Event: Impacts on Universal Health Coverage in Africa

This event is co-hosted by the World Health Organization (as part of the Health Systems Governance and Financing series), CGD, The Collectivity, Global Financing Facility, The Global Network for Health Financing and Social Health Protection, P4H and features CGD expert Y-Ling Chi.

Prior to the pandemic, several African countries were in the process of extending their universal health coverage (UHC, or Couverture Sanitaire Universelle-CSU- in French) provisions. The pandemic did not jeopardize the UHC’s objectives; on the contrary, the crisis could be seen as a strong argument for accelerating our efforts. However, it must be recognized that crisis management has disrupted political processes in many countries and that the economic downturn will affect funding for UHC plans.

This webinar will take the form of a collective reflection on the new challenges created by the COVID crisis for the UHC agenda. Together, we will try to identify strategies to overcome them and thus stay the course. The presentation will be made in French. It will be followed by a question-and-answer session and a collective reflection on the lessons learned. For more details: https://www.cgdev.org/event/covid-19

Event date: May 20, 2021 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm Brussels Time

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