Global Agriculture and Food Security Program

The Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) Steering Committee has launched its sixth GAFSP Call for Proposals and is currently accepting proposals for grant funding for new

  1. Country-led and
  2. Producer Organization-led projects in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic. This funding will support medium- to long-term COVID-19 response efforts for a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient recovery of agriculture and food systems in a changing climate.
  • The Country-led modality aims to fund projects that support eligible countries to address priority public sector investments and enable private sector development opportunities in line with country-owned agricultural investment plans.
  • The Producer Organization-led modality builds on the experience of the Missing Middle Initiative (MMI) pilot to strengthen the institutional capacities of Producer Organizations as key economic players in the value chain.


The GAFSP Steering Committee expects to allocate an indicative amount of US$125 million to the 5-8 highest-ranked Country-led proposals, and approximately US$25 million in funding to 8-10 successful Producer Organization-led proposals. The Steering Committee intends to make allocation decisions at the end of 2021

For all details:

Deadline: September 8, 2021

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