Global Landscapes Forum: Restoration Stewards


The Restoration Stewards program will support five young restoration professionals and their teams to further develop their restoration projects and raise awareness among their local communities about the importance of ecosystem restoration and healthy landscapes.


The year-long program will provide funding, mentorship, and training.


The Restoration Stewards will receive support from experts to take the project to the next level, as well as opportunities for professional development. They will receive a grant of 5000 Euros to develop their restoration project while meeting the following objectives:

  • Seek and carry out training activities to improve understanding of the landscape approach, and about the relevant ecosystem
  • Run a minimum of two GLFx events to engage their local community
  • Coordinate with the GLF team for active social media engagement
  • Create one story every two months about the progress made in the project.
  • Meet with, and update on a regularly basis, the GLF team and the assigned mentor about the project’s progress


Anyone between the age of 18 and 35 years old who has initiated a restoration project in any of the following ecosystems: forest, mountains, oceans, wetlands, dry lands/rangelands.

Preferred but not mandatory are projects:

  • Run by a person, a youth-led NGO, or a group of young people who are either local, Indigenous or nationals of the country in which the restoration project operates;
  • That are already in early stages of development, and have been running for a minimum of one year.

For application and more details visit;

The application deadline is 31 July 2021

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