Consultant Needed: Content Editor for Chatbot Project
SOS Children’s Villages International is developing new ICT project based on AI/chatbot technology to support the Learning and Development of the caregivers of our programs. We are looking for short term external consultant to support various content editing and knowledge-base development tasks for the project as per the following tasks and conditions.
Tasks and Deliverables
- Collect training and learning content from team of care program development experts in various parenting areas.
- Edit and proofread the content provided by the experts’ team and simplify its’ language to be on an easily understandable level.
- Transform the collected content to become on a form of meaningful Q&As to build multiple comprehensive knowledge-base for the integration in the system.
- Develop multiple synonyms formulations for the Q&As simulating different human beings interaction with the chatbot.
- Analyze users’ unanswered questions as generated by the system and validate the existence of matching answers in the knowledge-base.
- Map users’ unanswered questions with existing appropriate answers in the knowledge-base
- Compile list of unanswered questions where no qualifying answer exists in the knowledge-base and submit it to the content experts’ team for feedback.
- Update the knowledge-base with the new/revised questions based on the content performance check.
Qualifications and Competencies
- Proven experience on adults training on areas of Child and Youth Care development.
- Proven experience on communication tasks including editing, proofreading, correspondence writing and formal external communication materials.
- Proven knowledge with NGOs sector, program development, child welfare, child safeguarding topics and policies.
- Advanced English skills.
- Advanced ICT Skills especially in Microsoft Excel.
- Performance and deliverables oriented.
Work Effort and Duration:
- This consultancy is based on 8-10 hours per week for a duration of 9 months.
- Remote/online. The consultant will be fully responsible of arranging the necessary ICT tools and connectivity directly on her/his side to fulfil the tasks of the consultancy.
Interested candidates should submit their CVs as well as sample of their work to the email by June 30, 2021.