing self-help groups that act as savings groups, delivering enterprise skills through training, enhancing financial management as well as financial access and providing linkage to broader markets. While foregrounding entrepreneurship, the effort is blended with supporting themes that include practices that increase resilience to climate change, promote advocacy and human rights, gender mainstreaming, regenerative agriculture and circular economy among others. This is all aligned to our vision and mission as stated below:

Vision: An empowered and resilient society with sustainable enterprises and jobs.

Mission: To facilitate communities out of poverty through training and enterprise development


One of HIH EA strategic themes is circular economy – a special focus on waste management implemented in three key projects covering Mombasa and Nairobi counties with plans to expand to Kilifi, Kwale and Lamu Counties reaching over 10,000 women and men in waste related enterprises. The overarching goal of HIH EA waste related projects is to improve the quality of life of poor people while contributing to a cleaner and safer environment as the women and youth contribute to climate action.

Our waste related milestones

  • Collected 2,730 tons of waste
  • Mobilized and trained close to 10,000 individuals in waste management
  • Created over 2,500 waste related enterprises

The Proposal
In a bid to continue to position ourselves as a lead in enterprise creation, we have identified circular economy-waste management as one of the key drivers of sustainable job and enterprise development. As such we will be developing a full proposal to the Swedish Development Cooperation Agency for possible partnership and funding.

Overall goal of the Consultancy

HIH EA is seeking to onboard a consultant to support in the development of a full proposal to SIDA.

The Scope of work will be to:

  • Conduct internal/external desk analysis
  • Facilitate key stakeholder engagements including staff, community, Government to discuss expected key outcome areas
  • Facilitate development of the Theory of Change and Log frame for the proposal with a training/mentorship approach with HiH EA staff
  • Conceptualize the intended approach and help HiH EA see it clearly
  • Development of the full proposal in consultation with a select HiH EA core team
  • facilitate budget development for the proposal
  • Ensure that the tone, content, and design of the full proposal correspond to the requirements of SIDA Kenya strategic Priorities and HIH EA strategic and programmatic objectives

Key Deliverables

  • Inception report with agreed methodology and timelines
  • Full proposal with, theory of change, Log-frame and Budget
  • Process report for future engagement

The exercise should be so planned and executed to allow the submission of proposal by mid November 2023

Qualifications of the Consultant(s):

  • Master’s degree in related field
  • A record of accomplishment in providing a range of technical advice across a number of sectors.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of working on similar topics particularly in waste management, circular economy & climate action and be able to provide examples and references.
  • Demonstrate with evidence backed by previous work – ability to develop quality high-level proposal to various donors
  • Demonstrate success rate of proposals develops with live examples
  • At least 7 years’ experience in the development of successful high value proposals
  • Record of accomplishment in projects on eco-prenuership, circular economy-waste management, gender inclusion, climate change resilience, market developments and financial inclusion.
  • Capacity to work with a multi-sector team and coordinate technical input into proposal.
  • Capacity to conduct workshops with HIH EA staff, partner organizations and local stakeholders and compile input into proposal remotely.
  • Ability to work rapidly with staff in the HQ and field staff directly and remotely in writing the proposal and where necessary revising the proposal(s).
  • Good program design skills, including capacity to prepare logical, coherent and consistent proposal with related budget and log frames.

Anti-Corruption and Safeguarding

Hand in Hand Eastern Africa strives to fight corrupt practices within its operations and the same is expected of its vendors, contractors and service providers. HiH EA staff are therefore prohibited from accepting any gift/s, consideration or benefit/s of any kind which may constitute illegal or corrupt practices, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement or reward for the award of a contract.

HiH EA and all its employees undertake to create a safe environment for our members and to prevent any form of exploitation or abuse. We are committed to acting in the best interest of our member’ and any willing vendor, contractor or service provider is required to commit and comply with our position on safeguarding.

How to Apply

The proposal should be submitted via email: specifying the reference number as the email subject by or before end of day Tuesday, 17th October 2023. The submissions should contain the profile of the consultant, an outline of the methodology, duration (work days) and financial proposition for the cost of the assignment in Kenya shillings, inclusive of taxes. The entire proposal document should not exceed 10 pages.

For more information about Hand in Hand Eastern Africa, please visit:

HIH EA does NOT condone any form of corrupt practices. Please report complaints via toll free number 0800721347

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