Eligibility Criteria
Proposals are required to meet a set of minimum eligibility criteria to be able to be considered for evaluation. The eligibility criteria are as follows:
- In case of early-stage proposals, the applicant should submit a clear timeline of activities up to finalization of the proposal, and effectively be available and achievable within a time frame.
- Each individual submission should clearly state the focus area by selecting the most applicable category in the application form.
- The description of the intervention should not be written in a promotional tone, but use neutral, factual language.
A maximum of twelve winners will be given the opportunity to present their innovative solution to a large audience during the Global Call award ceremony and will benefit from ad hoc promotional and networking support provided by the organization.
For any clarification or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us: globalcall2021@fcarchitects.org
For more details and registration: https://www.unido.org/global-call-itpos
Applications must be received latest 02 August 2021