Endline Evaluation of the Strengthening Business Orientation of Smallholder Farmers (SBOSH) Project


CARE International in Kenya

Founded in 1945, CARE is a leading global humanitarian and development organization fighting poverty. CARE International in Kenya has been working in partnership with Development and relief Organizations, the private sector, and Government of Kenya since 1968 and is currently under the direct management of CARE US. We seek a world of hope, tolerance, and social justice where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security. CARE commenced its humanitarian programme in Kenya in 1968. Since then, we have built a substantial development and humanitarian program including refugee operations, emergency response, livelihoods, food security, climate change adaption, sexual reproductive and maternal health, women and girls’ economic empowerment, and youth employability. CARE Kenya’s mission is to reduce poverty at the household level and to provide relief in emergencies.

SBOSH Project

CARE International in Kenya in partnership with GIZ and CARE Germany, is implementing a three-year financial inclusion and economic empowerment project aimed at Strengthening Business Orientation of Smallholder farmers (SBOSH), in the dairy and sweet potato value chains. The current Phase is targeting to work with 2,000 smallholder Dairy and 5,000 Sweet potato value chain farmers in Siaya, Bungoma and Kakamega Counties. The project Interventions include Capacity building of 5,000 sweet potato farmers on VSLA methodology, Financial Literacy skills training to 2,000 farmers in the dairy value chain and Agri-preneuership skills training to 1,200 select farmers. To effectively support in implementation of project activities, CARE Kenya will engage services of 21 Community Based Trainers (CBT), through already registered Apex association (CBO) of CBTs across the three Counties.


CARE Kenya is seeking services of a reputable consulting firm, to undertake end of project evaluation, that will entail individual interviews with beneficiaries, focused group discussions and Key Informant Interviews with implementing partners and project stakeholders, in Siaya, Bungoma and Kakamega counties.

Overall Objective.

The overall objective of the Consultancy is to undertake a comprehensive endline evaluation of the project success against the outcome indicators, through both quantitative and qualitative interviews, targeting direct project beneficiaries, implementing partners, stakeholders including relevant government ministries, in Siaya, Bungoma and Kakamega Counties.

Specific Objectives.

  • To undertake desktop review of project documents and identify key outcomes for formulation of survey tool.
  • To develop survey tools for individual interviews, FGD and KII.
  • To engage and train enumerators to undertake the assessment.
  • To Pretest the survey tools.
  • To Undertake the field interviews.
  • To Share the endline evaluation report in soft copy with CARE Kenya.


The study shall include both quantitative (pre-formatted closed ended structured questionnaires), for Household interviews, and qualitative (use semi-structured focus group discussion (FGD) guides and Key Informant Interview (KII) targeting VSLAs, Dairy Cooperatives, implementing partners and key stakeholders, in Siaya, Bungoma and Kakamega. The exercise will involve review of secondary data, the consultant is expected to work with project team, for the required project documents.


The following deliverables are expected from the consultant.

Inception report

The inception report shall outline the scope of work and timelines. The first inception report to be presented on the inception meeting and the reviewed report within 3 days of the inception meeting. The inception report and meeting will provide CARE Kenya with opportunity confirm if the consultant share same understanding and interpretation of the TOR and implementation schedule.

Draft Comprehensive report

The draft consultancy report, addressing the TOR should be produced in English for CARE Kenya to provide feedback within 5 after conclusion of field data collection.

Report Validation

The consultant is expected to undertake report presentation at a validation workshop of stakeholders to be organized by CARE Kenya, within 10 Days after receiving report review input form CARE Team.

The final report

The final report will be produced within 5 days after the validation workshop, incorporating feedback from stakeholders, including those from CARE team.


Responsibility of –Consultant

  • Prepare and present in power point (PPT) the inception report to CARE Kenya. The report should demonstrate the consultants’ understanding of the assignment, the detailed breakdown of activities and training program.
  • Undertake review of the project documents and prepare comprehensive survey tools addressing the specific project outcome indicators.
  • Recruit and train enumerators/Research assistants across the project sites (Siaya, Bungoma and Kakamega Counties).
  • Prepare the endline assessment report for input by CARE team.
  • Present the endline report at a validation workshop of stakeholders.
  • To incorporate input from the validation workshop and share the final report with CARE Kenya.
  • Provide detailed budget, work plan, outlining relevant documents required from CARE Kenya.
  • Prepare share soft copies of the final survey report and associated tools with CARE Kenya.

Responsibility of –CARE Kenya

  • Provide any information that may be required by the consultant during implementation of the assignment
  • Participate in decision making according to consultant tasks above and be available for consultation as needed
  • Review draft report and provide feedback.
  • Provide logistical support during the engagement period on need basis.
  • Facilitate payment as specified in the contract document.


CARE Kenya is looking for experienced Consultant(s) who is/con work in collaboration with teams.

The Consultant(s) should possess the following qualifications.

  • At least degree level qualification with a bias in finance/accounting /HR options.
  • Extensive experience in organization capacity building assignments.
  • Knowledgeable on government of Kenya compliance requirements for local institutions.
  • Excellent communication, reporting and presentation skills in English.
  • Knowledge of CIK work, or other international NGO’s (desirable).


Proposed timeline

The Consultant(s) is expected to be completed the exercise by 11th /07/2022, starting off from 9th/06/2022.

Inception meeting with project team and Project quality, leaning and Accountability (PQLA) Manager 1 Hour June 9th, 2022
Detailed inception report including detailed work plan, sharing with the project team for review 3 days after the Inception meeting. June 13th, 2022
Training of Enumerators. 3 days June 10th to 14th, 2022.
Field data collection 5 days June 15th to 21st 2022.
Data cleaning and 1st draft report preparation. 5 days June 22nd to 27th, 2022.
Review of the draft report by CARE team. 3 days June 28th to 30th, 2022.
Presentation of the report to stakeholders for validation 1 day July 6th, 2022
Sharing of the final report incorporating all comments from stakeholders. 3 days July 8th to 11th, 2022.


All costs inclusive of taxes should be included in the quoted budget outline by the consultant. Including the accommodation, transport, and communication expenses.


The Program Quality, Learning and Accountability Manager will be the technical lead in the exercise. The consultant will report to Program Manager-SBOSH, who will also be the contact to the consultant(s) and ensure access to requisite documents and other support needed to facilitate work of the consultant.

The CIK will provide support during county visits, including introduction of the consultant to relevant County government departments and other stakeholders in the project area.


Prospective individual consultant or consulting firm are expected to submit technical and financial proposals in English, including the following:

  • Profile of consultant/consulting firm, a clear demonstration of previous experience in organization capacity building.
  • Expression of Interest (EOI) outlining how the consultant meets the selection criteria and their understanding of the TORs. Proposed activities of schedule/ work plan with timelines
  • Financial proposals including consultant fees and field costs
  • Short cover letter stating interest and availability
  • Professional CV / Resume of the consultant(s) who will undertake the evaluation
  • Three Professional References
  • Two recent examples of similar consultancy undertaken by the applicant.
  • Submission of at least one (1) previous report from one of these consultancies should be included in the submission
  • Statutory compliance documents.

Please email your application to KEN.bids@care.org by 30-May 2022 by 17:00hrs EAT. Please use “SBOSH ENDLINE EVALUATION CONSULTANCY” as the subject title of your email. Incomplete applications will not be considered, and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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